MovieChat Forums > Everything's Gonna Be All White (2022) Discussion > White Privilege is like the wage gap. It...

White Privilege is like the wage gap. It doesn't exist!

Where was "White Privilege" when the Irish starved to death in the millions during the Famine?

Where was "White Privilege" when the Nazis marched into Poland and set about to slaughter the entire population?

Where was "White Privilege" when Italian immigrants were lynched by the KKK?

"Where was "White Privilege" when German businesses were attacked and burned down during World War I?

"Where was "White Privilege" when millions of white working class children were worked to death in factories, mines and work houses?


The great sacrifice of whites to create modern civilization itself, which ALL RACES benefit from, cannot be underestimated.


I imagine Germans in the 1930s who bought into Hitler's bullshit went around Germany talking about "Jewish privilege"...


Sounds like facts and reality.
Facts and reality don't go over well in today's social environment


Um, you DO know that the English starved the Irish into submission in the Potato Famine, right?


Don't bother.


The OP will never listen, huh?


Where was White privilege when thousands of White underage British girls were raped by Pakistani men and the police/media covered it up, due to fear of being called racist?
