MovieChat Forums > Friends with Kids (2012) Discussion > Biggest plothole - Megan Fox being into ...

Biggest plothole - Megan Fox being into Adam Scott

Alright, lets ignore for a second that she's a 10 an he's 5. Maybe it would make sense if she loved kids and she had a weakness for single dads, but she never showed any interest in the child at all.


OMG EXACTLY!!! that was the my main thought throughout the movie.

But then it was far-fetched enough already having an average looking, chauvinistic pig Adam Scott made out to be some sort of massive catch who was bedding a different hot woman every week despite the fact he wasn't rich, had no real personality to him and, by his own admission, had a small cock!

How on earth did they think it would be even remotely believeable that out of all the men a young, good looking, stuck up woman with a perfect figure (who worked as an ACTRESS for crying out loud) could have, she chooses to settle for a guy who has a baby... and not much else to offer her!

It wasn't believable AT ALL! Neither was the fact that she chose to stay with him even after all the times his baby had interrupted their time together. Couldn't have sex cos the baby was crying the place down, couldn't spend time together cos he was squirting diarrhoea all over the place. Like any girl would stick around with a guy after seeing that, baby lover or not!

Ashmi any question


Okay Jon Hamm is a pure 10, Adam Scott is an 8, and Jonah Hill is a 4/5. Sure, Adam Scott may be a bit feminine and can often look like Tom Cruise's love child with Peter Pan, but despite that he is still far from a 5, very far.

Adam Scott has the same level of attractiveness as Steve Carell, Matthew Perry, and Jason Bateman, a total man-boy who can far too easily go from awkward to hot to awkward again who couldn't be an alpha-male to save his life. Not a 5 and yet not a 10, but an all too real and tangible 7/8, slightly above average but not flawless, humanly imperfect in an endearing way.



Beauty is in the eye of the beholder so naturally differnet people will think and see different things. I agree that Jon Hamm is far more attractive but hes still not a 10 to me, perhaps a solid 8. He certainly has a lot more to offer women that girly Adam Scott.

and the feminine side apart, to me, Adam just isn't that attractive. He isn't ugly either, just average so hes a 5.

to me:
Johnny Depp is a 10
when younger Al Pacino was a 9
Jon Hamm is an 8
Bradley Cooper is a 7
Tom Cruise is a 6
Adam Scott is a 5
agreed Jonah Hill is a 4
Zach Galifianakis is a 3
John C Reilly is a 2
Can't think of anyone i want to rate a 1

Ashmi any question


That's how I felt about Charlie Sheen in Two and a Half Men. He's supposed to land all those women? Dude was ugly, had horrible taste in clothes (really, button-up and cargo shorts EVERY DAY?), and was a misogynist pig.

Just no.



But the women he landed were largely ones he'd paid for. How many prostitutes one can afford is not an indication of how many normal women would want to date you.

PLOT HOLE: Aspect of a film that is misunderstood, ignored, or missed while using your smart phone.


Do you watch many movies or TV shows? It's routine for an unbelievably gorgeous woman to be paired with a so-so guy. God forbid the opposite ever happen, but this movie followed the standards set by Hollywood.



ummm .. Adam Scott is VERY cute...


Fox is not a ten. She's super hairy like a man and she has toe thumbs. Her face is maybe a ten.

Her personality and hairiness and toe thumbs bring her down to a 6.


Fox is definitely not as hairy as men tend to be and wasn't hairy at all in this film. I'm not sure what you're referring to actually. All women do grow hair pretty much every place men do (face included) but it's generally not anywhere near as much as what comes out of men naturally, and generally women shave and wax it away. She's still a 10.

PLOT HOLE: Aspect of a film that is misunderstood, ignored, or missed while using your smart phone.
