MovieChat Forums > Top Gun: Maverick (2022) Discussion > Theory on Top Gun’s Success

Theory on Top Gun’s Success

It’s only a matter of time now until things swing back the other way and men are once again interested in earning money, driving fast cars, and banging hot women. The woke aspects of culture have pushed society too far, and the country’s remaining sane people are sick of it. It’s not enough to yearn for the superficial aspects of the 1980s…we want the lifestyle, too. Oh, and before I forget, another huge reason that the movie is doing well is because IT’S FUCKING AWESOME.


LA is an insane place. The woke agenda is primarily pushed down from lager corporations like the media and film industry. Basically from the same backers / stakeholders and are spreading like a virus. Its extremely promote in Greater Los Angeles. If you don't follow the same agenda you are cancelled, fired or blocked.
The fear factor is so great that most succumb to the pressure and become woke driving forces themselves.
The hatred is primarily directed at white men.




No one outside of internet right wing circlejerks gives a fuck about a movie being "wOkE" (aka diverse) or not. It's about IPs and movie stars.


If that’s true, then how do you explain the recent vitriol toward the “white privilege” line in Lorenzo’s Oil: Part II?


* How are you going to earn money in a society which aims to enforce race\gender quotas?

* How are you going to drive fast cars in a society which aims to abolish or, at the very least, limit private car ownership?

* How are you going to bang hot women in a society which demonizes "maleness"?

It's not enough to want to see good movies. You have to be politically active enough to turn the tide.
