MovieChat Forums > Civil War (2024) Discussion > Violence towards each other from both si...

Violence towards each other from both sides

War was not going for some 40 years for everyone to start hating each other. It felt like war is for 1-2 years. Yet everyone were shooting everyone so easily and with such disregard. Even those poor workers like secretaries at the white house.
No one was taking prisoners at all. Civilians were shot left and right. When war is almost over and everyone will just go live their life once new political order will start ruling.


Garland is a hack. He just thinks "violence bad" and doesn't consider the nuance, specific struggles or meaning behind anything.

He's the 1770s loyalists who wanted "the rebels" to shut up and stop being so violent.

He's the 1850s person who thought people were getting "too riled up" about the slavery question.

He's the 1960s "white moderate" who thought bought sides of the civil rights movement were bad and too disruptive.

He's the '68-'72 Nixon voter who were tired of all the strong protests over the Vietnam war.

He's the 2016 "They're the same because one is a wannabe dictator and the other SEEMS corrupt because i don't understand law"

He's the 2021 "Well one side tried to coup the government, but the other put black/gay people in my movies so they're the same"

Garlanites hate uncomfortable questions.
Garlanites hate actually learning subjects.
Garlanites hate anything critical of the status quo.
Galanites hate justice.
Galanites hate objective reasoning and morality
Galanites hate picking sides when they matter.
Galanites love peace at the expense of others.
Galanites love easy questions.
Galanites love politics when it's simple.


You can't be taken seriously after sayig the january 6 was a coup to the government or that Trump is a wannabe dictator 🤦 Why exactly?


what are you, retarded? pay the fuck attention


If you think 4 freaks without guns can make a coup to the government I think you have several brain damages.


Yes, he is retarded ... you really needed to ask?


Did you miss the part where Trump tried to force Pence to overturn the election certification?


Because there was election fraud, it's logical Trump tried to overturn the election certification. It was Pence the coward bitch of the establishment. That day USA changed from a democracy to a Banana Republic.


So you're okay with a coup as long as you think there was election fraud?


That wasn't a coup. If you think 4 freaks without guns can make a coup to a government (the USA government no less!) you have several brain damages.

A coup happened in Spain in 1939. A coup happened in Chile in 1977. Learn a bit about History and polítics before talking, please.


This isn't the case at all. Look up what a bloodless coup is. Trump tried to unlawfully seize power and unsuccessfully coerce officials into trying to overturn the election.

Honest question though, would you have been okay with Trump ruling in this way? By getting Pence to throw out the certification and entering back into the white house?


Of course, because there was election fraud, as all the news (and much more) I posted prove. I correct you: "Trump tried LAWFULLY to seize power".

Trump was the president elected, not Biden, and the left is so nervous now because it looks this november they won't be able to make fraud again.


Stupid is as stupid does. You do stupid very well.


Who is the president of USA now? Can you say it, I am all ears :)


The authoritarian who's gunning for an 3rd term, exactly as the one in this film did, big ears.


Excellent response. Extra point for the petty big ears bit.


Thanking you with a Chef's kiss. Sometimes I get one right.


So the dozens (at least!) of court challenges alleging corruption that were thrown out for lack of evidence were part of some conspiracy? The massive settlements to voting machine makers over baseless claims of corruption?

There was no corruption. Your guy lost.


of course, the judicial system in USA IS crooked and has been 8 years now trying to throw Trump out ( and they still can't). Here you have the proof there were election fraud:

And like this there are dozens and dozens of cases that proove the demócrats made fraud. Anyway, this november republicans are prepared and demócrats won't be able to make fraud, you Will have to cry when Donald is elected president AGAIN :P


The study was based on data obtained from a Heartland/Rasmussen survey in December that revealed that roughly one in five mail-in voters admitted to potentially fraudulent actions in the presidential election

You want more?


"I'm MAGA so I'm cool with whatever bullshit Trump pulls, no matter how fucked up. lol pwn teh libs."


"I am demócrat so I am cool with whatever bullshit Biden pulls, no Matter how fucked Up"

Trump hasn't pulled any fucked Up bullshit btw, that's just a delírium of people like you.


Your man is literally a convicted felon and a fraudster. As for Biden, why do you think the Democrats allow him to do whatever he wants? He gets protested by the left like every day lol


He is gonna win anyway in november, because, as you would know If you knew the constituion, even in prison a candidate can be choosen president. Sentencing him is just giving him more power, making him a martyr, like Nelson Mandela.

Biden is dead and Trump is the only other option, so cry all you want but he is winning again in november.


? Whay does that have to do with him being a convicted felon and fraudster?


That he will be equally choosen president. Those are all "crimes" made up by the democrats in a desperated and useles effort to stop him. Biden and his son are much worse corrupt pedophiles and haven't even been processed because the FBI is with the democrats covering all his crimes (for now).


Are Galanites Democrats?


It looks so 😂


Most civil wars represent a "boiling over" of hostilities that took years, decades or even longer to reach. I don't think its necessarily a stretch for any civil war to result in a lot of brutality.

What I found less compelling was the willingness of large parts of the country to give up the luxuries and conveniences they'd still have if they weren't fighting a civil war. Modern authoritarian governments have found that decent employment and ample consumer goods largely drains away insurrectionist impulses. You might be willing to put a Trump sticker or even flag on your SuperDuty, but are you willing to give up your SuperDuty, air conditioning, etc. to fight in Trump's revolution?


If there is an insurrection it will probably be from the left side, not Trump side, as we have seen in all the violence and riots made by them in the last years.


It's amazing you can put 2 words together with Trump's dick in your mouth... Oh wait... your words are not coherent. :-P


It's amazing you can put 2 words together with Biden cock in your mouth, Oh sorry, he is already dead and can't even have an erection :P

Cry all you want, Trump will be your president again this november :)


Wow... Amazing... Your best rebuttal is "I know you are but what am I?"


Oh so the BLM riots which destroyed full cities were made by Trump? It's amazing the deliriums people like you have.

It's also amazing how the best you can say is a dick "joke", show the incredible IQ of the people who votes for that mummy.


...says the guy with permanent orange tanning spray stains around his mouth from sucking Trump's deformed shroom on a daily basis since 2015.


That's all you can say? Your IQ is even lower of what looked, amazing. Can you even eat alone or you need help?
