Rose's ethnicity

It's happening again just like with The Hunger Games (Katniss had olive skin in the books). Rose wasn't white, she was half-Turkish and there are many passages in the books describing her dark eyes and eyebrows and hair and olive-like skin tone. Why are film makers so afraid to use ethnically diverse girls as the lead? It's not going to put me off watching the film because I am a fan of the books but it does bother me.


Darling, Rose's skin color is the color of the inside of an almond:)


Zoey is half-Jewish, that's not just any White girl.



She was a guardian to a vampire. they even make a point of it that she misses seeing the sun. You know what lack of sun does to a human skin? it gets quite lightcolored.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


Slam dunk. Great point! The vampyrs I know are quite washed out. The vitamin D3 in therapeutic doses I prescribed didn't help at all.😎


There's things more important to casting than just choosing an actress based on skin color. Sure, they may have been able to find a better actress to portray Rose, but whose to say that these women would have the "appropriate skin tone"? Besides, the description of her skin tone changes throughout the books, with the only consistency being the ones that made it into the movie : the eyes and hair.


I'm not sure if anyone else looked at but the girl on the covers of the books has about the same skin color as the girl who plays rose in the movie. So, I'm sorry but I'm a bit confused on where the problem is...


Are Turks Turks?

t's happening again just like with The Hunger Games (Katniss had olive skin in the books). Rose wasn't white, she was half-Turkish and there are many passages in the books describing her dark eyes and eyebrows and hair and olive-like skin tone.

I don't understand why so many people these days seem to think that anyone with slightly dark skin is not white.

When I was a kid racism was not as discredited as it is today. Lots of people still believed that race was important, that races were not equal, and that the white race was the most superior race. Being very white myself, with very pale skin, red hair, and blue eyes, I didn't see much wrong with that idea.

I could have classified anyone who was not as white as I was as a nonwhite and thus inferior. But instead, being a nice kid, I had the attitude that anyone who was not clearly black, or yellow, or red, was white, even if they were much darker than me - and almost everybody was darker than me.

These days there are fewer disadvantages to being classified as nonwhite, and thus less meanness in classifying other people as nonwhite. But I still can't help being shocked by the way some people seem to restrict being white to people of Germanic, Scandinavian, or British ancestry and consider all other Europeans and Mediterranean peoples to be nonwhite.

To me all Europeans and Mediterranean peoples are white.

Are Turks Turks?

That may seem like a silly question but I say that kind of question can be asked about almost every nationality, and get the same kind of ambiguous answer, because Turks are only sort of Turks. For example, I believe that the people who call themselves Russians should really call themselves Moskovites, and the people who call themselves Ukrainians should call themselves Russians.

Much of Central Asia was inhabited by Turkish peoples in the Middle Ages and still is. Turkish peoples are part of the Mongolian or Yellow race, in so far as they can be classified racially, and thus are nonwhite, so half Turkish Rose could be considered half white - perhaps.

One of the main concerns of the present Turkish government is doing all that it can to prevent any international discussion of the Armenian Genocide during World War I. And yet that same government is doing all that it can to imply that there was a much more terrible and bloody genocide during the foundation of Turkey.

Many Turkish tribes invaded the Middle East in the 11th century AD under the Seljuks, and some of them invaded Asia Minor, then part of the Roman or Byzantine Empire. After the terrible Battle of Manzikert in 1071 Turkish groups poured in to settle and conquer Asia Minor. In 1461 the conquest of Trebizond completed the Turkish conquest of Asia Minor.

In the 11th century there may have been about twelve million people descended from various Mediterranean (and thus more or less white) ethnic groups living in Asia Minor, which was called Rum or Rome by Middle-Eastern peoples because it was part of the Roman Empire. And about one million Turkish people are believed to have migrated into Rum over a period of several centuries.

So the Roman or Byzantine natives greatly outnumbered the Turkish immigrants. And yet the Turkish government has Turkish school children sing songs about their Turkish ancestors in Central Asia without mentioning their Byzantine ancestors in Asia Minor. Thus the Turkish government implies to its people and thus to the world that modern Turks have no Byzantine ancestors and Rum was turned into Turkey by a series of terrible massacres - the Byzantine Genocide - which make the Armenian Genocide seem small.

