In defense of Justin Bieber

I don't know why I feel compelled to write on this message board, since I can usually ignore all of the negativity that seems to have permeated these IMDb boards for years. But, alas, I do feel compelled...and so I decided to write a defense of Justin Bieber. Before I begin, I want to say that I'm not a 12-year-old girl with no life who screams and cries at the sound of "One Less Lonely Girl." I am a male fifth grade teacher who teaches inclusion (where special education students are integrated into a regular ed classroom). I teach predominantly at-risk and underprivileged students. I say all of this not to brag (though I am quite proud), but to hopefully prove that I'm not defending him because of how dreamy he is or whatnot. I urge you to read everything I have to say before you respond.

Anyway, when I first heard Justin sing on the radio, I (like many of you) thought, "Who is this girl?" before sluffing him off as some one-hit wonder. But then, my students started to talk about him, wear shirts covered with his face, and brag about being Beliebers. So, because I always try to stay up-to-date with what (and who) my students like, I bought his CD and listened to it. Yep, it was the same predictable, but catchy pop fluff that twelve-year-olds love. Nothing wrong with that; my students deserve music that appeals to them, just as adults do.

But, for many of my students, Justin Bieber's appeal went deeper than just them liking his music. As I said, I teach mainly at-risk and underprivileged students. Many of them come from broken homes, many of them live in public housing, and many of them don't have enough food to eat at home (just as Justin did). My students found that they could relate to Justin Bieber...they, honestly, believe that he came from some of the same situations that they now face. And they see how successful he has become. At the risk of sounding melodramatic, he has given them hope for their own futures. In that respect, he has done something for them that I have not been able to do. I came from an upper-middle-class family and grew up never wanting for anything. I can do my best to understand what my students go through each and every day, but I can never truly be on their level, because I never experienced it. Justin Bieber connected with them and inspired them, because of their similarities.

Now, I'm not going to stand here and tell you that this is the case for all of my students. I have some students who actively despise him (just like many of you), and I have some who couldn't care less about him. But, I have enough that love him and that are inspired by him, that I have to respect and like him. I don't care if he fades away when he turns eighteen never to be heard from again or if he isn't the most talented singer who has ever lived. I love the fact that he has inspired my wonderful students who deserve inspiration, but have never gotten it from their parents, other relatives, etc. I want them to know that hard work and believing in yourself can bring you out of any situation, and Justin Bieber's life is a testament to that for them.

So, you can all sit on these message boards and make fun of him and hope that he fails all you want. That's fine...but you will never hear that from me. I'm not a Belieber by any means, but I'm thankful for him and his success. I'm thankful that my students have someone to admire other than the Jersey Shore kids or even, for some of them, their own parents. Now, all I have to do is mention Justin Bieber's name in my lesson and, bam, I have their interest (you would be surprised at how well Bieber fits in a lesson on adverbs). For those of you who say that my students' fascination with him is shallow and will be that, I say "Who cares?" Twelve-year-olds are famous for changing their minds at the drop of a hat. All I know is that, right now, Justin Bieber is inspiring them and moving them to believe in brighter futures, and that's all I can really ask for.


Wow a full essay lol. Cool story, bro.


Actually, if you consider any lengthy post "a full essay," you really need to start learning to post on these message boards more elaborately. Give more detail to your posts.

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Thank you for that thoughtful response. I love how I came to this board with absolutely nothing rude or degrading to say about anyone else, and yet I'm called "brain-dead" and have my devotion to my profession questioned. I feel no need to defend myself to people as negative and hate-filled as you are. However, what I will say is that, you surely have to see that every filmmaker, every singer, every celebrity is in this business for the money. Do you think The Beatles would have made music if there wasn't money in it? Do you really think anyone would do any job if there wasn't money in it? Surely, you aren't naive to think that everybody else is doing their jobs just because they love them. I find it ironic how it's okay for everyone in the world to work for money, except for celebrities who are supposed to work just for the sake of their art. It's hypocritical and completely ridiculous.


