The ending (SPOILERS)

i like that the ending is ambiguous and that we can hold different, yet valid, interpretations of it... πŸ€”

i think he is hallucinating the storm in the end, but rather than being isolated and alone in dealing with this, his family recognises the "storm" that is his illness and are there by his side to help him through it...

... or maybe it's real and he was right all along! πŸ˜‰

I also read somewhere here that the whole movie is a metaphore for climate change... how people who forcast climate change and extreme life threatening weather changes are met with disbelief, as if they are "talkin' crazy", etc... yet in the end they are found to be saying the truth all along... I think this is not as interesting an interpretation... I prefer mine 😎

What I am clear on is that it doesn't matter what the director says in interviews or the commentary... the film is it's own thing in my opinion and only exists between the viewer and the screen 😎


It can't be a hallucination, because his daughter showed him the storm before he could notice.


That was my interpretation; he was right all along.


both the daughter and Wife see the coming storm and the wife even gets the 'dirty' rain he described on her hand while she was on her own so he was right all along.