Fortunately genetic studies indicate that the citizens of Turkey ware mostly descended from the Byzantine population of Rum and only a little bit descended from Central Asian Turkish peoples, and so the Turks are not really very Turkish. So the Byzantine Genocide never happened, and Rose's Turkish parent should have been mostly white, not nonwhite.

Saying that Rose is not white because she is half Turkish doesn't make any sense.



proably money and who looks like that?

when is there going to be a biracial chinese and white family and the leads be white on white?

BadLola So she would make these random jokes directed towards the asian chick, things like "oh just shut, don't you have to go do someone's nails?" or "that was awesome, I'll send you 5 pounds of rice for that" and things like that, which were meant as jokes (written down they sound worse than spoken out loud in that setting) and the asian girl would seemingly smile like she was amused too. But later that night when we got talking I asked her if she finds that type of thing (white people directing "asian jokes" at her) to be ok and she said that if it's a really close friend maybe, but usually it does bother her and makes her feel uncomfortable, especially if there are many other people around , and she just doesn't know how to act because even if it offends her, she not a confrontational type of person.

Anyway, what I'm saying is that unless you are really really close friends you never know how that person actually feels about it. So personally I would avoid this kind of stuff all together.

well it depends

The problem with White washing is that they're excluding EVERYONE who isn't White that auditions. That's a huge problem. That is why minorities especially Asians and women of color (I think Black men get more opportunities than any other minority group outside of White women) don't get remotely the same opportunities in Hollywood. There have been numerous actresses who have said that they don't even get to audition for parts in non-race specific role bc as soon as that it is known that they are not White they get comments like "you're too dark" or that "we're not looking for someone like you"". Wouldn't it be fair to let them audition and base it on their talents instead of not letting them audition? I'm not sure about VA, bc I haven't read it.

its not just whites its also gay male actors biracial man and woman and no one talks about black washing all this characters

well again it depends on the role

How have blacks been denied anything every role in Egypt is either black and white no chinese or japanese actors what so ever even Merlin tv show

I just have a question about Katniss? How is she not supposed to be White from the books? Does her sister have a different father? Because she's blonde hair and blue eyes. If they have the same parents then how come no one is accusing Prim of being Whitewashed?

The Hunger Games Universe is set several hundreds of years into the future so ethnic mixing is a bit different than today. Katniss and Prim are from district 12 and in this distrct people are described as having olive skin, dark hair and grey eyes. Prim was a stand out, she basically looked like a "minority" in her district because she, like her mother, had pale skin, blue eyes and blond hair. But Kaniss, Gale and most district 12 residents have dark hair, grey eyes and olive-toned skin.

well did you knkow some HMongs have blonde hair and blue eyes and look chinese

I think what the poster was saying is that Zoey has the looks of a regular white girl and does not look "exotic," which is true.

As for her being half Jewish, well, Sarah Michelle Gellar is fully Jewish and so is Michelle Trachtenberg and they are not "exotic" either. Neither is Seth Green. Neither is Alyson Hannigan (Willow), Amber Benson (Tara), Gwyneth Paltrow, nor Chelsea Handler.

so is Whoopie Goldberg Yaphett Kotto Connie Chung etc etc

whats your point

and no they did not convert

Look like Tarzan talk like Jane! HAHA


It's not like they went overboard and deliberately chose a white woman. I mean, like others have been saying, she can be classified as Caucasian with a tan.

Say it was something like how they made Peter Parker (white in the comics) black in the newest movie or how they made Electro blue instead of orange, I could see getting upset. But, this just seems a little overboard.

I am all for everyone of diversity being given a chance. But, I definitely agree with others in that it was probably acting quality over color.


Another thing to consider is, who is the target audience? I'm guessing it's white middle-America. It's generally easier to identify with someone who belongs to your socio-economic group, so in order to generate maximum revenues, they chose a lead who would pull the most revenue.

Nothing at all to do with racism - it's all just about the money.


You obviously have no idea how people from Turkey look a like

Here's an Image to some turkish tv shows posters,