lol i agree. im not sure if this is true but someone said the beatles were only in it for the fan girl attention when first starting out. and the industry is about making money off people's entertainment. always has always will. justin may get a lot of hate but he's still making his money cause millions like him i'm 17 and i love justin, and i don't care if he fades away. i just want him to live a happy and healthy life


However, what I will say is that, you surely have to see that every filmmaker, every singer, every celebrity is in this business for the money. Do you think The Beatles would have made music if there wasn't money in it? Do you really think anyone would do any job if there wasn't money in it? Surely, you aren't naive to think that everybody else is doing their jobs just because they love them. I find it ironic how it's okay for everyone in the world to work for money, except for celebrities who are supposed to work just for the sake of their art. It's hypocritical and completely ridiculous.

This is the best thing I've read on the IMDb forums and I mean that completely unironically.


yes, you teach special education students for the money

there are however, those people who actually do their work not for the money, but because they love doing it
there are people doing voluntairy work you know ;)

| Musa sapientum fixa sum |


Personally, I think the Bieber hate has gone a bit too far, which made me decide to stop making jokes towards him... Seriously. He's a kid that got lucky. Yes, his fans are annoying, but we shouldn't hate on a kid because of the type of music he plays. Clearly, he has a fanbase that enjoys it. He's not hurting us. The media should be blamed for overhyping him, then he really is.


actually, nobody hates her because of her music. i like that type of music a little. its just that thet autotune the crap out of this prepubescent girl that cant sing. i don't hate her, its just the fans keep insisting that she is in fact a boy, when she is obviously a girl.


You have to be out of your mind to consider it a boy.


It's fun to chuckle at awful stuff but at a certain point it becomes insanity.

When I was a kid, the fad du jour was New Kids On the Block. The hatred for them was the same. Then there was Spice girls, Back street boys, NSync, Hanson etc. etc.

The funny part was the hatred spiked to a point where the haters were more obnoxious than the fans were. Case in point, devoting hours to voting down this film instead of just ignoring him like a human being.

I would have never know this movie had existed if I hadn't seen a rating of 1.4. Ironic how the hatred contributes to his celebrity. He's not the first mega fad and he won't be last.

Now excuse me, I'm going to play a round of POG.


So says the person who uses words like "dat" and substitutes a "u" for a "v" to hide a bad word from the IMDb censors. No thanks, I think I'll stay right here.



Wait...wait...wait, everyone who hates him can come on here and create endless posts about what a jerk he is or how untalented he is, but because I like him, I'm just supposed to rate it a 10 and then leave? That's completely ridiculous. This is supposed to be a place for discussion, though I guess you all forgot that. And, sadly, you're right...people on here don't care what I do for a living or who I am, because they would much rather just dismess every person who dares to defend Justin Bieber as a pathetic "fanboy," without even considering another viewpoint than their own. You seem to be under the false assumption that not is only your opinion a fact, but also that your opinion is the only one that matters. It's so sad when people with different opinions can't have an intelligent discussion. I tried to do that...but I should have realized I was dealing with a different type of person.


It's so sad when people with different opinions can't have an intelligent discussion. I tried to do that...but I should have realized I was dealing with a different type of person.
You're on completely the wrong site for an intelligent discussion, pal.


There's a 1-10 scale on IMDb for a reason. Do you want just a "like/dislike" rating system instead?

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The nature of a bulletin board or message board system, is for people of disparate walks of life to gather and share ideas, opinions, rants - anything they deem worthy of writing. You say "No one here cares who you are or what you do for a living.", and while you are entitled to your opinion, you are not really able to speak for everyone. I, personally, find it interesting to know a bit about the people who post. You don't have to care. You also don't have to read the message boards. If you prefer to not be exposed to any one else's opinion, exercise your own free will, and don't read it.
Regarding your post - in terms of relevancy - does anyone really use the IMDB rating system to judge anything?


