MovieChat Forums > Shame Discussion > not realistic scene

not realistic scene

the scene on the subway at the beginning with the woman staring at him and him staring at her. Now, what in what universe would a woman ever stare at a man for that long of an amount of time which she has never talked to? I don't think that would ever happen, and after staring a little bit, I think she would say something to him if she liked him. but she would just stare for long amount of time and she wouldn't ever stare at a man for that long of an amount of time. any comments about this?


lol I know right, a married woman as well. Guess she has zero feelings for her husband if she is happy to be such a cock-tease to random men


a chick lets him rub her genitals in a bar after just meeting him and you think this is the unrealistic scene 😒😒


it is. have you ever heard of a guy who is able to not say a word to a stranger and almost get her?


what exactly do you mean by "almost get her" like he almost chased and trapped her?

Brandon didn't "almost get" anything except she felt flattered by the attention, then ran away. next time she was down there, she was all made up, hoping to see him again, and he wasn't even interested anymore.


if this is really realistic then every freaking guy in the world would just stare seductively at a woman on a bus and get her.


No. Every freaking guy that looks like Michael Fassbender.

Random Thoughts:


not true. women don't value or get attracted to a guy's looks anywhere near as much as men do for women. women are not really into a guy's looks. they are more into how he acts, talks, listens to them, and does things.


No. You're talking relationships. That's not what this conversation is about. It's not about relationships. It's about initial thoughts and feelings. Women don't walk around looking for a husband. At least, not in their early 20s. The ones that do are looking for a divorce, instead.

Random Thoughts:


not true. women in their early 20s look for a husband. come on. we haven't changed that much lately to change the standard of 21, 21, 23 being the age when people get married. Biology and Physiology can't ever be changed. geez you are cynical saying that women who are looking for a husband in their early 20s are also looking for a divorce, lol.

but initial thoughts and feelings lead to action and I'm telling you right now that no woman, no woman takes action on looks and facial expressions.


You mean ZERO women, or just no women that you have met?

If the guy isn't handsome, chances are looks and facial expressions will not get him very far (no matter how hard he tries). Fassbender's character has sort of a "6th sense" on which girls will most likely be "slutty enough" to sleep with him on a first date.

Let me elaborate on this further...

Have you ever been out with a group of people and you (or your friends) have a sort of "gay-dar" that can pick out a homosexual male (or female for that matter)? If so, HOW do you think you were able to do it since no words or dialogue was exchanged? You pick up on things based on their NON-VERBAL cues, personality ticks, etc.

The scene in the subway with the married woman was actually a shocking (but realistic) scene. There's a lot of flirting on both sides going on - all with their eyes. Why is this married woman flirting? Perhaps she's unhappily married. Perhaps Fassbender reminds her of an old boyfriend, who knows? The point was to show her discomfort because she knew it was inappropriate to get turned on by the thought of having sex with Fassbender (a complete stranger). She reacted by quickly escaping to avoid temptation of crossing that line. It was interesting to note how she later returned to the subway dressed differently with hair done and make-up on (apparently to make herself appear more attractive while hoping & waiting for a 2nd chance to NOT "chicken out" with him). By that time Fassbender was over his demons. Or is he? There's a lot of very well done ambiguity throughout the film (also with the dysfunctional relationship with his sister).

Also, take note of the outing with his boss. The boss openly talks and verbally flirts with the girls at the bar. They are clearly not interested, and immediately singled out his boss as some kind of loser (he was trying too hard). Fassbender, on the other hand, had a look of mystery & confidence that was alluring. She didn't give the boss the time of day but instead hunted down Fassbender and was completely willing to boink with him - out in the open no less. The bottom line is some women gravitate to certain types of men than others. You are incorrectly assuming this means Fassbender's character can seductively look at just ANY person with eye contact and get them to sleep with him. No, that's not what I'm saying. Fassbender is able to search among a group and pick out the girls that are already attracted and aroused toward him (and that also have a personality that may be willing to sleep with him on a first date). This is how he functions. He isn't able to function in a normal healthy relationship, where intimacy take time and develops. The date scene was done exceptionally well to show the awkwardness that was felt on both sides (but mainly Fassbender's).

