I know Mercury had kind of buck teeth, but in the trailer, the actor looks ridiculous and obviously wearing fake plastic teeth. He looks like a caricature of Mercury, but if you take away the silly teeth there is no resemblance whatsoever.
I've seen some stills from 'Bohemian Rhapsody.' I thought that there was a fair resemblance. I didn't realise that Freddie Mercury was a short person. Rami Malek looks so short in the pictures. But I've just checked that Freddie Mercury was just about the same height as Malek.
Hey Queen just wanted to hear your thoughts on The RED HOT Aquaman tracking disastrously Low between 40 to 60 Million?
Boy talk about Bracing for takeoff huh?
tracking this low proves just as I said, Theres no hype or goodwill going into Aquaman after the disaster that was Justice League and after a year and 1/2 of nothing but Negative DCEU news....
If Aquaman is going to become RED HOT....Just as I said its going to have to happen IN SPITE of The DCEU and its awful Baggage...
at this point, The only thing that can Help Aquaman is Aquaman itself.....If this film is going to succeed, The Hype is going to have to come from The quality of the film and great reviews....
thoughts on WW84 being delayed to reportedly rework the movie to add The "Flashpoint" point story so WW can go back in time and change the timeline so they can reboot the DCEU, recast most of the characters, reboot most of The movies and keep the lone successful DCEU character Wonder Woman?
lol Affleck out as Batman, Reeves recasting and rebooting
Cavil out as Superman, WB not making any Superman films anytime soon instead focusing on Supergirl
Suicide Squad 2 DEAD, Instead Rebooted by James Gunn
Wonder Woman 84 delayed to Rewrite and Reshoot parts of the movie so they can REBOOT and ERASE Snyder's DCEU continuity
basically Hilariously somehow it got worse?
You would think theres not much worse that could happen than 4 out 5 the DCEU films failing So horrifically that It KILLS the DCEU in 5 years, that WB decides to recast and reboot all major roles and movies....
but impossibly it got worse....its not enough to END the DCEU, Its not enough for The DCEU to be DEAD....Nope, WB is literally ERASING it from existence....lol Literally delaying A Movie so they can add a storyline that Literally erases Snyders Disastrous Reign from existence....
I would predict that the reviews and buzz leading up to Aquaman's release will create fever-pitch buzz and you will see an opening domestically of at least 135 million and will play much like Jumanji did last Christmas and beyond.
If they are retrofitting WW1984 to forge a new universe it sounds smart to me. DC Films and WB are on the verge of an insanely hot run starting with Aquaman and running for years to come.
I would predict that the reviews and buzz leading up to Aquaman's release will create fever-pitch buzz and you will see an opening domestically of at least 135 million and will play much like Jumanji did last Christmas and beyond.
Dear Lord that means your now predicting Aquaman to make over 900 Million to 1 Billion dollars domestically? Just Domestically
because If you are correct If Aquaman Opens to 135 Million and "Plays Like Jumanji" that would mean Aquaman would have X8 Multiplier....which would result in around 900 Million + domestically....
do you even think before posting you gigantic idiot....
Jumanji Opened to 36 Million....It then went on to have incredible holds resulting in a little over 400 Million + domestic....
Its IMPOSSIBLE for Aquaman to "Play like Jumanji" if it opens to 135 Million.....
that would mean Aquaman would need to have A 135 Million dollar OW
Then A 2nd weekend of 155 Million +(Considering Jumanji Went UP 40% in its 2nd weekend)
Aquaman Man's 3rd weekend would need to be around 125 Million (considering Jumanji's 3rd weekend only fell 25%)
you get the point right?
you basically Just Picked Aquaman to have a Better Domestic Run than Star Wars 7....
In fact you just predicted Aquaman to have the greatest Domestic run of all time....
to open to 135 Million....and then have Jumanji type Holds.......lol good luck with that....again that equals a X8 Multiplier and total gross over 1Billion domestically for Aquaman...
Queen, Films cant open that high and have those kind of holds....
If your expecting "Jumanji Type Holds"....Then you need Aquaman to open somewhere between 40 to 50 Million...
If there is A film to have A "Jumanji Type run"....Its actually The Disney film Mary Poppins Returns, which is opening on the same exact date as Jumanji....and Is already being predicted By boxoffice.com to have A Jumanji type run....
They are predicting a 45 Million OW for MPR and Excellent holds resulting in a 350
Million + domestic total ....
see the difference queen....They understand box office....
They predicted A Lower Opening weekend which Makes Jumanji type Holds Possible....
lol Instead you Puked up An Impossible 135 Million + OW and then Predicted Jumanji Holds....
Difference....Your Prediction would be the greatest Box office run in History resulting in a 1 Billion + dollar Domestic total...
Bo.com....Instead based their prediction on History, and are predicting MPR to open similar to Jumanji and then have Jumanji type holds
you've made a lot of awful predictions queen....but this may be your worst...
I mean dear lord...Your now in a position where Aquaman literally has to have the greatest domestic run of all time and gross near 1 Billion just to Live up to your expectations and prediction....
If they are retrofitting WW1984 to forge a new universe it sounds smart to me. DC Films and WB are on the verge of an insanely hot run starting with Aquaman and running for years to come.
yes but theres one inescapable problem .....
thats means The DCEU failed, Is DEAD and Films Like Justice League that you relentlessly defended were in fact disasters which WB is Now wanting nothing to do with !
While I agree, The future certainly has to be brighter for WB now they are going in a completely new direction and are recasting and rebooting Everything!
but in order to admit that or in your case to troll by saying "DC Films and WB are on the verge of an insanely hot run starting with Aquaman and running for years to come.".....you have to admit and acknowledge The DCEU failed and 4 of the 5 Films failed....
again for you its a catch 22....
Its very possible The future could be bright....But that Bright Future might only exist from complete and utter failure!
and that has to be difficult for you considering the time you spent defending Justice League...
PS....when you say Insanely Hot Run?
are you talking like An insanely hot run similar to Disney/The MCU's last 3 years....which truly is the hottest box office run in History, most recently topped off with The Greatest Box office Year in CBM History in 2018 with 3 films topping 4 Billion WW?
is that the kind of run your talking about?
Please do research before answering and fully understand what The actual stats are from This historic run from 2016 to Now and the last 8 MCU films...
I'd hate for you to just Throw out a "Yes" without fully understanding just what kind of an INSANE HOT run it is....
From what I saw in the trailer, I thought they looked pretty accurate to the real Freddie's teeth. He was known to have been very self-conscious about them. I heard his longtime boyfriend say in an interview once that he loved the times that Freddie let go and laughed and didn't care who saw his teeth.
I just watched the movie and the teeth looked very accurate. Saying they looked fake is like saying Mercurys own teeth looked fake. Mercury had huge buck teeth. Get over it.