MovieChat Forums > Despicable Me 2 (2013) Discussion > Why Such Blatant Hispanic Hatred?

Why Such Blatant Hispanic Hatred?

Not for sure why the white powers that be in Hollywood felt it necessary to poke fun at Hispanic culture with such ridiculous characters Eduardo, El Macho, and Antonio.

The whole Latin lover/macho Hispanic-male thing gets real old after awhile.


This movie is not for children it's supposed to be PG13 there is a lot
hate and violence on it. It's the worse children's movie I have alredy
watched. All the others children's movies are the opposited they teach
love and respect to people from different culture. HATED HATED HATED
HATED THE WORSE MOVIES EVER The director should go to jail to teach
hate to little children.


This movie is not for children it's supposed to be PG13 there is a lot
hate and violence on it. It's the worse children's movie I have alredy
watched. All the others children's movies are the opposited they teach
love and respect to people from different culture. HATED HATED HATED
HATED THE WORSE MOVIES EVER The director should go to jail to teach
hate to little children.


Wow. That was a pretty angry comment. Twice even.


Ya sure because the director is making everyone watch it. No one has a choice in the matter.


who gives a bleep. Its an F'n cartoon for kids. You think the toddler sitting next to me thought about Hispanic culture or do you think he was laughing at the funny antics and minions?

Damn adults ruin crap for kids I swear. Stop thinking so deep about a dang cartoon and enjoy it with your kids.


Are you equally as concerned at the poking fun at the English with the film's depiction of an obese arrogant snob with a name to make fun of?
In any case, I thought El Macho was based on one very specific piece of Mexican culture, that of the masked wrestler. Such wrestlers are hugely popular in Mexico, and basing a super-villain character on that seems to me no more "hate" filled than the depiction of a US super-villain as a weedy tech nerd in the first film (Vector).

"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars..." Oscar Wilde



Ok, I have to talk here because these kind of threads usually end up with insults :) Honestly I haven’t seen the movie so I don´t have the right to have an opinion here. But my sisters were having a little discussion about the topic the other day, one of them said that it was kind of insulting while the other one that wasn´t –We are Mexicans and who live in Mexico-.
And probably the writers didn´t write the character in order to insult or something. I guess the problem is the stereotype that Hollywood has with people from Mexico and other countries in general. And that becomes annoying, if you saw my sisters and me walking in the street we do not look like Mexicans, we are not immigrants, we are not drug dealers we are actually white... but is the image we have what gets annoying. :)


The goofy bad guy from the first movie was not hispanic if I recall correctly ...

oddly enough... in the first movie, the two bad guys were white. one was a banker, the other was a dork.

even more odd.... there wasn't an uproar from the white community (or apologists for the whites) screaming RACISM.

go figure.

Thread ender.


Stop with the cultural pity parties please... How many white villains are there in movies. Way more than any other ethnic group.

And as one poster said the powers that be in Hollywood are Jews & gays.

... End of line.


I am Mexican and there is no offense taken.


same here and I enjoyed the movie and its characters.


Yeah! And they poked fun at Eastern Europeans too making one of them the ridiculous Gru! Oh sure he's a villian because he's Eastern European!
And don't get me started on the English! Stuffy upperclass twits or doddering old men!
Or maaaaaaaybe....just maaaaybe.....They aren't making fun of them. Maybe they are HAVING fun with CONCEPTS.
El Macho was more about the concept, perpetrated by the culture itself mind you, of the macho masked wrestler.
The suave debonaire Mexican that sweeps girls off their feet (oooh! how horrible to be portrayed that way! ) is offset by his overweight unappealing father. I guess that shows that it isn't a 'people' thing but an 'individual' thing.
