I don't know that it's quite an abomination, but I don't think it's good. It has nothing to do with materialism (although I do generally hate it when something great is "adapted for today's culture," which usually means nothing more than "We lazily cheapened and dumbified it.") This show wasn't THAT bad, but...yeah, like I said, I didn't much care for it.
I just found it pointless and needless. At no point did it approach the quality of the original Looney cartoons, so while I kind of appreciate the attempt to add onto those, I might as well have just watched them again instead. This didn't look, feel, or sound enough like the Looney Tunes to me. I didn't care for the animation style; the smooth, polished look of something like Space Jam was beautiful, and I know you can't compare the animation capabilities of a feature film to an episodic TV program...but I would probably have liked it more if they could've tried to approximate that a bit more closely.
I never found this quite funny or authentic enough to justify its creation (other than to pay people to animate something.) Other little Looney spin-off series were better, imo--such as Baby Looney Tunes or The Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries. Neither is exactly excellent, but I enjoyed them more than this. (Strangely enough, Lola was in the baby episodes...meaning they either forgot that they'd known each other as infants, or she just disappeared for a long time and then showed up again one day in the gymnasium when they needed to assemble a basketball team! It seemed as though none of them remembered her at all, so they must not have retained their baby memories.)
Loonatics Unleashed was also meh, but at least that was like a fantasy superhero group, rather than the Looney Tunes directly.