MovieChat Forums > Trolls (2016) Discussion > This seems cute....Why so much hate?

This seems cute....Why so much hate?



Even though I have no interest in watching it, I have nothing against its existence because it seems like harmless fun for kids. It's just the marketing for it that really annoys me.


it's what this forums have become.


...because of the untalented boy-band loser who molests women.


"There are 2 kinds of people in this world...those who watch The Credits, and ungrateful bastages"


If it seems cute to you and you want to go see it then don't let anyone stop you. To me it seems stupid, moronic and poorly thought out. But that's just one person's opinion. So go, have fun, buy the DVD and then all the merchandising that will most certainly follow. Then go see the sequel, and the next sequel, and the next.

Why did Cobb take off his hat?


Dear lumpysmail, please don't feed the trolls :-)!


I wanted to hate it. But I was won over! I liked it.


Because all people should like movies for seeming "cute" right?


There's a difference between not liking a movie and outright hating it to the point that people feel it necessary to come to a board, long before the movie is released and complain loudly about the entire concept and anything else they can find to mock. I think the OP was really objecting to the trolling they saw initially. Since the movie has been released, the overall tone has changed with some expressing pleasure and enjoyment and others expressing boredom. The disdain that was expressed earlier came from those who had not seen it and judged it based on the trailers which, admittedly, were not all that good.


To me it looks "kinda cute for little kids" at best...I don't anticipate a good movie. But I will give it a shot when it comes out via Netflix, due primarily to the cast. (I LOVE Christine Baranski...really like Gwen Stefani and John Cleese and Russell Brand and Jeffrey Tambor...and like Anna Kendrick, Zooey Deschanel, & Justin Timberlake. Boy, did they do their DW thing again and go for the star-power to sell this one.)
Also, I'm just attracted to rainbow-colored things. x-p


There's a lot to enjoy visually and even the music fits.


Well, that's good to hear. I only had one Troll doll (purchased at the behest of my Kindergarten teacher, who was obsessed with them and wanted everybody to take a photo with one), but I did love his/her neon orange hair and I think raspberry-colored tunic. x3 So the toys weren't favorites, but they're cute enough as little cartoon characters.
And I'm not usually a big fan of DreamWorks' insertion of pop songs, but like anything else, it can work if done the right way.


It was cute. I just went and saw it with my nephew.

I'm a slow dying flower


That's appropriate that you would watch a film called 'Trolls'.


F*uck off. I am not interested in your stupid f*uck FAKE ass. You are the troll. Kings Rule even sees it himself. He put you in ignore because of it.

I'm a slow dying flower


Then you put me on ignore if you want. Oh and this is a kids' board so you shouldn't swear. Reported.



😂 Go 4 It Corey


And P.S. A kids board???? More adults than you know probably went and replied to this movie board.

I'm a slow dying flower


And possibly some kids as well genius.


Afraid of my comment I made about me getting someone to bust your stupid account? Was that why you reported it?

I'm a slow dying flower


😥 Please...this is stressful. Tell me what you liked about the film?


Stressful? Tell it to the douche bag who followed me.

I'm a slow dying flower


Could this stop, please?


You are everywhere. You are certanly acting as if you've been cut off from the rest of society. Way more sensitive than an avarage person. tell me your secret.
