MovieChat Forums > Chronicle (2012) Discussion > So who edited the found footage?

So who edited the found footage?

So the original camera was destroyed when they got their powers. But they still had the footage from it.

There was Andrew's second camera. The girlfriend's camera. A heap of security camera shots.

Who was the person who gathered all of this footage and edited together so seamlessly in such detail to tell the story?

Enjoyed the movie but would have been better if they either stuck to the found footage conceit of having on camera through out the entire thing (and occasional random things where it was taped over etc) or just did a proper movie.


Yeah and especially toward the end there is absolutely no consistency about how and why they are being filmed.


I guess it's implied that Matt edited the footage together.


That's the only Watsonian explanation I can come up with, but that really doesn't hold a lot of water. It really is just something one is supposed to hand-wave and "go with", though I for one find that chafing. There really is no single, good answer, though "Matt did it" is about as good as we're going to get, I think.


Sometimes You Plant Seeds For Trees You Will Never Sit Under


Read Max Landis' sequel script, it answers this exact *beep* question!!! Something I also wondered about when watching it.

It's called Chronicle: Martyr

I don't want FOP God damn it, I'm a Dapper Dan Man!!!


I wish they had skipped the hand held BS altogether. There are several scenes where there is no one to hold the camera, like when he beats up the bullies for cash to get his moms medicine. Then we have random people holding cameras in the apartments they fight through etc. I thought it was a great movie, but i absolutely hated the camera work and it pulled me out of the movie on at least 3 occasions.


I wish they had skipped the hand held BS altogether. There are several scenes where there is no one to hold the camera, like when he beats up the bullies for cash to get his moms medicine.
I think we're expected to believe he was filming with the camera elevated telekinetically.

I agree with the sentiment of your post as the inconsistencies regarding who's filming seem to come up regularly in virtually all found footage films.

That said, I think this one is the best I've seen, arguably because it had a bigger budget spent on it, than your run of the mill wobbly cam exploitation film.

Some of the special effects used were quite outstanding IMO and I think the acting abilities of the 3 leads were a cut above the ordinary.🐭



The camera being set up in the hospital room was silly too.


Try Rihanna Mclovin ^^......

Use the head that uses the other part.


It could be argued that the film doesn't need an in-movie editor, any more than any non-found-footage-film.

We're just being shown the story through the lens of cameras, like "Look" (, where we're invited to "peek" at the world through surveillance cameras, with no implication that any character in the movie ever put all the pieces together.

But that argument falls apart when the very title of the film suggests that one of the characters (i.e., Andrew) is actually telling us the story.


I agree. I don't think it's as necessary as people think, if they're willing to just take it for what it is...

This new found footage movie, "Villain" uses the same technique, where it cuts between the protagonists' and antagonist's camera, in order to build suspense. If you can just suspend your disbelief, it works!


Akira, it was Akira. Akira was responsible for everything.

"All I want, is to enter my hoes justified"


That's actually what the sequel is about, or at least the sequel that Max Landis wrote. It's about who edited chronicle.