Poker players are well adept at picking up microscopic "tells" from another player at the table. A subtle shift in posture. A change in their breathing patterns, etc. I believe it may be possible for a sexual addict/predator to pick up on microscopic "tells" from another person that's trying to hide their arousal. Your posts on this forum suggest you may be young or not yet mature enough to have experienced or witnessed these types of things first-hand. Every person is a unique individual, and serves you no benefit to stereotype your false way of thinking how all women behave.


uh, yeah, but that scene or the other scene would never, ever happen in real life. women don't just jump into having sex with a complete stranger who they've never talked to because of how they stare or look at them. that makes no sense. you have to talk and get to know the person, otherwise it would be too easy to have sex with a woman and God wouldn't make women this easy to have sex with.


People do not fall into absolutes of black or white. Even if there was one female on the subway who flirted with her eyes, there may have been a hundred others among the rest of the subway cars who didn't. Also note that during that scene she did *not* have sex with Fassbender (but she was afraid she might).

The movie isn't about Fassbender being a "Don Juan DeMarco" - charming every woman he sees. It's about his addiction leading him down a path of being some kind of sexual predator (albiet a polite one for the most part) where he hunts for women who are not in the personality bracket you speak of. If you think women never go out to night clubs or bars to casually hook up with men they have never met before, you are blissfully ignorant. These things do happen in real life every day.


but they don't happen without words. people aren't psychics able to control another person's mind by just looking or staring at them like Dracula or something or like Carrie with telekinesis, able to move objects with her mind.


He isn't controlling her mind. His radar is proficient at reading what she's already feeling. The woman was having a sexual fantasy about him, but rather than him looking away he kept staring right back... as if to call her bluff and saying "okay, so what are you going to do about it?" She is likely in a similar 2%-3% population as he is in... living in a sexually dysfuctional relationship.

The movie's purpose isn't to show interactions between 97% of mentally healthy people. It's showing us the interactions between a more narrow group of people - something like 2-3% of the population. Even the girl at the bar with the obnoxious BF was also in that minority. I think you might be mis-interpreting the story as him being able to go to all kinds of women and use his "mind control" to influence their thoughts and MAKE girls sleep with him.

It's not about that. It's about dysfunction. Take the date with the Creole / African-American girl when he took her to his apartment. Due to the pressures (and a lackluster oddity of a "normal" relationship) he wasn't able to get sexually aroused. He became cold and distant and she decided it was time to leave. He typically hires prostitutes for his wild escapades. If he was able to do "mind control" on women he would NEVER have the need to hire a prostitute, right? His sister's arrival to his apartment screwed up his "mojo" and instead had to resort to going out on the prowl at night to get his fix. One time during a self-destructive phase he was so hard up to get his sexual release he wanders into that gay club with the guy that was staring at him across the street. He wasn't using "mind control" on the guy either. The guy was already having thoughts about Fassbender. Fassbender's "radar" was up and approached him out of sexual curiosity. Some people also misinterpret the story to be about Fassbender discovering his homosexuality. That isn't the case either. It's about addiction and sexual dysfunctional relationships... something that infrequently occurs in real life but not with the average person. The girl on the subway is in a similar boat as Fassbender. Fassbender could pick up on her cues and they were both having an interesting conversation with using just their eyes. If she was the average/normal person living in a healthy relationship she wouldn't even consider acting on her impulses in the first place. That's obviously not the case here. On the subway it was just a fleeting thought. A fantasy of hers while her mind started to wander. Again, please note she DOESN'T have sex with him. Instead, she escapes the situation. But at the movie's end you can witness her fantasy got the best of her and she kept returning for another shot at Fassbender's advances. The ambiguous ending was great (lol).

Anyway, it looks like this movie just wasn't for you, and that's totally fine. I found it fascinating and intriguing, and there were also a couple moments that had a powerful emotional punch that I wasn't expecting. It deserves its NC-17 rating, but the movie is far from "arthouse trash". It was a risky film on the director and especially Fassbender.


you can call it what you want but there is not woman in this earth who would sleep with someone or get sexually turned on by someone by them looking at them or staring at them. if it was the easy for men to seduce women then every man would this and manipulate and use all women.

women are vocal and communicative and are really verbal when it comes to meeting guys and getting sexually attracted to guys. it's all about what you say to a woman and how you say it in order to attract women to you. women need communication with someone to sleep with them or get sexually attracted to them unlike men who will have sex with a woman without talking to them at all.


There's a thing YOU don't seem to understand, and I'm probably wasting my time by trying to make it clear to you: there is a difference between how things ARE, and between how YOU perceive the world. What you are actually trying to say is, that it's impossible for YOU to believe women would act that way. I have been with promiscuous people (many of them women) and have been promiscuous myself, and I'm a woman. I'm telling you here and now, that with just looking at a person, you can make things clear and can engage them into more.

