MovieChat Forums > Shame Discussion > Fassbender's penis was big!

Fassbender's penis was big!

As if people are even debating that. He was hung like a horse.


I just thought the same when I saw its shape happily clinging over there.



And, to the people disagreeing...

The average penis, when erect, is about 5.5 inches. That would mean, when flaccid, about 3 inches would be typical.

If you're more than that just hanging around, you're above average.


Lol! is that what you tell all the women


The average length part is correct. I mean, look if up if you don't believe it. The flaccid part isn't though, as flaccidity varies. Though that part doesn't matter anyway since it has no actual impact on sex.

As for the "anything over six inches is a waste" comment which I saw you mention earlier (and then claim a man made it up). It's actually because on average females vagina is 6 inches from the entrance to the womb. At which point the penis can't go in any further without hurting you.

But with all your snarky comments on the subject, I'm curious to know what the average size you get is.

Also, to backup what I and the person you responded to just said:


I was'nt being snarky it was just having a bit of banter and a joke. I would'nt know what was average as I have'nt seen many to judge, I do know if I saw one coming for me that looked a bit too big I would run a mile!!


While you are right about the flaccid state of a penis, as a lot of men who are over above average have no difference when flaccid (my ex is 13 erect, 10 flaccid), you discredit yourself with the Wikipedia reference. Not a valid and reliable or scholarly source of information.


I get the feeling you don't even know how Wikipedia works, do you? You know those little numbers on the pages? Those are references. Feel free to click them to check the claim on the page (which for the most part is actually accurate, and more so than any other encyclopedia). I wouldn't use Wikipedia in a new field of research, but for common crap like this, it's rarely ever inaccurate.

Oh, but never mind, your anecdotal argument totally proved me wrong.


Of course I know how Wikipedia works, imbecile. That's my whole point. Just because there are numbers to click leading to a "reference" doesn't make it valid. I can create a log in and edit any thing I want to how I see fit. Anyone can add information, which is why it is unreliable. Thank you for your time.


Right, so did you actually click the links to see if they were unreliable or did you just write them off immediately? Wikipedia has a very high accuracy rating. While I would never claim it to be perfect, it is more often right than wrong. Considering what is written is consistent with everything I have ever heard or read in any other study outside of Wikipedia, I'm pretty sure it is right in this case, and what is wrong is your own ignorance.


Sure, present facts, not an opinion. It is a fact that Wikipedia is not a reliable source of information. The ignorance is yours. Have a great day!


I did present facts, you chose to ignore them.


No, you didn't.


SOMEONE doesn't know what "reference" means, obviously.

The difference between knowing your sh**
and knowing you're sh**.


SOMEONE doesn't know what grammar is.


What did that last post have to do with grammar?! The poster isn't lying about the references!

Lance Henriksen is KING!


GTFO please, you just got schooled on your ignorance of not understanding the point of 'references' on Wikipedia.


Go ahead and edit some Wiki article then, see how long it takes till it's fixed.
Wikipedia is reliable.

If you've heard of it, it's already too mainstream for me.


No, it's not.


Arien is a complete and utter moron. That's all.


Takes one to know one.


I'm joining the conversation late. My ex was 9 inches erect and 6 flaccid. I must agree that anything over 6 inches erect is a waste. My ex tried his best to make all those 9 inches fit it damn near killed me! The pressure against my cervix was unbearable. I would gladly take 6 inches or less any day!


Eww...I know about that. 6-9 erect is enough! Some women want a hysterectomy and that's ok for them. But too big can be dangerous...especially if you're not warmed up. Having said that, some women need more because they have more capacity.

To me, Fass looks just right. No one said he had the biggest. It's just his overall sex appeal AND he has something to work with.

"I do what I got to do with what I got." Utah in One Night at McCool's


Joining late as having only just seen the film. As a man I would rather be endowed with girth than length. I would not want to miss out on being able to snuggle right up to my lover if I was too long and causing her discomfort.

Fassbender looks semi-hard to me, 'tumescent' is the technial term I believe.


my ex is 13 erect, 10 flaccid

Are you serious?! I need to know where you find your men.

When you grow up, your heart dies.


A horse-ranch apparently....



13 inches erect? ...really?

Of the 16 studies they cited, from various countries, the earliest was carried out over a hundred years ago and published in 1899. They all arrived at similar average penis lengths:

4.7 to 6.3 inches

The average depth of a woman's vagina is:

3.1 to 3.9 inches when not sexually aroused
4.7 to 6.6 inches when aroused

13 inches is *beep* massive!

Blackalaureate doesn't care about white people.


I feel for your next or current boyfriend lol



Yeah, man, I even checked my penis after seeing his hanging around like that.


Y'all not learned the difference between 'showers' and 'growers', then?

Fassbender's is nothing - Y'all clearly not heard the ream of jokes about "Liam Neeson's cock is so big that...", then?

The Spacehunter Forum:


I used to wonder why we don't see more male frontal nudity in movies; after seeing all the discussion (and criticism) of whether Fassbender has a big or small penis , I think I understand. Who would want to subject one's self to that ? LOL. In any case, and since everyone else is commenting, I think Fassbender's penis is just fine and he is quite sexy.


I know -ricknelson. There seems to be a lot of insecurity with some of the comments coming his way. I'm glad he's mature and has patience. It's really too much. That man IS sexy and talented as hell...and that's b4 I saw his penis. No matter how many pp want to reduce his career down to his penis, they can not.

BTW, if you must use the f word, I should tell you that I'm a woman.



I really didn't need to see his flaccid penis, tbh.

And size really doesn't matter. Guys (and women) who believe it does really had lousy sex all their lives.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Ive been with big guys who are terrible and smaller guys who were great in bed. In fact, I'd wager that men who have bigger diks are more inclined to assume they are automatically good in bed. I'd rather be with a guy who works a bit harder...

Honestly, there are other penis factors, like texture, girth, smell, and likewise a guys pheromones, how a guy moves, his attitude about sex etc. Those are the things that actually matter.

"The more real things get, the more like myths they become. " R.W. Fassbinder


Well said! My ex didn't know what to do with his 9 inches. I would whisper in his ear what position was good and he would refuse saying that would make him climax. I guess he didn't realize there were 2 of us involved. That's why he's my ex.


yes i wonder how it got that big, i mean it was flaccid too..


I have a very average, possibly just below average, penis - about 5.9 inches erect, but even I can get mine to more or less resemble the Fassdong by fluffing it up a little whilst still remaining more or less flaccid. I'd say he's maybe an inch or so larger than average at most.

These bastards!


As long as you know how to use it and look after the ladies needs you need'nt worry about size. I have to say as a woman if someone dropped his trousers in front of me for the first time and it was a whopper I would be out the door in a flash!! I know a few women who are married to 'big' men and they suffer from cystitus every time they have sex.
