This drives me crazy in movies, whenever there are 2 friends, man and woman, they always end up crazy in love at the end. I am a girl and I have 2 best friends who are men, both of whom I have known for several years, and I have no interest in ever becoming romantically involved with either of them.
Are there any movies that portray men and women relationships in another light? My guy friend and I are always complaining about it when we see a movie like that and we're always hoping it ends up differently. Sometimes people are just friends!
I think both men and women can be friends but there will be always some romantic link shares by at least one of them (considering they are both straight obv). I'm 24 years old guy and I have two close girl friend, did we ever date or hook up? No. Did the thought ever cross me? Yes. But see, it would never happen cos it is only a thought. A figment of realization, that both men and women can be friends without expanding their status or not they can, if they choose to.
I disagree. You can delude yourself into thinking it's just platonic, but are you that confident to insist your guy friends wouldn't bang you if they could? How do you know, 100%, that they don't have any romantic feelings for you?
Alright, I think we can take all these arguments and come up with a conclusion:
Men and women can be friends (real "would take a bullet for you" friends, BFFs)
At some point, if one finds the other attractive(not necessarily just physically) a thought will come to mind. What if ?
It's never black or white. Even if you just want to be friends, they may want more eventually. I think it's best to be open to to the idea. You can handle it better if that happens and you can save a good friendship (or get something more).
Plus, they didn't have any romantic feelings for each other until long after they had a child together and they realized that they were, more or less, perfect for each other. if they had never taken that step to having a kid together they wouldn't have realized or developed feelings for each other.
One mans wife was another mans slut This has been a MomentofTruth brought to you by TheEvilMonkey.
If I had a male BEST friend who I did everything with and shared everything with and who I believed was never attracted to me ever, quite frankly I'd be insulted.
My two cents? It's entirely possible to be friends with someone of the opposite sex, and to be JUST friends with them. It's also entirely possible to be JUST friends if there is sexual attraction in the mix (harder if it's mutual I suppose, but still entirely possible). Honestly, people act like you can't be REAL friends with someone if there's sexual attraction involved. Very false. I've been on both sides of the equation and those friendships have been some of the best and most supportive I've ever had. Of course, that might have something to do with the fact that there was honesty and communication going on. My friends who I was attracted to knew it, and vice versa. Of course, I am a polyamorous, Grey-A pansexual, so that might have something to do with it.
So what about bisexual people? Does that mean they can't be "REAL" friends with anyone because they have the possibility of being attracted to both genders?
I'm a bi girl but I'm NOT attracted to most people in any real way. I have several friends of both genders who I consider attractive but I don't necessarily want to do anything with them. I think there is more to sexual chemistry than just being a certain gender and attractive.
I also don't think it's impossible to be friends with people you might have a slight sexual attraction to. I had a friend in college who I thought was super hot when I met her but as I got to know her she really fell into that sister slot and by the end I would not have touched her sexually with a ten foot pole. I have a few male friends who I find attractive enough that given just the right circumstances I could picture hooking up. But it's not something that I think about on a daily basis and it's totally different from the intense feelings I have for people I am very attracted to. The low level attraction is definitely something that can be easily put aside in the interest of friendship.
I agree though, if you are seriously interested in someone sexually, then you probably can't be friends in a healthy way. The relationship is too lopsided and there's too much potential for getting hurt.
Haha, yeah, you might not be interested in them but ask yourself an honest question: would they hook up with you if you really wanted to? I bet they would.