Do you think he was lying?

Now, I’m a huge fan of paranormal anything, but something just didn’t sit right with me in this. For me, this film’s high note was around the moment they accused Daniel of lying. That’s when he became less boisterous and kind of bottled up, but then they moved on as it is was all factual. What? Why?

Full Review


I don't think he was technically lying because I think that he believes this stuff happened and he thinks that George, who he already hated, was to blame.

I felt really sorry for him. He seems quite troubled. He believes this happened and so many people think that it didn't. I think that's why he was so upset by the lie detector question. To him, will you take a lie detector test = you are a liar.

I also kind of felt like he was misled about what they would be talking to him about. I think he thought it would just be him telling his story, I don't think that he thought that anyone would question him on things or not believe him. Whether that's them not being completely honest with him or just him making assumptions, I don't know. But he's so sensitive to being questioned that I don't think he'd want to do this had he known about the parts of people saying that the story wasn't true.
