MovieChat Forums > Despicable Me 2 (2013) Discussion > Why Such Blatant Hispanic Hatred?

Why Such Blatant Hispanic Hatred?

Not for sure why the white powers that be in Hollywood felt it necessary to poke fun at Hispanic culture with such ridiculous characters Eduardo, El Macho, and Antonio.

The whole Latin lover/macho Hispanic-male thing gets real old after awhile.


It is hatred by the soviet. Not sure why every race has to be so sensitive.


Macho dove into a volcano riding a shark strapped with hi-explosive and survived. If that is hatred, then I dunno just how badass a character of a nationality that the filmmakers liked would have to be.

I ship Corpus and Last Outlaw!


Fake death. Perhaps did not do it.


From all hints, he faked the death, but the stunt occurred.

If what was shown in the flashback happened and he still faked it, then I have to give him even more macho/badass points.

God bless America and the "Ignore this User" link.


Choosing a particular ethnicity to be a villain in a film does not vilify the entire populace, at least not in my eyes.


This thread has already been done elsewhere. So please shut it down.


How is this thread being active affecting you?


God bless America and the americans the only people and country he he creates |o| stupid


"white powers that be in Hollywood felt it necessary to poke fun at Hispanic culture with such ridiculous characters Eduardo, El Macho, and Antonio." First off Hispanic is not a race you IDIOT second by those "powers" in hollywood you mean Jews right? Hollywood has poked fun of ruskies for 50 years and yet i see nobody complaining about



I don't think the movie is anti-hipanic just ignorant. A hispanic (mexican) dancing salsa like it was part of his culture. Salsa music is part of the latino culture not hispanic.


Still many people in Mexico like to dance salsa, so it still fits the culture



"they have bankrupted the U.S. in under 10 years...."
that has to get the prize for the most ignorant post in these boards.


They sent all the money to Mexico because they are ilegal here. A lot mexican people who works hard here pay tax to support lasy american. Americans that never did nothing good for the country just use drugs and live with food stamp and in a governament house


I don't normally like to resort in name calling but, I have no choice here. You are an idiot. That's all that really needs to be said.


Oh come on! Untwist your underpants. Relax. It's a movie. They picked a nationality to give their villains, so what? I don't know about all Hispanics but here in Mexico everybody laughed and nobody felt offended. It's a cartoon for Pete's sake. Now all this talk gave me a craving for nachos with guacamole...


you mean iowa....

not mexico.

Thread ender.



Sorry. With your deficient grammar it's a little difficult to tell what you meant exactly. The one thing I was able to understand is that you called me stupid. If that is the case, **** you! If not... well, you should try to write clearly next time.


White men writing scripts for kids?

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


So what? The villain in the first DM was white. And a nerd, and I didn't hear all the nerds freaking out about hatred.


A mexican owned a successful business and was a bit of a genius. I suspect the OP is a limp wristed pathetic whiney liberal leftest. Which in the end, is the least tolerant kind of person. Just sayin.


I am worried they used what is the caricature of a mexican drug cartel lord, and that could bring trouble.


for who exactly, are Mexican drug lord going to attack the studio and demand that either the scenes be changed or they each be issues with a shark and tnt


I know I should be irked by this - it's a racial stereotype, the OP does make some valid points. I know I should feel offended...

But El Macho just seems SO AWESOME. Like, even though he's the bad guy I would totally hang out with him - he seems like hella fun, he obviously appreciates good food, and snake-venom-cocktails? Dude, sign me up.

I feel so guilty for liking him now.


I haven't seen the movie yet (so maybe he turns out to be not-so-bad after all?) but I was thinking, maybe it'd be better if Kirsten Wiig's character was Hispanic too? (but then I think it'd be appropriate to cast a Hispanic voice actress - so we'd lose Wiig).

I really like seeing multiculturalism in films, and perhaps the OP's onto something with the blatant stereotype of El Macho - so maybe it could be balanced out by having another Hispanic main character who wasn't a mash of stereotypes... I don't know.

The thing is, seeing the clips online, I fell in love with the El Macho character straight away, and didn't really put much thought into the fact that he's a cliché - and now I feel bad about it.


for who exactly, are Mexican drug lord going to attack the studio and demand that either the scenes be changed or they each be issues with a shark and tnt

Yes. Honestly you have no idea, a character like El Macho is basically something to do with them. Even his son. It is known high level drug cartel members have snobbish sons.


I did not see any hispanic hatred.
Why are you so sensitive?
Also, there is a strong implication that you think it it okay to make fun of "white" people (by which I assume you mean Euro-Americans) and no one else.
That sounds like racism to me!

What is a racial stereotype? Any hispanic with a Mexican accent? So Antonio Banderas should not be allowed to play Puss in the Shrek films?
Because Banderas is Mexican, was it racist for the producers to choose Salama Hayek to play the female cat?

This also hark back to the Little Drummer Boy animated Christmas Special. People of Arabic descent complained that the villain was Arabic, and so the show is no longer shown on TV. Of course, ALL the characters, including the HERO, were Arabic.
So what have we really accomplished here?

El Macho was a badass. As far as I can tell, he is a Mexican Badass. What's wrong with that?

To be honest, I found the most racist thing to be that he still had some black hair when he turned purple (Sorry for the spoiler).


"Dude, it's Lord Goblin King, not Lord Go Blinking!"


Its funny considering your are the least tolerant kind of person in this thread.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.
