MovieChat Forums > Friends with Kids (2012) Discussion > I felt really bad after watching this mo...

I felt really bad after watching this movie

all the couples with kids were mean, yelling and screaming. maya rudolf and her guy were screaming and shouting. jon hamm and kristen wiig were very lovey to each other, but right after they have kids, boom! everything went to hell.
so I felt really bad. is it like that?? really? me and my husband has a 2year old daugther, and I dont like to think of us like that...
and also, i didnt like the ending. it was like they had to make the guy like her, otherwise it wouldn't be a happy ending. come on. he wasn't attracted to her, thats it. oh well...


Thank you, it seems like some people saw a different movie than I did because I found this movie totally depressing. Chris O'Dowd was hilarious and I think there were some strong acting performances but that doesn't mean it was a good movie or funny. I thought a romantic comedy had to be romantic...and funny? This was a dramedy at best. Kristen and Jon in serious actor mode was not expected at all. Appreciate the range but not the movie I thought I was going to see.


I felt that the actors were fine but did anyone even care about what ultimately happened to the couple in the end? They were just so spoiled and arrogant that through the whole film I never felt any connection to them and in the end when they get back together and the film ends with the last line "I want you to fu*k the sh*t out of me" it didn't sound like anything changed at all and I didn't really care either way. Just pretty dumb, the humor wasn't good enough to carry the liberal leanings of the story and just collapsed under the weight of the message. I peg it down to just plain bad writing, nothing else and the more I write about it the more frustrated I get, so Im going to stop lol.


I felt much the same. Like, if you have kids, suddenly every man becomes a Neanderthal.

And, yeah, freakin' cliche ending.

What I felt when I left was... show us 3 months later when he is sick of her and dumps her for the next "best sex of his life".


Yah, it's not fair to the men. I have a few friends who are married and have kids and the husbands are not useless idiots like that. One husband 'kicked his wife out of the house' so-to-speak, to make her take some time for herself. That's love!... Some men are useless. I heard about them/saw them on Dr. Phil just recently...Even Dr. Phil's wife said he doesn't help around the house that much because he doesn't know where things are! So that took one of his legs away when talking to the men on the show about helping their wives more!


Dr. Phil is a complete joke. You're not holding him up as some paragon of model husband or father, are you?


I don't know him well enough to say either way. I've never seen him in the home in day to day life. I doubt you have either. My point had more to do with the men he had on his show. Two out of three of them thought they did plenty around the house and that the wife had nothing to complain about because taking care of the house was the woman's job.



You know in the end when he cries? Either he is a very good actor who can't cry or he didn't really mean it (His character didn't mean it) ...

Pretty good film I thought. And that one dinner scene was the best scene by some distance.

"There. There."


***Spoilers*** ***Spoilers***

charmie-1 writes:
" was like they had to make the guy like her..."

Jason obviously loved Julie all along. It's just they had been friends and never went through that first exciting stage of a relationship. He even describes that, as I recall.

Somehow, Julie got Jason's speech at the cabin, but he was an idiot blinded by Megan Fox -- can't blame him for that really! And of course, she had Kurt.

But his present (the photo album) to her even called their relationship a family.

For a romantic comedy, however, this had a real serious vibe. I liked it, but thought it would have a lighter feel.

"I think it's time to see Amanda sticking guns in people's faces."


i loved the movie just finished watching it.. i expected it to be so much less than it was


You might not think of you and your husband like that, but what do your friends think? ;)


haha good one, I have to ask them :)


Kids are the reason we exist. Parenting is what you make of it. Here is a good ted talk on the subject.


I don't think it's as bad as the film made it out to be, but movies always exaggerate to get their point across. I did notice that for a while after my wife had our little boy, she became less patient with me and a lot more demanding, but that's probably because while she was pregnant I waited on her hand and foot (bad idea IMO) and she got too used to that. For some reason most of society has come to think that if a woman is pregnant she is helpless or can't do anything and that's not the case. I mean if she having morning sickness that's one thing, but other than that it's best to just let her do what she can for herself.


Yeah, the having kids thing just seem to completely finish the couples marriage and they seemed happy... and the ending was just freaking RIDICULOUS.
Let me **** the s*** out of you. Seriously? that line repeated 5 times at the end. Just dropped the movies rating a whole point IMO.


I tend to agree on that and during that scene all I could think of was anal sex.
'f|_|ck the shyt out of you'

It just felt like that end scene didn't belong in the life of Jason and Julie.
A simple 'I wanna F you so much' or 'I want to sex you up all night', etc, would have been more believable in that situation, I felt really awkward for that scene, otherwise the movie was fairly well presented.
That one scene did ruin it for me.

Chris O'Dowd was the shining light for me in this movie, enjoyed his role very much, even though I spent most of the time during his scenes trying to spot his native accent.

The scene where Alex (Chris O'dowd) and his wife find out what Jason and Julie are doing to have a baby, so not to go down the path of 'all the shyt that comes with marriage'...
The look he gives his wife with a little shake of the head, and then turns to J & J with a very understanding nod of agreement, is hilarious.
