I did not see any hispanic hatred.
Why are you so sensitive?
Also, there is a strong implication that you think it it okay to make fun of "white" people (by which I assume you mean Euro-Americans) and no one else.
That sounds like racism to me!
What is a racial stereotype? Any hispanic with a Mexican accent? So Antonio Banderas should not be allowed to play Puss in the Shrek films?
Because Banderas is Mexican, was it racist for the producers to choose Salama Hayek to play the female cat?
This also hark back to the Little Drummer Boy animated Christmas Special. People of Arabic descent complained that the villain was Arabic, and so the show is no longer shown on TV. Of course, ALL the characters, including the HERO, were Arabic.
So what have we really accomplished here?
El Macho was a badass. As far as I can tell, he is a Mexican Badass. What's wrong with that?
To be honest, I found the most racist thing to be that he still had some black hair when he turned purple (Sorry for the spoiler).
"Dude, it's Lord Goblin King, not Lord Go Blinking!"