The kid ruined this movie with his awful acting
Anybody else's viewing ruined by his terrible acting? I couldn't take the movie serious which was a shame because Naomi and Ewan's performance was outstanding.
shareAnybody else's viewing ruined by his terrible acting? I couldn't take the movie serious which was a shame because Naomi and Ewan's performance was outstanding.
shareIm only half a hour into the film and completely disagree. But each to his own
shareI'm 43 minutes in and I totally disagree as well. I actually think the kid is quite good. He's very young remember, give him a chance!
shareHe just didn't seem to express much emotion, if any emotion at all. I just thought given the circumstances a child of that age would be frightened, scared, distraught at his possible losses and confused. Just seemed to me like they selected any random boy and threw him straight into the movie.
As i said though, I feel Naomi and Ewan's performance was great!
The kid was so wooden they could have used him as a totem pole
"Perhaps he's wondering why someone would SHOOT a man before throwing him out of a plane..."
I understand what you mean...
But let me tell you a long true story short...
When my little brother (10 years) and my little sister (11 years) learned that they will lose their father (so mine...) in the next week... they were wooden for the whole week. For anybody that would not know them, it felt like they were unaffected by the event, because it's what it seems at first glance but deep deep down, when you took time to observe and analyse them you could understand this was their way to cope with the event...
SO I give the young actor the benefit of the doubt!
Good observation/explanation. According to the trivia pg. the family was there for the shoot. That must have been the way the boy behaved.
shareI don't think he was wooden at all. I think he just took his responsibility for his mom and wanted to find his dad and brothers so much, he just sported (as the British say, I think) "a stiff upper lip". He didn't have time to be scared or hysterical; he had a lot to do. He was the oldest, and felt he had a duty to his family.
I loved the younger boy, when his dad said he had to watch over for his little brother: "but, I've never watched over anyone before!"
"but, I've never watched over anyone before!"
I don't know why but that line from that kid was the best!
Why do people post on the IMDb boards when they're in the middle of a movie?
shareIt's not the kid's fault. Look at the screenplay he was given- like, he wouldn't be scared to *beep* and traumatized in that situation... Yeah, right.
But the younger kid was even more hilarious. He was like 6 and he totally understood what was going on and was so cool about it.
This bugged me the most in the movie.
No, he wouldnt. Kids go through devastating situations MUCH MUCH easier than adults because they arent set in "Way world shoud be" yet. also people heavily underestimate invetiveness and resourcefulness of kids when in needy situations. it was entirely possible for the kid to actually go into the shock mode of "must save mother no matter what" and act like that.
Also yes, a 6 year old is old enough to understand what is going on. people get that ability at age of around 3. The problem is mostly with parents who shelter kids and thus the kid is left to find out on his own, often at secrecy because parents not only shelter but outright forbid kids to know how life works.
If this bugged you, please dont have children, you wouldnt be a good parent.
Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.
I agree it is weird behaviour.
But more bizarre are the ones that post midway through movies saying they aren't following the plot and can some one help them understand what's going on.
BTW I thought the kid was actually a pretty good actor.
Hahaha right!?
sharewhen i watch a movie, and get bored, i also stroll to IMDB boards on my second screen to post stuff.
Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.
Nope, he's acting was fine.
shareDid it ever occur to the OP that this boy would be in shock?? The scariest thing that had ever happened to him before was probably a bad dream or running through a dark room at night to get to the bathroom. Have you ever seen real people after a trauma, like a car accident, or a tornado? Standing around staring blankly at the twisted chassis of the car that contains the dead body of their child or parent, or holding and talking to the deceased as if they were alive. Multiply that by about a thousand, and that would start to be what this child was going through. He would have no idea HOW to act. I thought this kid did great.
shareSo presumably by that rationale someone in shock would act like they were in a school play...?
The boy was painfully wooden. Compare his performance with 14 year old Hailee Steinfeld in True Grit. Now her performance is what you call great child acting.
"Perhaps he's wondering why someone would SHOOT a man before throwing him out of a plane..."