People can make very clear with a look and a smile that they're actually saying "I find you very attractive and I want more". If I had the materials I could make you a very short video in which I non-verbally suggest to the one watching that I'm interested in them and would want more out of it. An eyebrowwiggle, a sideways glanch, a lipbite, there's so much that can be said without words.

Please don't put your opinion above of how people really are - we're individuals and each have our own way of living and doing things. The way you approach this is, is as if you were approaching the world with blindfolds on, ignoring the SHEER IMPOSSIBILITY that someone else may be more right than you about a certain subject. Chill a bit out.


you chill a bit you idiot and ignorant bitch. you don't understand that it's impossible to make a woman have sex with you by just a look. why is that hard to understand? that has never happened in the history of mankind.

ignoring the sheer impossibility that someone else may be more right than you about a certain subject? first of all, it's sheer possibility, second of all, you are wrong about this and I am right about this.

women are verbal creatures, unlike men, so that means they can't have sex with a man or woman who doesn't talk to them or get to know them in some way. of and also second of all, no one is more right about me when it comes to this topic and discussion. and also, it's not about being more right, it's about being right, which I am about this topic and discussion.

it's not like this at all. I've tried everything and nothing has worked with women. I've looked at them and smiled, I've talked to them and engaged with them, but after all I've tried with them, nothing has ever happened they've always said no, when I ask them out at work. it's something that will never happen for me, getting a woman. it's impossible, so I've come to the conclusion that all women are vindictive, soulless, conniving, selfish, non loving, uncaring, manipulative evil bitches.


I'm sorry life didn't work out for you the way you wanted it to be.

P.S.: you're not being a "nice guy" when you call a stranger an "idiot and ignorant bitch". You're sure to find someone that way *cough*


I've tried everything and nothing has worked with women. I've looked at them and smiled, I've talked to them and engaged with them, but after all I've tried with them, nothing has ever happened they've always said no, when I ask them out at work. it's something that will never happen for me, getting a woman. it's impossible, so I've come to the conclusion that all women are vindictive, soulless, conniving, selfish, non loving, uncaring, manipulative evil bitches.

my life experience is totally different. i've enjoyed experiences with all different types of women both rejection and acceptance, and i don't look like Fassbender. But i don't think of women as bitches, and i certainly would never write that they are in public.

i'm no psychologist, but i'm pretty sure you're having trouble with women because you have no respect for them to start out with. remember what the earlier poster said about the poker players who read people's tells? it's the same with women. Underneath it all, you hate women, and they can tell. No matter what words come out of your mouth, they know, and no one healthy wants to hang out with someone who hates them. You should learn from Fassbender and target the ones who already wallow in self loathing and are looking for external affirmation of their self hatred. You would kill in that market.

unfortunately if you're interested in mentally stable, emotionally healthy women, i don't know that there's a way to fix that problem for you tho. When your belief system - hating women - is so deeply rooted, i doubt you can ever unlearn that without some kind of ongoing near death equivalent experience.


Brandon was able to get the dude across the street to s**k him off without words either. He is just a master at it.


How would you know what God would do?


She was MARRIED!

I think you need to re-watch the movie again. I don't think it is easy to explain in more detail than I already attempted.


exactly and that makes it even more hard to believe and even more unrealistic.


@EyeInSky don't sweat it. i really enjoyed your responses in this thread as you went into elaborate detail about the movie and also about understanding women, which is essentially understanding individual people.

luke is a troll and simply attempting, successfully, to get a rise out of us.



This guy is either incredibly stupid, trolling, or has an issue with women because he's been rejected so much. Plenty of women do not need verbal communication to flirt with a guy. You may not know any or it may not have worked for you but it's just how it is. There are also plenty of women who do need verbal communication. Everyone's different. Sort out your issues with women with a therapist pal.


I'm not talking about non verbal flirting that women do with men, I'm talking about not talking to a man at all and just non verbally flirting with them, a complete stranger and they are non verbally flirting with them, that has never happened in the history of mankind.

you sort out your issues with women pal, you don't know what you are talking about when it comes to women non verbally flirting with men they have never met. so, no, this is not just "how it is."


Genuinely can't tell if you're deluded or trolling. You have to be trolling right? No one 'in the history of mankind' could be this stupid lmao.


fuc# you.


Are you kidding man? I'm a woman and I've had many intense moments in life just with my eyes on another man's eyes, no dialogue at all. Nothing ever came of it but it sure happens.


but I'm talking about how it happens in the movie which is a man staring at a woman without having talked to her.
