There IS no other alternative to this whole crap-fest other than to have her gone...

She is clearly sticking by and supporting that abuser of a husband and after the women of The Talk voiced their concerns for the women he abused, I don't think it would have been easy for any of them to sit with her...

She is disgraced and of course she won't come back to announce it...her words on tape are going to sound pretty trite....


It'll only be a matter of time before the divorce papers are filed...


Oooh, do you think so?

I just saw her taped message...the whole spending time to be the with family is the easy way out...she still won't acknowledge her husband's misdeeds...


Yup. She's humiliated and probably waiting for the dust to settle a bit before taking action. It's even harder having a kid in the mix. I bet she's been throwing dishes left and right since the second story came out. As much of a biatch as she was I'll miss her. No more "but first"'s. :(

Sounded like she was low-key revealing Carrie Ann Inaba as her replacement. Hire her and Carnie STAT!


I'll bet Les has been showering her with lots of expensive jewellery from the money he shouldn't have been paid in the first place what with learning of his misdeeds which came to light about two months ago at can't come and tell me they cut off his funds...right...the cheques probably kept coming...


I can't believe he's still an adviser to the network. If he's out he should be out completely.

If I were Julie every time I looked at him the details from the second article would turn my stomach.


Yeah I can't believe he's still got his you know what in the door...I won't say foot because that's not the part he used to his advantage...

Julie must be embarrassed because now everyone knows what he likes, if you get my drift...


What happens to all these celebrities after they exit the door of shame? Not asking in a concerned way because they all seemed to deserve what they got. Curious what they do with their lives. Do they work?


If they're like Les and have plenty of $$$ they don't have to work another day in their life.

The only celebrity who was wrongly exited out the door of shame was Billy Bush. Billy was wrong not to correct him but Trump was the disgusting creep bragging about sexual assaults and he gets to be President! It's crazy.
