Hannah has been there for Jessa every time Jessa has used her, abused her, abandoned her, lied to her so she would come get Jessa out of rehab, set up her boyfriend with another woman (then lied about that, too), then ultimately stole the love of Hannah's life. Jessa made the same choice she has been making since the start of the series -- her own feelings over everyone else's, no matter the cost. Her character has a pretty solid history of picking up men who are already involved in committed relationships (with the exception of Thomas John who she pursued for his money). The one "single" guy she was able to pick up (Adam) was only single because she deliberately sabotaged his relationship with another person.
Jessa's very beautiful, but she's incredibly selfish, and she'd be hard pressed to meet even the minimum requirements of a decent friendship. That said, if there were one person on the planet that she DID "owe" her loyalty to, you would think it would be the one person in her life who consistently loved her and showed up for her DESPITE her many faults. Like her or not, that person is Hannah.