"Hey, I can be a jerk to people I haven't slept with. I am that good." -House


chrisclatk1215: That was amazing. You take getting hated on so well :)


Thanks for the insight, really. I, too, haven't been a huge fan yet never understood the hate and animosity towards him. Reading what you wrote made me realize every generation is going to have their certain role models and pop stars. I'm a '90s kid and we had -- you know -- Britney Spears and N*Sync and Spice Girls. Every generation is going to have their own stars. Justin Bieber just happens to be the next big thing for the younger generation. Justin Bieber to a 10-year-old girl is what the Backstreet Boys were to ME 10 years ago. So who am I to hate him? I think because people are older, we tend to think we're above that. Society just seems to grow more hateful. WE'RE just growing more hateful


I hated all the names your post.


Too long, didn't read.


I find it quite humorous how a few of you found five paragraphs to be too long to read. Most ten-year-olds can read this much without any problems. I suppose that, if you all are an accurate reflection of the people on this board, I really shouldn't have wasted my time. As I've always heard, the IMDb = where intelligent discussions go to die.


chrisclark1215 I would like to thank you for trying. As you can see there is no hope for the human race.

As a teacher I'm sure you already know that.


When teachers believe that they should stop teaching. You are the ones making your prediction come closer to reality.

In my school we are 4 teachers with the sole purpose of differentiating the education of the students in the school. The result is that everyone is at a level they understand. I myself teach math, physics, biology, chemistry to the gifted students and also gymnastics at the side.

We often offer students to skip a grade, but never force them because it can have social ramifications. One in one hundred students are not interested in learning at all, the rest just need the right tools to do so.


And I find it amusing how a teacher has nothing better to teach her students than to imitate some annoying little kid with a squeeky voice and a haircut that looks like a salad bowl. Just try to get your students' attention in another way, do you think you can handle that ? Or are you just too used-up and too "old" ( not just in age ) to be just relying on whatever is popular at the moment ? Who know, tomorrow a guy with a fish stuck in his bunghole can be famous, and you will reffer to him in each of your classes ? That is just plain stupid...
And why does education suck in the US I wonder...


Great to see a mature poster on this board. It is a shame how a lot of people come to this board single-minded, just to hate on a kid that got lucky. It baffles me every time I see posts that cynical, irrelevant and poor as the ones of some of the previous posters. Not everyone necessarily have to agree with the OP but one can at least post a proper and mature reply.

Personally I don't care for Justin Bieber at all. What drives me and a lot of others mad is the fact that he is practically everywhere. Turn on the radio or TV and there he is. While shopping, you occasionally have to listen to him and it's not like you should have to leave a store just because of the music they are playing. Whose fault is it, though, that he appears everywhere? His own? He is in the media and he obviously enjoys it but that does not change the fact that it is the media that has made him bigger (hurr-durr) than he "deserves" to be.

Hating on him is not going to stop those who look up to him in listening to his music and it is not going to get him off the radio, off the TV and out of your favorite store. He is quite a popular singer and he's obviously going to stick around longer than some of us had anticipated. I dislike R&B and Pop in general so I can right away say that I am not fond of neither his songs nor his voice. It truely is hard not to feel any distaste for this boy but for me it is wrong to "hate" a person who has done nothing to hurt no-one. He is in fact quite harmless.

To be fair, I am vaugely annoyed by the fact that some of my friends are talking of him like he is a God or something. However, if this is how they see him and if they like his music, who am I to tell them wrong? There is no right or wrong in liking a specific genre, artist or band. Not everyone have the same taste. Learn to cope with it.

If someone might ask: I came to this board in order to see what rating "Never Say Never" had. I found it hilarious (and also a little bit disturbing).



Of course, studios are milking him for money. They milk every star for money...studios are only interested in how much money a star can bring in when they make a deal with them. They would never have made a concert documentary about Michael Jackson if they couldn't have made money on it...the same is true for Justin Bieber's documentary. There was money in it; so they made it. True art is so rare in is, quite sadly, a business. I don't really understand why people hold this against Justin Bieber, but not against all of the other profitable stars who have their projects made primarily because they are profitable.

