MovieChat Forums > Safe (2012) Discussion > Try Harder - Bruce Willis Wannabe

Try Harder - Bruce Willis Wannabe

This movie was ridiculous. More bullets fired than words. Who writes this S**T? I would have fallen asleep if the gunfire hadnt been so loud.


first off - dissing bruce is just pointless - the guys was one of the biggest stars ever. you expect that to continue forever? He's older - get over it. the man cans still be good if he HAS to be. Second - critiquing a Statham movie is pointless. It always the same movie - either enjoy transporter 8 or shut up about it. Bottom line: anything other than saying whether or not it was enjoyable is just a bunch of blather.


Posting on these message boards is all about opinion and conjecture. Your opinion is that its pointless for us to talk about it, and thats fine, so now you can kindly gtfo and leave us to continue discussing our interests.

Why do people come onto message boards and tell others to "stop talking"???


dumping on bruce willis is not a discussion. You wanna make points to discuss - that's a different story.



Though I didnt dump anything on Bruce Willis (now thats an unsavory image haha) I merely stated the differences between Statham and Willis and why they cant really be judged in the same league. They are both awesome actors but what they bring to an action movie are totally different packages.

Oh and dont leave out the fact that the OP dumped all over statham! This was the whole reason people started posting to this thread in the first place.


dumping on bruce willis is not a discussion. You wanna make points to discuss - that's a different story.



What a lazy comparison. In what way is he a Willis wannabe, do you think he waxes his head to be like him?

Willis generally plays the wise cracking, life trodden, reluctant hero, whose action scenes are more a realistic fighting style, and does more comedy. Whereas Stathom generally plays the more calculating character, who uses his martial arts ability in his fight scenes, and is a bit more slick in the action sequences, and also has a bit better luck with the ladies ie they are not always trying to divorce him lol.

By the way I am a fan of both their works.

Please note: I use the word ‘generally’ as in not always!!



ha good point hawkins the trailer went along the lines of 'gangsters, corrupt cops, politicians and...Jason stathom' with the poster of stathom pointing a gun at you, and you expect there to be more dialogue than bullets? get a clue!


It is true that Jason Statham is a great action hero. i like him and I never miss a movie starred by him. But he hasn't a Die Hard kind of movie hit...yet. So Bruce is way ahead of him.


It makes me laugh when people are saying that Statham can only play one and only one role, always the same etc...

You should check his performance in "London" "Revolver" "Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels" and "Snatch" then compare it at last with its big budget action packed (crappy) movies.

When will people understand that a movies has more to do with the Director and not the actors themselves? When will also people understand that nowadays only money counts for the vast majority of actors? The time of skillful actors which chose their roles carefully is long gone (e.g. Hopkins)

Statham has never claimed he is Oscar material but I find him being a complete and almost great actor, he has finesse, sarcasm and he can be versatile! Proofs are in the movies I've highlighted (and it definitely proves the Director omnipotence over an actor).

As for Bruce Willis it's exactly the same he is one of the heaviest ($$) actors of the last decades (getting old now indeed) he is also a very versatile actor, check his performance in "Twelve Monkeys" "Pulp Fiction" "Four Rooms" (un-credited for legal purposes and a small role) "The Whole Nine (and Ten) Yards" "Hart's War" and finally its debut series "Moonlighting", now tell me he is a simple and stupid action movie actor right?


I don't care if Statham can or can't act. I never watch action movies for oscar nominees. What Statham doesn't have in acting ability he more than makes up for his physicality and sheer badassery. Granted, I'll rate most of his movies a 5 or 6, give the better ones 7 max... but I watch every single movie he makes (even name of the king) simply because he's probably one of the last remaining action heroes of today's era.



I would have fallen asleep if the gunfire hadnt been so loud.



Heh heh, yeah I'm never convinced by Statham. I find many of his films too incredible to tolerate. Don't know about ex-cage fighter, I think he's more ex-geography teacher. No resemblance to Willis back in his day apart from the shiny head. Maybe that's all Statham thought was required?


I don´t care if he is a Bruce Willis wanna be, or if Bruce Willis sucks cock to earn money nowadays. I just wonder why a Japanese kid alway holds the key in his/her to solve a satellite code that can destroy human race. Why not a Mexican?


I've always been a supporter of diversity (...and not just for the sake of diversity) in films but I found it refreshing that the child in this movie was CHINESE.

A boat that floats on water can also sink in it.
