I'll Defend the Show.
People who grew up on Looney Tunes don't like this show because the characters are different. Well, I grew up on the Looney Tunes, too but I still believe that this show is great.
Someone who works on the show explained that it's no longer funny to point a gun in someone's face, but they can still make the characters funny in other ways. I agree with them. When I was little, I just knew that times would change and that violence wouldn't be considered funny one day. Well, times have changed and I was right. It's just not funny anymore.
I love seeing our favorite characters living a "normal" life. It's fun to watch them interact with humans. I also think that the writing is solid. Not EVERY episode is great, but most are.
Look, all that I'm saying is that if you want the Looney Tunes to have a new show, then you have to realize that things are different now and what was once considered funny for years just isn't funny now. Is that fair? No, but I've got news for you, neither is life! Sorry, but that's the truth.