MovieChat Forums > All-Star Superman (2011) Discussion > I'm I the only one who didn't really lik...

I'm I the only one who didn't really like it?

I watched this movie yesterday, not having heard anything about it. As with all movies, I kept my expectations in check, because it could go either way. There were good parts, for sure. However, the movie felt like a disjointed mess. The script seemed like it needed a lot of work, and the actor who voiced superman was just didn't into the role.

One thing I must say, though, is that I loved Luther in this movie. He was given the best lines, and they were delivered brilliantly. I did not read the comic/comics that this was adapted from, so I'm only going by the movie on its own merit. Sadly, I just wasn't feeling it. I'm just posting this, because I come here, and seen all of the high praise. Am I missing something here? And "best DC Animated film ever", I asked myself, did we watch the same movie?

I'm not trying to belittle anyone's opinion, I just wanted to know if anyone felt similar to myself about this movie.



as others have stated, it appears to be done more for the sake of those who love the original comics. so while it's reasonable to expect the movie to stand on its own, i think it does help to know the roots of the comics. the original comic was structured to create a similar mythos to the 12 tasks of hercules for superman (without directly mirroring the 12 tasks).

since these films clock in at around ~ 75 min, that literally does leave ~ 6-7 min or so per task.

aside from that there are morrison's quirks as a writer, as others have outlined, that take some getting used to. as well as quitely's art, which is not for everyone.


I agree 100% with all of your statements concerning the pros and cons of the movie. I will say that the final few scenes were probably my favorites and the climax onto the credits was a beautiful transition.
I actually know for a fact that this movie was written for the Comic fans, so a heck of a lot of the things that didn't make sense or felt "disjointed" as you put it(and I totally agree with that comment) were because those things were geared towards comic fans references.
On a personal note: This sh*t was VERY misleading:

All in all I give it 5/10

Beautiful animation but in-congruent storyline and less than impressive voice acting.

Thus far "Under The Red Hood" is DC #1 best animated movie with "Crisis on Two Earth's" coming in 2nd.


R.I.P - Dwayne McDuffie (1962-2011)


While I did enjoy Under the Red Hood, personally I think the Wonder Woman movie, Return of the Joker, and Mask of the Phantasm are the three best DC animated movies to date.


It was good as an adaptation, but as a visual work... 'eeunnnhheehhmeh'. Or something like that.

The backgrounds were bland, the voice work was flat on the main characters, the faces were... just utterly FROZEN. So frozen that even the most emotional scenes of the story couldn't work for me like they had in the original comic. Don't get me wrong, they kept in the most vital chapters of ASS together well enough in 70 minutes. We all want to see more like Zibarro, Regan, the time-travel episode and more, but that'd be more for a TV mini-series, and that'll never happen.

So it works as a story, but the animation needs work. So it's in the middle of ranking a list of the DC Animated films.

Yippee-ki-yay, pastel-colored resistance!



the biggest flaw of this film is that you have to have read the comics, otherwise it comes across as very disjointed. to my mind that means it fails as an adaptation.

i agree with many of the comments, the voice acting was quite flat sometimes, especially superman. and lord knows, that trailer IS misleading!

another weakness was leaving out some key scenes from the comic, such as superman and his descendants coming back from the future - essential for explaining what happens to superman after he repairs the sun. i would have liked to see him saving a teen from suicide included too.

one of the things that annoyed me about the comic and the film was lois' refusal to accept that clark and superman were the same person. i could have done without that. ultimately i am not a huge fan of grant morrison's work on superman so this film was never going to be one of my favourites. however i enjoyed the animation and some of the lines were quite amusing. added to that we were given a great lex, so i gave it 6/10 (which may have been a bit too generous).

before we get started, does anyone want to get out?
