MovieChat Forums > Girls (2012) Discussion > Jessa is the worst friend.....

Jessa is the worst friend.....

You could possibly have! I'm so disappointed in her ever since the whole Mimi Rose disaster. Who does that?! *beep* Jessa that's who!
I know Hannah can be selfish but she doesn't deserve what Jessa and Adam are doing to her.
The worst part is I'm sure they are not going to last and a friendship has been ruined!


I agree with you. She should have never slept with just don't do that to your friends. It's not like she is going to marry the guy!!!!


how does anyone know if Jessa will marry the guy except for Jessa herself? and who's to say marriage is the right thing for everyone? i love how people just project their own values onto others.

i find nothing wrong with her and adam hooking up. hannah has someone, and what, no one else is allowed to date because of her sensitivity? if anything, they should have told her, but i think they know her well enough that they knew what her reaction would be, which is negative like many others.

what is wrong with two single people finding happiness


It takes two. Adam went after her. He's equally to blame. Aren't there other women in that big city for him to chase after?


Hannah rejected Adam when he opened his heart to her. She deserves all she gets and she can drown her sorrows in a pint of ice cream. Did I say pint? I meant truckload.


Hannah rejected Adam because he only wanted her back because Mimi Rose dumped him. Adam is a mess and can't handle intimacy, responsibility, or commitment. I do, however, love him so much. Lol


Hannah rejected him but it will be always sad for her to see him with someone else, not just Jessa. I'm thinking it's not sad for Adam to see Hannah with other guys though...


Lol he did not open his heart.

He'd dumped her and moved another girl into her apartment. He would still be with MRH if she hadn't dumped him and in such a creepy way. Maybe he really thought he had made a mistake, but Hannah was already trying to move on. That's not her fault.

Boredom is bullsh#t.


You wasn't paying attention watching season two. You know Damm well Adam royalty screwed her over by moving another woman to her apartment among other things. Hannah was the one who had her heart to Adam and yes at time she *beep* herself. But that stunt he pulled with Jessa was uncalled for and I hope Hannah get over her shock and let both of these dummies have it!!!

We all have only one life, do what make you happy!


"You wasn't" your grammar is horrific.


You received the message of what my post about didn't you Melancholy11? It must of really piss see you off huh?

We all have only one life, do what make you happy!


No offense Beauty2000, but your grammar does need improvement. Please consider it, though yes, we did get your points.


You do realize that Hannah rejected Adam after he tried to use her as a second choice after MRH dumped him for her Ex? That www the right move for Hannah. Also you do know that the whole reason that Hannah on,u broke up with Adam because of hat Jesa did. She purposefully set Adam up with MRH because she wanted MRH's boyfriend. Adam then moved MRH into Hannah's apartment. There is nothing you can say that makes Hannah wrong and Adam and Jessa right in this situation.


I disagree.
Hannah had the chance to be with Adam and turned him down. Hannah is in a relationship with Fran now. Jessa and Adam are a much better fit for each other than Hannah and Adam.
Maybe Jessa should have talked to Hannah first but I doubt she would have gotten her blessing... Besides are Hannah and Jessa even that good of friends these days?


Jessa was trying to resist him at first, but I feel like after her conversation with Hannah at the rice pudding shop she realized that Hannah and her aren't really friends anymore so what's the point of resisting a guy you might be falling in love with for a girl who you're drifting away from regardless of Adam.


Hannah is a pretty crappy friend as well -- completely self-involved, annoying, and a user. She has a new boyfriend whom she treats like crap, and had her chance with Adam. Jessa had to make a choice between that irritating, self-involved dingbat and Adam. It's not like she stole him from her. Hannah and her tons of baggage had moved on. The heart wants what the heart wants. Jessa owed no loyalty to Hannah, and made the better choice in my not-so-humble opinion.


I have a sneaky suspicion that Jessa always had a thing for Adam since the time she told Hannah to go ahead and break up with him before Hannah left for Iowa. I'm not saying she was after him then but was attracted at the very least.


They do have huge amounts of chemistry. I wouldn't doubt it.
To me, Adam and Hannah were more of a kids-experimenting thing -- very misfits-coming-of-age. With Jessa it seems much more fleshed out and real, not to mention erotic.


Totally. I suspect she was attracted to him from the very first time she met him. Hence her statement that she had "wanted this for a really long time" when they first hooked up.


Go Baron!!!! Perfectly summed up!!


Right on, Baron. Hannah is a continual train wreck - off the rails and crashing; totally self absorbed and so freeking needy. Putting blame on others. Always with the drama and trauma. Her re-do of the Basic Instinct beaver shot totally proved her need for attention.

As far as Jessa, she's independent, and doesn't need the opinions of others to validate her existence. She's autonomous, which is a really healthy place to be.


Hannah has been there for Jessa every time Jessa has used her, abused her, abandoned her, lied to her so she would come get Jessa out of rehab, set up her boyfriend with another woman (then lied about that, too), then ultimately stole the love of Hannah's life. Jessa made the same choice she has been making since the start of the series -- her own feelings over everyone else's, no matter the cost. Her character has a pretty solid history of picking up men who are already involved in committed relationships (with the exception of Thomas John who she pursued for his money). The one "single" guy she was able to pick up (Adam) was only single because she deliberately sabotaged his relationship with another person.

Jessa's very beautiful, but she's incredibly selfish, and she'd be hard pressed to meet even the minimum requirements of a decent friendship. That said, if there were one person on the planet that she DID "owe" her loyalty to, you would think it would be the one person in her life who consistently loved her and showed up for her DESPITE her many faults. Like her or not, that person is Hannah.


Maybe Hannah and Jess were never destined to be life long friends. Its actually hard to believe Hannah has any friends. She goes around looking for things to be offended by, in accordance with her education as a radical feminist at Oberlin College.

People like her shouldn't be tolerated.


There was a montage in season 1 showing Jessa sleeping with all boyfriends of Hannah's college friends. Jessa is a terrible friend to have.


I disagree.
Hannah was really being self-obsessed and/or a jerk, and probably hasn't been aware of it for awhile. It's not like she did anything wrong that she knew about, in fact, she made the right choice rejecting Adam, but that also means that opens him up to look elsewhere for a connection. As for Jessa, I think Jessa has honest feelings for Adam, so that doesn't make her a bad friend. What does? maybe that she didn't say anything beforehand. but then, Hannah would be hurt, just SLIGHTLY less so. At least she would know what was at stake instead of the (hurtful, but AMAZINGLY executed) accidental reveal.


Jesse contributed a lot to Hannah and Adam's breakup in the first place.



Um,apart from breaking Adam and Hannah up in the first place, she then was a bitch to HAnnah and broke off the firendship just so she could go and eff Adam in peace. "Tell her beforehand" She wasn' talking to Hannah at all for purely selfish reasons. I don't think a friend could be any worse than that without doing something criminal.


When the show first started Jessa was my favourite one but now I can't stand her. She really is an awful friend. Hannah may be irritating but she's not malicious like Jessa is. I can't stand Adam and Jessa together and think that will end eventually. I think they handled it wrong and one of them should have told Hannah they were thinking of starting a relationship. She would have been hurt but this last episode you could just see how crushed Hannah was when she figured it out. I don't really care if Adam and Hannah get back together although I did like them together and do think given time they probably would have grown up a bit.
