MovieChat Forums > Shame Discussion > Better looking than his boss?

Better looking than his boss?

I understand that Brandon is an attractive man and has oviously those sex vibes sending out to the women.
But when he and his boss were at a bar and the boss threw an eye on the blond girl, I couldn't believe that she was more into Brandon than the boss.
I mean the boss is way younger and also good looking.
Don't u agree?


I disagree that his boss was better looking. I'd say they were more or less equal without one having an appearance advantage over the other. It's all scripted obviously but I'd say the girl was more into Brandon due to his behavior and not necessarily looks.

David (Brandon's Boss) was clearly on the edge of drunk and was throwing himself at the girl. His approach was too much too fast and clearly at a different energy level than the girls he approached. Then fumbled almost every line or interaction including trying to impress her with how successful he was and then he wanted to buy them all drinks. He didn't wait for her to say anything or respond at all. He spoke too quickly and then sorta forced her to dance with him. Also his dance moves weren't helping him in the situation. He gave off the vibe that he was really into her, was drunk, and wouldn't take any hints to slow down with his escalation. To the girl I'm sure this was unattractive behavior.

So I'd say it was more of what David did wrong than the girl simply picking Brandon based on looks.


Yes, you might be right. But it was right from the start.
When she was having a Tequila with the boss she was looking a bit bored but when Brand appeared, her eyes went big.
So I thought, it must have been his looks.


It could be. Again, it's all scripted. But, if you watch this clip the girls eyes are the same for both Brandon and David.

So what did they do different? Like I said David had a poor opening giving up way to much value at the start and then continued to bomb all the interactions such as over complimenting, escalating to fast, failing the eye test, and speaking way to fast and showing a level of social uncomfort or anxiety.

What did Brandon do? He came over and was actually given immediate value from David(which was actually david's only good move but ironically it really only benefited Brandon) and matched the girls level of energy being very relaxed and calm. He then aced the eye test(whether luck or attention) while still being very chill and relaxed.

It was at this point that the blone was reaching out to him giving him David's shot as a sign of approval. He then asked a very easy, normal and leveled question (what do you guys do for fun?) to which the blonde gives him a shit test (Karate!). And before Brandon has a chance to pass or fail, David interrupts with another very high energy chop move and then asks the girl to dance which was probably the final nail in his coffin as she nor her friends liked him or where even comfortable with him yet.

At this point regardless of looks Brandon looks like the much higher value guy. He's coming across as much more socially calibrated(having aced all the tests and correctly matching the groups energy level) and independent of outcome. While David looks like a awkward fool dancing around and having fumbled all the interactions. Also, David is then asked to dance with one of the wing girls. Which I'm sure the blone girl saw and added even more value to him. He then politely declines and gives himself even more value as he shows he doesn't need attention from the girls and has high standards.