His acting was fine to me. He wasn't acting like Jaiden Smith. What else would you have expected him to do? He wasn't acting like Jaiden Smith.
shareOMG...That JS thing was a disaster! If his mom and dad want to buy him something, they should just rent out a theme park for the day, not buy him a part in a movie. THAT was bad acting. I don't even see any potetial there, unlike this young man.
And, to the poster who mentions school plays, no...I would not expect someone to act like they were in shock if they were in a school play...UNLESS it was about a tsunami, a plane wreck, car wreck, shooting, etc. If you have a dictionary, please go look up the word "obtuse." "O" words are right after "N" words. You can do it. If it's too hard, start with the "A" "asinine" and work your way up to "obtuse", then if you're really feeling confident, try "sophomoric." Or you could just do the easy ones, like "ass" or "moron." Give it a shot.
If history does repeat itself, I am SO getting a dinosaur!
Ok, i'll make it simple for you whipchick. He wasn't acting like he was in shock. He wasn't acting at all! Lets face it, his delivery was akin to him reading off of a cue card. And not reading it very well!
The boys acting was abysmal. I would imagine his acting as someone in shock and someone perfectly happy and normal would be exactly the same!
Watch the young Christian Bale in Empire Of The Sun or the aformentioned Hailee Steinfeld for proper child acting.
i don't think we'll be seeing much more of this young woodentop in the future somehow.
"Perhaps he's wondering why someone would SHOOT a man before throwing him out of a plane..."
Repeating something over and over does not make it any more correct. You have your opinion, and I have mine. Let's just agree to disagree, and stop crapping up my inbox with more replies saying the same thing that the last one did.
If history does repeat itself, I am SO getting a dinosaur!
Sounds like you're being scarcastic & rude about Tom just because you enjoy it LeonardPine, but Christian & Hailee had more situations in their roles, more to do. Tom was basically in the water, then stuck in the hospital for the whole film. I think his performance was great for what he was given, the film, not so much.
I have to say the two younger ones were superb. But if that's what you call wooden acting, you don't seem to know what acting is IMO.
Anyway, as you don't like him, you'll know to avoid this "young woodentop" in the future won't you?
Oh boo-hoo! Pay no attention to the nasty man! Tom arguably had the easier role. All he had to do was look a bit dazed and cry when his brothers turned up. His delivery was like a frikkin robot! Admittedly his dialogue was atrocious and the films score was a sentimental pile of dung, but he should have risen above it.
I don't think i'll need to work too hard to avoid him in the near future as the best he'll do is getting a part in Eastenders. And he'll still be wooden in that!
I might actually watch The Impossible again because his acting really did make me snigger!
"Perhaps he's wondering why someone would SHOOT a man before throwing him out of a plane..."
I thought he did really well. I think at a certain point you would be numb. He had to step out of whiny scared kid mode and because a responsible adult. He couldn't break down and cry he had to carry that kid, help his mom into the tree, help her at the hospital, help others, etc. If you recall, he had his break when he said his brothers were dead, then didn't want to help that other kid, then he snapped back and realized he had to grow up fast. so he couldnt be so emotional he had to be numb.
It weakens us to not give our enemies the respect they deserve...
i don't think we'll be seeing much more of this young woodentop in the future somehow.
A whole lot of people with a whole lot more credibility than you disagree with your OPINION..
Life is pain. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
You're not very bright, are you?
shareWhat, I'm not bright because iv noticed an extreme lack of talent and i'm expressing my opinion on a movie database message board?
It was blatantly obvious that he struggled to portrait his character throughout the entire film and for that reason ruined my viewing experience.
The kid drove me nuts too but I think it was more the way he was filmed. Always the dramatic music and slow motion filming closing in on him for dramatic effect. They didn't do that with the others.
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition
Are you the same person who rips on Freddie Hightower? Seems like you are one in the same. In any case, I couldn't disagree with you more. His performance was excellent.
shareWow, words cannot express how totally wrong I think you people are. The kid rocked it. Wooden? Un-emotive? Are you f--king serious? That is dangerously close to not even being an opinion. But a flat out falsity.
I completely agree; I thought the boy was a great actor. He didn't over-act at all
and portrayed the shock and trauma of the entire situation very convincingly.