Watched it last nite
shareI'm waiting for the dvd to come out to see it. I knew I was going to buy it so I skipped the theater. I can't afford theater and dvd buying together any more.
sharewell, it's definitely a big screen style movie. don't they have cheap Tuesday discounts or similar where you are?
I think I saw it for $5.80 on bargin day
Who can watch a two hour movie without popcorn and drink. Here it brings the total to $22. The dvd cost only $20.
shareMovie Portal
shareI do, BECAUSE im not paying $10 for a small popcorn, and $8 for a cup of drink.
share3-pack of Budweiser tall boys $7.50, bag of pretzels $3.00.
Do you buy movie tickets on Ebay? I used to do that for years.
Last week I was at Universal Studios Hollywood (I didn't go inside the park) they have a dining/entertainment section "Citywalk" and there's an AMC theater. $20 a ticket. Those are the La z boy recliner seats, but so what. I had some Ebay AMC Black tickets I bought for 10/11 bucks before the pandemic. Also, to park at this place, you have prepay $30, keep your receipt, pay for your movie, then AMC gives you $25 cash on the spot. un fucking believable. The movie let out about 11:00 pm. Saturday night. The place was like a ghost town, no one spending money anywhere. Last time I went there was probably like 4 years ago.
I have bought from them before and at times I buy from Redbox dvd if I see one I want to watch but forgot about it and now it is a old movie.$3.99 for dvd .
shareDVD? Grandad