anyone else shocked when
...that guards foot was almost blown off ,only that the robbers could make a statement?? i ussually never mind violence but damn that was mean
They hate us 'cause they ain't us
...that guards foot was almost blown off ,only that the robbers could make a statement?? i ussually never mind violence but damn that was mean
They hate us 'cause they ain't us
Ya - I yelled out 'OH SHIT!' and I was alone.
shareThat's kind of Hillcoat's style though. Watch The Proposition or Lawless. Brutal, bleak, and bloody.
shareI love that about his movies. What is he up to anyway, he has not made a movie after triple 9 and that was 2016. I need him to do another one.
shareIt seems he’s done work on television and he just did a Bob Dylan documentary a few years ago. This was not a big hit so he’s probably not in demand for anything major, sadly.
shareHe ,John Hillcoat, dislikes working within the studio confines and the suits thats micro manage him there... or so he claimed, off the record.