What is with people saying that very thing you just did - that Danny feeling he didn't get enough interviews as a kid means George Lutz was abusive? So sick of this wicked step-parent nonsense. I have met plenty of kids who had perfectly decent step-parents and just couldn't get over not having their REAL parent around, so they blamed everything that ever went wrong in their lives on the step-parent and dragged that person's name unfairly through the mud at every opportunity. Danny Lutz is clearly STILL an obnoxious brat, so I don't find it hard to believe he was just that obnoxious back then. Blended families are a reality, and plenty of them provide a better life for a kid than the genetic parent would have- but kids can be selfish little jerks, can't they? And they can grow up into attention-hungry pricks, too, if no one sets them straight in time.
It is hard to believe his stories of abuse when he was so clearly lying about everything else.
To everyone saying Danny not getting interviewed at the age of 10 means George Lutz was a wicked stepfather, please seek counseling. I promise, your real daddy loved you very much and he probably just knew he couldn't take proper care of you.