5.6 really!!!!!!!!!1
This movie deserves better.I have seen horibble movies that should have never been made get 6.5
shareThis movie deserves better.I have seen horibble movies that should have never been made get 6.5
shareYeah, just watched it and rated it an 8. It was a pretty nice and refreshing movie
sharean overpriced vehicle for a washed up 70 year old trying not to be...
the current resident of Our White House has a liberal socialist agenda which is Killing Our Country
I rated it 7, would give a 7.5 if that was possible. Liked it too.
shareI gave it 4 and that's being generous.
I gave it a 3. Almost feel asleep
shareI'm watching this for the first time, and don't see how you could fall asleep with her non-stop chattering. Though I do have to keep pausing it to take breaks so my head doesn't explode, and for some peace. If that character was my mother, I'd have a hard time not driving off the nearest cliff.
shareI think it should be around 5, mediocre movie overall.When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...
This movie definitely deserved better. Just look at the post history of some of the users here and you'll understand why this movie was received poorly. Not going to single anyone out, but Argo 6/10, Bachlorette 8/10, Xmen first class 9/10?
shareI think most people see Seth Rogen and think its either going to be an action packed comedy or just a gritty comedy and realize woah, this is actually a real movie about family and feelings.
Its to hard for their thick skulls to comprehend so they get angry and rate it low.
Thats why you ignore the rating, its rated down by complete idiots.
i'd give it a 4. i didnt lol once.
seths usually funny, barbs annoyingness killed any chance of that. its probably a 6.5 if u r babrara streisands age though.
I'm going to give this movie a 5 because of Barbara. She did a great job and I have always loved her movies. It's great to see her in a film.
Not a fan of Seth, but he did a good job as well. Wish he'd grow some upper teeth.
No, actually this movie sucked! Babs has just become an old bitter hag, tha actually beleives people like to watch her in movies. She hasn't made a decent movie since the 70's. I had to turn it off after 30 minutes because it was so bad.
shareNo, actually this movie sucked! Babs has just become an old bitter hag, tha actually beleives people like to watch her in movies. She hasn't made a decent movie since the 70's. I had to turn it off after 30 minutes because it was so bad.
I have to agree. I really enjoyed this movie and will probably buy it, but then I am a MOM. I thought it was a terrific movie to see just before mothers day!
shareI don't understand what people are talking about. This was a good movie, with
funny and heartfelt moments. Both Seth and Barb are very good at both comedy and drama. Both characters had their story arc and shown that they grew by the
end of the movie. I have seen a lot worse movies. I would give it a 6.5 or so rating.
Yea it does. This is one of those movies you really enjoy if you can relate to the characters - you have a mother like this or you are really close with your own mother. I really liked it, it was sweet.
shareYou are correct.I think to enjoy this movie you must either have a mother like this or know as mother like this.Really enjoyed this movie
shareIf you look at the bias in the Top 250 listings, you could hardly regard these ratings credible anymore. I find the American Film Institute ratings to be far more credible, mainly due to the lack of juvenile trolls who nowadays populate the imdb boards, particularly via the indiscriminate use of social media to get their message across and boost the ratings of some of the most useless films that ever hit the silver screen.
For me personally, I found this a nice gentle comedy, and that it was a nice movie to share with my 84 yo mother, who enjoyed it also, particularly for it's lack of excessive, gratuitous or crass vulgarity, which appears to be bench mark for what passes as Hollywood comedies these days. No, I am not a prude, however when coarse language is used too frequently, it has no comic effect whatsover imho.
My rating was 7/10 for a reasonable middle of the road "road trip" comedy.
'Nuff said...
Locked my wire coat-hanger in the car - good thing that I always carry spare keys in my pocket :)
Brute, I couldn't agree with you more. Well said! I also gave it a "7".