I don't care that it's a stupid and silly movie. It's absolutely 100% BETTER then the ENTIRE TWILIGHT franchise. Period.
Hell, even the actors were better.
I don't care that it's a stupid and silly movie. It's absolutely 100% BETTER then the ENTIRE TWILIGHT franchise. Period.
Hell, even the actors were better.
You hate twilight, but then support a re make of twilight? Wow,you have no crdibility and i know youare being paid.
Im 13 and I can hate movies. Deal with it!
Destroyer of Jokes scince 1903
Support a remake of Twilight??? This isn't a REMAKE. This is a SPOOF.
I WISH I was getting paid! LOL
lol, that's not a remake, like zonkiethegreat said it's a spoof LOL
HELP ME!!! I need to know if I am alone.
shareREMAKE would be more accurate. This movie isn't a SPOOF, because SPOOFS are supposed to be FUNNY.
shareWow, logic fail.
shareI agree with zonkiethegreat
shareI'll watch Twilight a thousand times before I'll watch this POS again.
And I hate Twilight with all my heart. I just hate this movie a lot more than I hate Twilight.
I'd rather stare at a wall for 2 hours than watch either one of 'em
shareI'd rather bang my head on a wall then watch any movie by Aaron Seltzer and Jason Friedberg...
Airplane is considered a remake of "Zero Hour." "Dracula: Dead and Loving It" and the Mel Brookes Robin Hood are both adaptations of the stories they're based on. Vampires Suckis a total copy and cash in,and since it is identical, it is a remake. Spaceballs is one of the few that isnt, because it makes an original story.
Im 13 and I can hate movies. Deal with it!
I am the self declared Destroyer of Jokes!
How is this movie identical to Twilight? Are you serious?
This a spoof. It was made to make fun of Twilight whether it followed the same storyline or not. It is a COMEDY where as Twilight is serious. How you can call this a remake is beyond me.
Movies intended to be remade are remakes. I shouldn't even have to explain that. I should be common sense.
I'd be willing that the OP has never watched any of the Twilight movies.
shareActually, I did watch the first two movies after watching Vampires Suck, and they were so boring, I nearly went comatose. My eyes rolled so many times I was afraid they would stay stuck that way forever.
Vampires Suck was way better, at least it was entertaining and stupid. Twilight was just BORING AND STUPID.
Luckily, I didn't have to pay to watch any of these movies.
I hate Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer movies, and i didnt like Twilight either...I would love to see a Spoof on Twilight with actual good writers and directors. A Twilight spoof is gold at this time of vampire hype...unfortunantly they picked the 2 most stoned retarded directors, plz Spoof Twilight correctly! Dont ruin the chance to good spoof jokes by having these guys do it.
Thats just like...your opinion man - Lebowski
Thank you, Cpt. Obvious.
What the frick ISN'T better than Twilight? Can we please stop saying over and over again how bad Twilight is when WE ALL KNOW HOW BAD IT IS?
"I never confuse gentleness with weakness."
Sweet as sugar, hard as ice, hurt me once I'll kill you twice~
Then how come I have Twilight movies in my collection (Hunger Games, too.) (I am not a 10-19 year old GIRL, okay?:))
Sarah Silverman Is Magic
Amanda Bynes is hot, Lindsay Lohan is not
I'd disagree, but judging by how you phrased your statement (lol, wut? shouldn't be a statement), I don't think I possess the capability to disagree, since you're obviously the hear say on what's good and what's not.
I think everyone who likes Twilight should be sterilised and exiled to Mars.
shareI think everyone who likes Twilight should be forced to suck the blood of the next sheep-like follower to see what being a vampire would really be about. Whilst being forced to watch 'The Lost Boys', 'Let The Right One In', 'The Addiction' and 'Near Dark' on repeat.
and everyone else who is actually insulting FANS of Twilight. However old you people are, act it instead of going on and on about how much you hate Twilight fans as much as you hate the films/books. Seriously. If you do not like something ignore it.
Oh and Vampires Suck is a terrible movie that shouldn't have been created because it shows no intelligence whatsoever. Movies like that are why America is brain dead.
Nah, this is not better at all. I would actually rather watch the Twilight films, then read the books then watch any garbage put out by Seltzer and Friedman. At least Stephanie Meyer put hard work into Twilight and is a respectable artist, unlike the spoof duo who are not respected in the film industry.
Movies Last Seen
Soul Kitchen: 4/5
Howl: 3.5/5
Fair Game: 4/5
Still doesn't make this one good.
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