MovieChat Forums > Friends with Kids (2012) Discussion > Jennifer Westfeldt is great!

Jennifer Westfeldt is great!

I don't know why anybody would think otherwise but I thought she was just SO good in this. I recently saw "Before you say I Do" and she was great in that too. I love her voice also, very different! Between these movies, I think she is nailing the part of a nice and good girl. I am looking forward to her expanding into other roles and becoming great! :)


She's fantastic!

I was in a will call line for tickets last year next to Jon Hamm.

Walked away and THEN realized it was Jennifer right next to him.

I would have so gotten all fan boy all over her!

"Yes ma'am, I'll have a cup a coffee, but I can't eat no cake just now."


If you loved her in this you must see her in Kissing Jessica Stein and Ira & Abby. I've adored her in everything. I think she's really pretty in a unique way (love her hair), her voice is great and she has charm to spare.



Agree, she is amazing in Kissing Jessica Stein and Ira and Abby.

I even liked her in bits I saw on her TV show Notes From The Underbelly.


I also just saw her in Before You Say I do. It so great in a very different way! A VERY good TV movie. Definitely gotta watch if you like her!


I love Jennifer Westfeldt!!!! I saw "Friends with kids" trailer on Youtube and I read the story on movie spoiler...I hope the movie will be in Italian theatres soon, but there are not release date...Does anyone know where I can find Friends with kids screenplay???I would love to read it!!!!!!!!!!!


Are you kidding? She was awful.


Not only is she a very ordinary actor, she is soooo middle aged. Should've been someone in their thirties.


I agree. I'm not a fan of this actress at all. It doesn't help that she has no expression on her face whatsoever and looks constantly frozen. I've seen Kissing Jessica Stein many times and I thought that neurotic, constantly talking over characters, mumbling awkwardness was just suited to Jessica, but she was exactly the same in this movie.

"What, you don't like rice? Tell me Michael, how could a billion Chinese people be wrong?"


I hate to represent the dissenting viewpoint, but I thought she was all wrong for the lead in this film. Yeah, she's the writer and director and she did work well in Kissing Jessica Stein, but I was just distracted by her here, and not in a good way.

Sure, she can act, but there's something about her face that's just all wrong. I'm trying to keep from being insulting, I'm just saying that her in this particular role did not work for me. I thought Maya Rudolph would have worked better.

She was just distracting, sorry. I don't know how else to explain it. It's like when you know two actors have chemistry in a film or not, though I don't think that was the problem here.


I completely agree with the criticism.

To continue to be critical.... it seems that as Westfeldt ages through Kissing Jessica Stein and Ira and Abby, her pointed facial features have somehow literally flattened (literally, her nose is flatted and her cheeks look... broader?) and I'm not sure if she's tried to some cosmetic work but she's become less and less expressive over the course of these films. I'm not sure if her overall lack of talent as an actress is limited by her physical appearance or if her physical appearance limits her acting abilities.......... She is a supbar "artist" who has managed to get Hollywood to fund her efforts and her casting of her friends. She seems to be or think of herself as living the life of the quirky leading female lead in a Woody Allen comedy so she ends up writing a screenplay about her life situations and of course casting herself.

Without much regard for what makes the best film with strong acting or strong narrative, she attempts to go for the offbeat and fails. I just watched this movie again because of the really great acting but I got so annoyed thinking this movie could have been more fleshed out if the script was more of an ensemble piece. Instead, it focuses too heavily on the least likable/interesting characters aka Westfeldt as well as Adam Scott who I really want to like but he doesn't have the acting chops to be a leading man...

If people realllllly liked her, that mean she would be more talented and made more movies by this age.

I should be doing something else besides posting here. You too... Just a reminder.


I couldn't agree with iliveinjeans more. She was not good in this, her face was frozen and showed no expressions.

Gatorade me, bitch.


It's hard to show emotion when you have absolutely no upper lip whatsoever. It's freaky looking and distracting.

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Based on this film alone I didn't feel that she was a strong enough actor to be a lead.


I agree... she was awful. She seems like a really nice person but she was terrible in this.



She's not a great actor in my opinion. At least not fit for lead her character wasn't strong enough to pull off the roll. Also shes getting rather old.


I thought that Jennifer was okay but she is not really that good looking.


I too loved her performance, and I think she's beautiful. She just looks like the kind of person you want to be friends with.
Great indeed.
