MovieChat Forums > Safe (2012) Discussion > Try Harder - Bruce Willis Wannabe

Try Harder - Bruce Willis Wannabe

This movie was ridiculous. More bullets fired than words. Who writes this S**T? I would have fallen asleep if the gunfire hadnt been so loud.



Statham would effortlessly whoop Bruce Willis' ass sitting down. True......


Michael Jai White owns both of them :-D



A boat that floats on water can also sink in it.


And in 20 years there will be some stupid kid saying Jason Stathom is trash and not as good as *insert next action star here*.

Its not BWillis' fault hes getting on in years.




"The Willis of the Die Hard Trilogy"

i really liked your post....the word in red is very intelligently chosen...90s are long gone and i have to see movies like DH, the rock, conair etc to refresh my memory of really really badass action movies ! why don't they make such movies now !

Why couldn't you put the bunny back in the box?


LOL @ Sexamental In your own words "Willis was good", but the problem is Statham never has been good, great or even okie, and what Statham does is far from "hard-core" or "gritty".

Statham plays himself in everything he is in, he always has and always will he has no clue how to act, his "action" and martial arts are always sub-par and he has stolen his stern silent type look persona from other actors such as Bruce Willis, you might not like it, but thats the truth fanboi-Sexamental.

P.S. I have no favour for either actor, but to see some fanboi rant about one actor that is a complete shadow of a previous actor that did the same things but better needed some attention.


:( I liked Red.
But.......I have to agree Jason is a great actor and Bruce WAS. He's so famous he doesn't have to act anymore. He just shows up......Like Sean Connery.
*hiss* I just *beep* myself over with that comment. lol

"That's a terrible vampire name! Jerry?"


but sean connery doesn't "show up". He's retired.

I could die right now, Clem. I'm just... happy. I've never felt that before.


true. lol But before he retired, he was just so bloody famous he didn't have to do anything. Everybody heard Sean Connery and came running. Not to say he wasn't a good actor, he completely is. lol
"That's a terrible vampire name! Jerry?"


I doubt it... Why would anyone worth $30 mil want to be someone else?



"I would have fallen asleep if the gunfire hadn't been so loud."



I liked it. I likes the way they tried to explain everything in the beginning. It truly is a jumbled mess that you have to try and make heads or tails out of it. Still, after all the characters are introduced, that action picks up and it's a fun ride to the uneventful end. Overall I liked it more then Transporter 2 and 3.


You do all realise that he's calling Statham a Bruce Willis wannabe because the premise for this film is almost identical to Mercury Rising. Statham is an abysmal actor, he can only play one character, while that character fit in beautifully in Snatch and Lock Stock it just seems out of place and stupid in pretty much everything else.

If we're comparying apples to apples, Statham now to Willis at a similar age/stage in his career, Statham's got nothin.



Did you ever see The Mechanic re-make? obviously not.. since there is no relationship with that movie compared to Snatch, Lock Stock, or even this movie. With that perspective, you might as well say Brad Pitt plays the same character in Moneyball as he did in Snatch. get a clue.


One of the major differences between Willis and Statham is that Statham is a martial artist and can hold his own in the heavy action sequences. Willis was awesome in Diehard, The Last Boy Scout, etc. But what he delivers in his action movies are not on the same level as Statham. A good example of a movie that a young Willis could never have held his own in would be the Statham/Jet Li movie "War".

Bruce Willis is one of my favorite actors but when I want to see an all out explosive action film were the physical battles are just as high octane as the gunfights well I dont think of Willis of the top of my head, I think of Statham.

You just gotta admit that the greatest action movies involve martial arts, and this is something Bruce Willis has never done.


Agreed. Only Statham action movie I would watch again besides Transporter 1. I actually took my wife to see this film. I was worried because Statham movies are usually so ridiculous especially Transporter 2,3, Crank, etc. But she really liked it and found it entertaining. Having the little girl in the film made the emotional scenes in this film more plausible. I loved the camera work with the mirrors, especially the car scenes.

Willis' physical acting was good in Die Hard 1 and 2. After that it died down. That same kind of physical action intensity is always seen by Stallone even in his latest Rambo. You need more physical intensity during gunplay if you're not displaying any martial arts in your scenes.

Statham is always intense in his action scenes. That's one thing that I can't complain about.


"One of the major differences between Willis and Statham is that Statham is a martial artist and can hold his own in the heavy action sequences."
enough said! I feel so much better after reading this... Thank you :)


yeah, I strongly disagree with the Willis' comparison and I think it's a conclusion the OP is doing mainly because of their similar looks, the undhshaved Statham looks a little like Willis in his 30-40s. Difference is he is way more fit, he is a martial artist with considerable skills that Willis completely lacked, their base-characters aren't that alike either, Willis had a much more light-hearted tone and more of a comedian. Statham i doing more or less comedic parodic versions of the quiet grunt

Safe was way better than I expected btw after the awful Blitz

"if seagal was thinner this could have been a theatrical product."


I love Bruce Willis, but he CANNOT hold a candle to Jason Statham! Jason is much more BADASS!

LIZ 10:“I’m the bloody Queen, mate. Basically, I rule.”Dr.Who
