Derp De Derp

Kevin James derp de derp.

Until ONE day...derpa deedle de derp!

Now, he's gonna learn...

Deep de twiddle te de da derp!

Here Comes The Boom!

Because SOMEtimes, the derp is greater than the derp!

(James falling/getting hit in the head/stumbling next to hot chick)


Couldn't agree more with OP. Pretty sure there will be no MENSA members attending this crapfest.


some people know how to enjoy a silly comedy. And even Mense members can be idiots if they can't enjoy themselves


Billy Madison is a silly comedy. This is a turd shaped like 100 other turds we've seen in the last decade.

A black pool opened up at my feet. I dived in. It had no bottom.


It was funny when South Park did it. I still laughed the first 2-3 times I heard it on IMDB and Youtube comments. At this point, not so much. Sometimes I feel as though South Park is a religion that people randomly follow...

"He never wears a shirt; he never wears shoes: Why hasn’t he died from lack of service?"



Hahahahahahahahahaha! Thank You!





Looks like someone's got sour grapes... And apparently failed grade school english


its actually a social networking thing, originating on sites like 4chan, nothing to do with gamers


Yes South Park is very funny. But I disagree with the OP, I like this film.

The story line is contrived but if you like MMA this movie is worth a watch just because of the cameo's.

Bas Rutten is hilarious.

If you don't know the people involved and you don't like MMA you probably will not like this film.


what is your motivation for posting this?
