Head on collision

What was up with that car accident scene with the high school students? That scene just seemed a little too strange and surreal compared to the rest of the film. I wasn't quite sure if it was supposed to be something that really happened or if it was a staged "performance" by the school to teach the kids about safe driving.

First off, if it were real would they really let the students stand around the horrible scene like that? And would Bernie and his fellow morticians be the ones to remove the bodies from the scene instead of proper authority figures? But the oddest thing was the grim reaper walking around in the background. The whole thing just seemed a little too absurd compared to the rest of the film. And don't get me wrong, I don't mind absurdity or surrealism in film. It just seemed a bit out of place here.

Great movie, though. I highly enjoyed it. Especially Jack Black's performance.


It was staged.

About 10 years ago I drove by a school every day that had a wrecked car that was involved in a students death from drinking and driving. Had a sign on it that said Please don't drink and drive.

I was like, Jesus that is morbid. I'd imagine not too many kids from that school drank and drove though.


Did the student go to the school where the car was placed? Of so that is pretty damn intense for fellow students and friends to see every day. But yea, it probably worked


Did the student go to the school where the car was placed? Of so that is pretty damn intense for fellow students and friends to see every day. But yea, it probably worked

I believe the student that died went to that school and had died in the car wreck earlier that year. The car had been rolled and was pretty beat up.

It sat in the entrance of the school with a sign that said please don't drink and drive. The car was also kind of like a memorial for the student, people left gifts like stuff animals and such around it.

Every time I seen it, it gave a sick feeling. I didn't even know the person, I couldn't imagine if it was a close friend and I had to drive by that every day on my way to school.
