MovieChat Forums > Safe (2012) Discussion > What's with the Chinese girl? Stereotype...

What's with the Chinese girl? Stereotypes ftl

Another white man save the day movie? They should instead get an insert xyz african/european girl. Trying to capture the asian market hoping more asian viewers will watch it? Fail. Trying to sell more tickets? Doesn't work.

If ethnicity/race identity doesn't add to the film then don't put it there.

Do people enjoy stereotypes? Do you appreciate the production value of cultural stereotypes?


Hilariously weak trolling.


LOL....I agree...well put. Hahaha


The Chinese girl has a calculator... in her head.

Sincerely, The (\/\/)


So it's like "Rush Hour" with Jason Statham (ish)


not all asians are smart you know. half of us are pretty dumb.


To be fair dumb Asians are still twice as smart as most white dudes. :P


Not in my experience. When I was in school the Asians in my class weren't the brightest crayons in the box, to put it mildly. This surprised me as I believed the general stereotype.

They also had a bad habit of lifting the work of others. I remember a particularly challenging course where my work was lifted off the computer I was last working on. I was doing really well in this course because I liked it and applied myself. When we handed in the assignments the teacher called me to the front and confronted me on why my work was so similar to so many others. I confidently told him it was my work and I didn't know what happened. He was no dummy. He knew what happened and explained it to me and warned me to copy and then delete from the workstation when I was done. I saw the names on the other assignments and that's why I knew they were all Asians. One grabbed it and shared it with his friends.

I've got nothing against Asians but it shows that stereotypes are just that and shouldn't be taken seriously. People are people no matter the color. Honest, dishonest, smart, dumb we're all pink on the inside.


Asians being smart is a cliché? I didn't know and wouldn't think so anyway. No offense, but if Chinese would be smart(er) their country would look different.

Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.
Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!


If ethnicity/race identity doesn't add to the film then don't put it there.

Agreed. We see this formula all the time so it is hard not to pin it as a stereotypical movie. I don't see how any smart mind would enjoy stereotypical entertainment since they are not known to bring any originality or mental stimulation. Then again, Jason Stratham is in it, so......

If I could speak enough languages (I am not always in the mood to read subtitles), Hollywood will never be on my radar. What, with all the garbage they keep sh*tting out.



Internet forums are pretty much the bottom of the barrel. YouTube is the worst but IMDB is getting there.


Bahahaha omg i love you for this comment! So true. Youtube is like shark infested waters, bleed a little and the frenzy starts.

"That's a terrible vampire name! Jerry?"


You guys have obviously never been on the Yahoo comment boards. The worst thing is that unlike Youtube, the people posting on Yahoo are adults and completely serious.


Why don't you complain about stereotyping the Chinese and Russians as criminals?

That's getting now pretty boring! I bet the 99% of the criminals in North America are neither Chinese nor Russians.


Thing is, the Chinese and Russians don't complain as much as Muslims and Blacks, so that is why they make good 'bad guys'. Come to think about it, same with 'dirty cops' CIA and old white corporate CEOs.


Well if they don't have a Chinese youth in peril then you cannot include the Triads...which Hollywood has always had a fondness for. If you have a black or European youth then who would the bad guys be that would be chasing them? I bet you don't have a good answer for that.


Billy: Whaaaaaa. Mommy, they're making a movie about Chinese people, with a white man as the hero. Whaaaaaa.

Mommy: Billyyyyy... I'm not going to yell to you while you're down in the basement!

Billy: But mommy, they're not...

Mommy: SHUTUP and come upstairs to talk.

(Billy pauses his dorky Battlefield Earth online role-playing game and trudges out of his mommy's basement, carrying Mr. Prickles, his pet Hedgehog)

Billy: Mommy, they're ste...

Mommy: Stop and listen to me. Billy, there are two kinds of people in this world. Those that can do, and those that hide in my basement all day at the age of 26, play online role-playing games and judge everyone else because they can't do anything else. Now when you were 3 and wanted to dress up as Wonder Woman for Halloween, we said it would pass. When you were 4 and wanted to dress up as Farrah Fawcett, we said it would pass. Now, you're 26 years old and you're dressed up as Pamela Anderson. What have you got to say for yourself?

Billy: Mommy... they're stereotyping little Chinese girls.

Moral of the story? STFU and play your damn video games!
