Points that ruined this series
1. This Arthur would have never carved out a new kingdom at the time. He lacks every quality a king that rises from nothing must have. And as a character he wasn't even likable. I half hoped Leontes would clean his clock...
2. The battles were done with no more than 20 guys trying to look like they were more and the props used looked so fake i'm pretty sure the producers don't have a clue on what a real shield and sword look like;
3. Lots of illogical attitudes from the characters hurting credibility;
4. Arthur, a dark age king worrying about what everybody thought about him and Guinevere. He would have gone to the Oprah Show and talked about it if it had been invented;
5. Cliché death of Leontes after he played the "nice cuckhold" and saved the life of the guy who took his wife's virginity in their wedding day, this at a time when people killed each other with swords over nothing;
6. Vital passes into Camelot being guarded by 2 guys and a kid...
7. Total confusion between adult scenes and juvenile plot. Got the sensation that producers aimed to get teens into this. Wrong bet i'll say...
8. Finally, this Arthur... Could they have chosen a weaker looking guy to handle a sword and shield? When he tried to look hardened he looked like a pompous fool. A total miscast.
There's more, but i don't want to waste more of my time.