How the hell do you know it couldn't have been a fifth grader from South Central who solved the abacus? Geniuses come in ALL colors---Asian folks don't have a claim on intelligence, and if you're ever been on Asian-American sites, even some of them admit that they're getting tired of the whole "Asian people are geniuses" stereotype because it completely ignores the Asian-Americans who aren't geniuses, for one thing---and dosen't even acknowledge their existence or the problems around that particular stereotype.
"If ethnicity/race identity doesn't add to the film then don't put it there."
To whoever said that: People's ethnicities get added to a film whether they add anything or not, so be quiet.
I haven't actually seen the film yet, but yeah, it would be cool to see a film where a Chinese woman gets saved by a brother (like Wesley Snipes did in THE ART OF WAR.) The whole "white savior" thing is so played the hell out, anyway.