Profane language in the series

This series has an interesting concept that I would have enjoyed viewing. However the use of the F word turned me away from the show. The use of bad lsnguage adds nothing to the show. Do the producers realize how many viewers they are losing?


The f word is used all over the world, every day! It is part of natural language. For those that don't like it, get over yourselves!



I agree completely: Harsh language = way more disgusting than, for instance GENOCIDE!

OP! PLEASE watch something else. Thank you.


Do the producers realize how many viewers they are losing?

How many?

Please tell us how you came up with your answer.

Brevity is the soul of wit.


Oh, for f_u_c_k's sake!


Probably just you.


Aww, boobies and no-no words - murican tragedy. Even Jesus had to swear from time to time.


With the amount of horrific violence and degradation of the human soul this show portrays (as it should), I am surprised to see/hear you concerned about profanity.

It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing ξ‚•.



18 replies to a troll's thread. I suppose it won't be considered a successful troll unless it reaches 2 pages worth of replies 
