MovieChat Forums > Friends with Kids (2012) Discussion > I felt really bad after watching this mo...

I felt really bad after watching this movie

all the couples with kids were mean, yelling and screaming. maya rudolf and her guy were screaming and shouting. jon hamm and kristen wiig were very lovey to each other, but right after they have kids, boom! everything went to hell.
so I felt really bad. is it like that?? really? me and my husband has a 2year old daugther, and I dont like to think of us like that...
and also, i didnt like the ending. it was like they had to make the guy like her, otherwise it wouldn't be a happy ending. come on. he wasn't attracted to her, thats it. oh well...



it was like they had to make the guy like her, otherwise it wouldn't be a happy ending. come on. he wasn't attracted to her, thats it.


Couldn't agree more. They should have had the characters find and marry other partners, but instead they decided to take the cookie-cutter romcom route because they were probably afraid people wouldn't appreciate a bit of originality. The movie was a bit...blah.


This is a regular problem with Hollywood! Both TV shows and movies portray men/husbands/fathers to be pig-headed, sex-crazed idiots. Feminists talk A LOT about how sexualized women are in film and advertising. I don't understand why men don't stand up and say, "STOP REPRESENTING US AS CAVEMEN!"
