MovieChat Forums > Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated (2010) Discussion > List any Parodies and Homages You Notice...

List any Parodies and Homages You Notice During the Show Here

Let's try to keep this thread up to date. I've noticed that this show makes quite a few references to movie and television, so I thought it would be cool to have a complete list of all of them. If you want to add a reference on this list, check to make sure it hasn't been listed already. I've added my a few just to get thing's started:

-unnamed character modeled after Don Knotts

-family modeled after the Griswalds from the Family Vacation series

-family modeled after the Foremans from That 70's Show

"I'm just a mean green mother from outer space...and I'm bad!"


The emo group in Art of Darkness is a tribute to Velvet Underground feat. Nico and the song in the episode sounds a bit like 'All Tomorrow's Parties'. Randy Warsaw and his concept of taking ownership for his assistants' art is a reference to Andy Warhol.

'Night Terrors' features a reference to Stephen King's The Shining with the family at the beginning which plans to stay in the library during the winter season.

money can`t buy you back the love that you had then - Feist "1 2 3 4"


What you wrote about 'Night Terrors' interested me because I never saw the movie but know a little about it and the caretaker sounded to me like he was doing Scatman Crothers.
Also, while I'm here, regarding 'The Night the Clown Cried', I forgot to mention in an earlier post Velma says something like "Who did you think it was, Rorshach?', referring to a 'Watchman' character she had dressed like.
I don't know which episode it's from, but the "You trapped me at 'Hello'' line in a commercial may be a take-off on a line from 'Jerry Maguire'.
A character in, I think, 'The Hodag of Horror' was doing a Christopher Walken impression, I think.
"So is anybody working this case besides the Masked Avenger?"


In "Heart of Evil" episode, the fight scene inside of Zin's volcanic cave reminded me of the Batman 1966 TV show fights. They even had similar music playing and the same zany fight sequences.


loved the use of the phantoms from the old scooby doo where are you episode in the "Wrath of the Krampus" episode.

Are You Watching Closely


Blue Falcon & Dynomutt (with Dr.Quest & Race)


I don't have time to look through this entire thread to see if it has been mentioned yet, but... Don Knotts (famous for his role as Barney Fife on the Andy Griffith Show) can be seen as part of the tour group Velma is leading in the pilot episode of this series.

Knotts made frequent guest appearances on the original Scooby-Doo series in the 1960-70s...

Here is the proof...

Don Knott's in the 2010 pilot episode of Scooby-Doo: Mystery Inc.:

Don Knott's in the original 1969 series: byDooTNM110.png


You see Sari Sumtact from "Transformers Animated " in a couple scenes in
one show .

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I kinda feel that the Dreamweaver could be bases on Dream from Neil Gaiman's The Sandman.


Does anyone know if Dead Justice is a parody of anything?


Those pieces of that disc collected look like the objects in the
movie "7th Voyage of Sinbad " That thing Tom Baker wanted to restore his youth .

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In the first episode: the slime mutant is vaguely modeled after Tarman from Return of the Living Dead. He has the same distinct loping walk and is also discovered in a smoking barrel. Also, a nod is made to a famous Alien 3 scene when the mutant corners Daphne and growls inches from her face.


In "The Devouring" (Chapter 45), the show's Doc Savage analog Doctor Spartan returns. At one point he turns to Fred and says "Fred Jones, you're a brick." which is a riff on a line from the Ron Ely DOC SAVAGE movie.


"Aliens Among Us" contains a number of references to the X-Files:

--Sheriff Stone's childhood alien encounter mirrors Fox Mulder's account of his sister's abduction. Stone's obsessive knowledge of alien lore is also like Mulder's, including his insistence that the aliens are "greys" not little green men, and his repeated reference to the aliens as EBEs (extraterrestrial biological entities).

--The scene where the Mystery Machine stalls on the road is reminiscent of a similar scene in the Season 3 Episode "Jose Chung's From Outer Space," including the use of red lighting. The references to reptilian aliens that live in the center of the earth may also be a callback to this episode. (Or may be a reference to Silurians from Doctor Who, but that might be pushing it! :D)

--Velma cites a static relating alien sightings to sightings of the planet Venus, a direct quote from "Jose Chung's From Outer Space".

--The chase scene through the corn field is evokes a scene from the X-Files movie, when Mulder and Scully are chased through a corn field by unmarked helicopters.

--The final scene of the episode, when the kids return to City Hall to find their office has caught on fire is similar to the final scene of Season 5, when Mulder and Scully discover their office at the FBI has been gutted by a fire.


Wow, that's a lot more than I came up with.
I think the line said by Mrs. Dinkley that Velma's line about Venus was a response to was itself a quote from "The X-Files".

"So is anybody working this case besides the Masked Avenger?"


The Man In The Mirror: References to both Michael Jackson (title) and Silent Hill (story)!

What a "thriller" combo!

- mnw


In Season 2, Episode 8, The Night on Haunted Mountain, when the people first come out, and Granny unmasks, it seems to be an homage to the Wrath of Khan. Also, Ugly Eddy or whatever his name was, is the same voice actor as the 80s "Super Friends" Green Lantern, and later in the episode there is a direct reference to that. Lol.
