Danny is so full of *beep*

How can a grown man in his late 40's recall in sure belief the crazy amount of detail and recall word for word with such certainty things that happened over 30 years ago. He convinced me he was full of shot once he mentioned witnessing his step dad telekinetically moving things and ever time he says, "why do you make me remember this *beep* as he smiles and continues on in complete certainty. What a piece if *beep* for wasting good film time for a quick buck. Loser is his name and *beep* is his game.


I hate to sound like a dime story psychiatrist, but this guy is obviously emotionally damaged. And not from ghosts or demons, but first by a divorce that of course dramatically changed his life. And then by his stepfather who I believe is the main cause of the damage here.

I think that he now believes the place was haunted, you live with this lie from an early age and here you are now well past middle age. The stories are just to fantastical, I'm sorry, he's making it up. He's remembering things either the way he wants to or the way he was told they happened. Even when he recollects conversations, he makes it sound like his ten year old self sounded like an angry man in his 40's when he's talking to adults. He makes it seem like he was in control but no one was believing him. He has anger towards his mother, his stepfather, any adult figure in his life.

But in the end, as unlikable as he is, I believe him when he talks about abuse and neglect. I sincerely think this is the core of his personality. And I do feel bad for him there.
