Kind of feel like my teen years are being sold to Millennials so they can claim them for their own...
Too bad you Millennials never had a pop-culture of your own. Just remember the one you get in Ready Player One is previously owned.
shareToo bad you Millennials never had a pop-culture of your own. Just remember the one you get in Ready Player One is previously owned.
shareWhat's your definition of Millenials?
On some definitions, the oldest would be anyone born in 1977 onwards but on others the latest are those born in 1984 onwards.
So what's a Millenial for you guys?
Because I imagine those born between 1977-1984 can relate to at least half of Gen X culture and experiences, at the very least.
I think you are confusing millenials with Gen Z. Millenials are those born between 1980 to 1999.
I was born in 1986. Therefore, a millenial.
A lot of the stuff from this film came out when I was growing up. Jurrassic Park, Iron Giant. Even some 1980s things really found their footing in the 1990s like Dragon Ball Z, Gundam, TMNT...etc.