Is it worth watching?

I like Cruise, he seems a decent fella, and many of his films.

I never saw the original, now rather clichéd 80's gay-ish TG (RIP Tony Scott), but saw the trailer for this sequel, and in the making of which I understand Tom to have trained and flown as a passenger with actual fighter pilots.


The ending is lame. I am glad I skipped seeing it in a theater now with knowing I was going to buy the dvd also. It wasn't worth paying $50 total to see it.


Yes. Especially compared to what other blockbusters today look like. It is fun, well made and a well balanced mix of PC and nonPC. It is not, as someone mentioned, Oscar-worthy, but it is good - to my own astonishment, since I didn't expect it to be.


I saw it on Paramount+ just before my sub ran out. It wasn't too shabby! Quite reminiscent of the first one in ways.
