MovieChat Forums > Camelot (2011) Discussion > Is there any other reason to watch this ...

Is there any other reason to watch this except Eva Green??

The only thing right in this show is Eva Green. I wouldn't have bothered watching it if it wouldn't have been her as Morgan. other than that its just a piece of sh*t..


As far as characters are concerned, I think it's a bit harsh. Arthur's knights, especially Leontes, have some strong scenes and are worth watching. Too bad they're secondary characters.
Other things worth watching: the scenery and costumes; I think they did a good job, as long as you don't expect historicity. At least it's pretty.

But I must admit that doesn't amount to much...

"Occasionnally I'm callous and strange."


Leontes had his moments too bad there werent many fighting sequences involving him.


There's nothing good about the costuming either.

Everyone wears horrible pleather straps with studs. I know it's a television show, but if Game of Thrones could make simple cloaks and tunics look good, why does Camelot look worse than a rennaisance faire. It looks cheap.


There's nothing good about the costuming either.

Everyone wears horrible pleather straps with studs. I know it's a television show, but if Game of Thrones could make simple cloaks and tunics look good, why does Camelot look worse than a rennaisance faire. It looks cheap.


i agree about the costuming. they couldn't even get THAT right.


ya, violence and blood. If you like Eva so much, watch The Dreamers.

Cult Leader my mind's frightening, I drink blood from a human skull like a Viking



did that already :)


oh, well i'd say that is as good as it gets Eva wise bro.

Cult Leader my mind's frightening, I drink blood from a human skull like a Viking



Frankly ? No.

I usually love fantasy tv shows, but not this one. It appears to be some random derivation of the usual Arthur plot that quite frankly goes nowhere at all.

For example, in the very first scene, we see Arthur having free sex 1960s style. Very odd and extremely out of character and out of the Arthurian setting. But when Guinevere marries, she fakes being still a virgin.

It just doesnt match at all. Either Arthur would have getting killed for sleeping with a woman outside marriage, or virginhood wouldnt matter in this setting. You cant have it both ways.

Granted, there is no "reference" to the Arthur plot. Every author who ever picked it up did something different with it. But this here is just pointless crap.

Always listen to your own advice.


Eva Green played a great villain; Joseph Fiennes was pretty good as Merlin ; Claire Forlani was awesome as Igraine. The only episodes I truly enjoyed were the ones revolving around these three characters. The rest of it was AWFUL. Arthur was TERRIBLY miscast and the barbie doll Guinevere was just ridiculous. I would have been more sad about the cancellation if the storyline for Merlin, Igraine and Morgan would have continued, but one is dead, the other apparently leaving anyway so we'd just be left with Eva. I'm not sure what Starz was thinking taking on so many big names for it's show- there'd always be the risk of the schedule conflicts, money, etc. I mean, I appreciated the big stars but they are claiming now that it's the reason the show isn't returning. Although I'm sure the decreasing ratings and general rejection of the lead actor had something to do with it as well.


wtf are you even talking about? if you're gonna find reasons to hate the show, use valid ones, not some random sh!t.

I am iKneelBforRahl
~ Member of the Smallville Power House.


"wtf are you even talking about? if you're gonna find reasons to hate the show, use valid ones, not some random sh!t."

Are you talking to me??


From the look of the nested messages, looks like he/she was talking to poem (the poster you were replying to). ;)

"Occasionnally I'm callous and strange."


^what he said

I am iKneelBforRahl
~ Member of the Smallville Power House.


"For example, in the very first scene, we see Arthur having free sex 1960s style. Very odd and extremely out of character and out of the Arthurian setting."

I'm not sure what you mean by "free sex 1960s style", but I see nothing out of character or the Arthurian setting in Arthur (or any other knight except a few, like Bors, Percivale or Galahad) having sex out of wedlock. Pellinore comes to mind: he raped a peasant woman (well, "half-raped" to paraphrase Malory's turn of phrase) who later gave birth to one of the best knights of the Round Table, namely Torre. As for Arthur, he has numerous bastards in the medieval texts. That is something the Victorian era and its Arthurian Revival prudishly glossed over, which may account for our conveniently forgetting it, but the lusty sex was always there in the source texts for everyone to see and read.

"Occasionnally I'm callous and strange."


Gah ...

I just hated mediveal times even more again.

Anyway, that was just one example of the things I didnt liked about this show.

Always listen to your own advice.


If adultery in the literature of a certain time is enough to make you hate said period of time, I'm not sure there's any hope of you ever finding a period of time you can like.

"Occasionnally I'm callous and strange."


The issue here was rape, not adultery.

Either way I still dont think the first scene fits into a mediveal setting at all. The style was clearly after-pill style: sex taken very lightly, because conception is no longer possible, and wouldnt put the women into shame.

A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me.


Exactly, I was like, well someone's getting pregnant and all woopti doo about it. I mean, even if she's going to bribe him for finances after he's king, it was all set up to be so Starz style sex sex sex, look at the sex! Blondes w/out clothes everyone! It didn't serve purpose at all but to make Arthur look like a frivolous douche the one second, and a pissed off teenager unworthy of the throne - lack of honest decision making, the next. IMO.


I'm pretty sure she faked being a virgin, not because of some taboo, but because she and Leontes had been childhood sweethearts and basically been together since they were kids. If she had lost her virginity to anyone other than him, that would mean she was unfaithful at some point automatically.


There are different standards for different classes of women. When we see Arthur "free-styling" it, he was a nobody doing it with a nobody.

Gwen is a lady of a higher class. She is expected to maintain her virtue until marriage.

Further, it's possible that the girl from the first scene is the village slut. There's always a village slut and she is exempt from the rules for the most part. You can tell Arthur's friend wasn't too bent out of shape about it. He probably expected as much.

So, yes, you can have it both ways.


Have it both ways with whom? I think I counted about 15 women in the whole kingdom. They didn't even ad digital extras... jesus, there are more tourists going through castles now than what they filmed in some scenes. It was laughable at times how small the scale of the show was.


Eva Green is ass ugly, thats not even factoring in her frog voice..That Mallrats chick is a cougar though.

Defend freedom, YOU are the resistance.


I agree 100%

Eva Green is the only reason I watched Camelot past the first episode.. The retelling of the Athurian Legend is ridiculous, absurd, and not even close to the actual legend... It reminds me of the movie King Arthur with Clive Owen as Arthur.. Sure, it was a decent movie, but a ridiculous inaccurate retelling of one of the greatest legends ever imagined...


Which legend ?

Arthur has been retold countless times, and every time things have been added and left out.

The issue with this is that the retelling is poor, not that it wouldnt be "faithful".

A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me.