And I have to say that we can't hold what his fans do against him. We can't expect twelve-year-old girls to be on their best behavior. If anything, we should blame their parents who haven't taught them how to be respectful of people different than they are. Of course, I see no difference between his fans who obsess over him and attack anyone who disagrees with them...and his haters on this board who spend all day attacking him and any who disagrees with them.

Reading back how I replied to some people, I do think that perhaps I was too insulting. While writing it, I didn't really think of how it would be perceived, only that it was quite true. When you have people who respond to you who make it quite clear that they haven't even read your entire post, I don't believe that it was immature to call them out on this, though my tone was admittedly too sarcastic and bitter. People like them are the reason an intelligent discussion cannot be had on these boards. For the meaning of what I said, I do not apologize, because it is true. For how I said it, though, I do apologize.

Thank you for your thoughtful, mature post. I really respect people who can disagree, without being angry.



I don't really believe that he represents the general decline in today's music industry. Teen pop has always been a part of music, starting with Frank Sinatra in the 40's. We've seen teen pop icons throughout music: Frankie Avalon, Menudo, Debbie Gibson, LeAnn Rimes, Hanson, the Backstreet Boys, *NSYNC, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, and more. Do we remember all of them? Surely not...very few leave a lasting impact on the music industry, and they probably don't do any real damage to the music industry. Let's remember: even with Justin Bieber on the pop charts, when The Beatles were released on iTunes, they sold millions. No one with any credibility was saying, "Well, now that we have Justin Bieber, who needs The Beatles!?"

And can we really expect most preteen girls to like Elton John, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, or any of the other really great musicians? No, because they're still young, and they want bubblegum pop that speaks to their lives. Does Justin Bieber's music speak to my life or your life? No, but to a twelve-year-old girl, his music represent much of what is going on in their lives. Sure, much of his music is immature...but so is his target audience. I don't mean that as an insult. Frankly, I like twelve-year-olds still being immature, instead of racing to grow up. And, for many young people, Justin Bieber's music does mean something to them. It might not mean something to them ten years from now, but that doesn't negate its meaning right now as they are growing up.


10/10 Good Troll Kind Sir


Can you please explain why I am a troll?




i did not care for him at all until i saw him on the nba celeb match he seemed like a attention grabbing idiot and his fans voted him mvp when he did basically nothing :S
and than some of his fans go off and attack some poor girls wiki page for no reason



Haven't you heard that 90% if IMDb's population has basement disease? They hate anything that's not Harry Potter and N64.


Firstly, I would like to say it is a real pleasure to see an intelligent, mature poster on the IMDB boards.

Personally I dislike Beiber, though his music isn't of my taste to begin with, so that's nothing against him as a person. I think the issue people have with him (and I find it unsettling myself) is how the media is hyping him up so relentlessly and making him out to be some god icon in music, making autobiographies and MOVIES about him when he has only been famous for about a year.

Like you said in a previous post, to criticize a musician for making money is ignorant and hypocritical...however, what's unsettling is that this whole process suggests that the studios are taking advantage of Beiber's youth, and the fact he is a YOUNG celebrity. If they had any faith in his musical talent, I am sure the autobiographies and movies would take more time, but I fear that they are rushing through all these things now because once he becomes an adult, he will lose his "selling factor". Being paid for a job you love is one thing...but would you want to be paid based on a factor that is in no way related to your talent, like your age or appearance?

It truly is wonderful that your students have found something to hope for, especially in their situation, and I don't wish to take that away from them...but I hope you also encourage them to work towards their success and not expect it to be handed to them. True, Beiber demonstrates that a person from any background can become famous, and it can be inspiring to children of a similar life...but at the end of the day, he was lucky, and I hope your students are under no illusions that success will come to them quite so easily.

I apologize on behalf of those here who criticize you purely because they are too lazy to read more than three lines of text, or too arrogant to speak anything but utter despisal of Justin Beiber.
