Could have done without the Kissing Scene!
Did they really need to have a scene of two young men kissing in the woods?
I had really high hopes for this movie. The premise seemed interesting enough- I was even going to allow my niece and nephew to see it.
I was impressed when I saw it through- the acting was really good, and the story was engaging... up until..
The kissing scene in the woods!??? Okay, I wasn't prepared for that. Its just that there is no hint that its gonna happen and it comes out of nowhere. It really kind of ruined the movie for me. I did find out later in the bio that the main character was a homosexual. I don't care about that, but they could have eased around it in the movie because it came out of nowhere. Literally. It was so good up til that point.
Hasn't anyone heard of the art of implication? Years ago, they knew how to handle these things without making it overt. They didn't need to show THAT!
So now what would have been a wonderful FAMILY film, turned into filth before my eyes. Ouch.