wow look at those guns

do you think those are fake biceps or did Kevin James actually get into shape for this?



Joe Rogan said on his podcast that KJ worked out really hard and lost 80lbs for this role!


He also had some real MMA training for the role.



I read a long time ago that he sparred with MMA fighter to get into better shape.


You industry shills should spread your positive reviews out by more than a few minutes. Nobody is going to believe that all of a sudden four guys showed up here who are knowledgeable about an unreleased movie and also lavish in their praise.

When they were young, Rogan would have made a good fighter, but not James. Now they are both old, and neither one can actually spar with a fighter to get in shape. They might have gotten into the ring so that an actual fighter could walk them through a few steps, but get real.

James has been overweight for all of his 46 years, and suddenly he is an action star?


Are you some expert on Kevin James that we don't know about? He played football 3/4 years in college, only quitting the last year to pursue improv/stand-up. He's been into MMA since pretty much forever, and even trains with MMA fighters (before this movie). Bas even said that within a few weeks of coming into America, he made good friends with Kevin.


I came to defend my comment but usaswim helped me out. thanks

I said I had only read it somewhere. It ends up being right but even if it was an incorrect comment you need to relax.


Ever hear of Refrigerator Perry? If you are young and you exercise a lot, then you might be one of the few that can overweight. If you are old and you haven't worked out on more than the dessert bar for over three decades, then you aren't going to last a minute in an action sport.

I have never seen James in shape, and at 46, it ain't gonna happen. He can lose weight, and it will have to be a lot, but you can't shed that kind of weight for one movie without endangering your health.

I don't know if you know this, but real boxers always have a couple of extra schlubs hanging around just so the real pro can get in some grunt work.

But then they also have a couple of good up-and-comers so that they can practice technique.

Watch anything that James has been in. Anything. Go back as many years as you want. That isn't a guy who even considers getting in shape.

I like James a lot; so when you trash me, trash my opinion that he can't pull off being a boxer, or an outfielder, or a linebacker, or a midfielder.

Being a good pitcher or a golfer or even a kicker at that age only happens once in a blue moon.

If he wants to be a bowler, a pool shark, a darts player, fine. Dave Roth and the mighty Mizerak were two of the best roly-poly belly full of jelly "athletes." Of course, by the time they were 46, they were washed up.

A weak 20 year-old boxer with average reflexes is going to kick the snot out of any 46 year-old amateur boxer and most professionals.


When they were young, Rogan would have made a good fighter, but not James. Now they are both old, and neither one can actually spar with a fighter to get in shape.

When Rogan was younger he was a good fighter. Four time state champion and 1987 US Open champion in Taekwondo. And he does still regularly spar with professional MMA fighters and kickboxers. Sparring doesn't necessarily mean going full-out.

Ever hear of Refrigerator Perry? If you are young and you exercise a lot, then you might be one of the few that can overweight. If you are old and you haven't worked out on more than the dessert bar for over three decades, then you aren't going to last a minute in an action sport.

You're correct that the movie's premise isn't very credible, but it's a movie. It's not believable that James, an obvious heavyweight, would be fighting welterweights and middleweights either, but you have to suspend disbelief.

I have never seen James in shape, and at 46, it ain't gonna happen. He can lose weight, and it will have to be a lot, but you can't shed that kind of weight for one movie without endangering your health.

When you're as obese as James was you can absolutely lose 80 lbs over several months with the right training and diet, and I'm sure he had the best of both.
I don't know if you know this, but real boxers always have a couple of extra schlubs hanging around just so the real pro can get in some grunt work.

But then they also have a couple of good up-and-comers so that they can practice technique.

I'm not sure what your point is. It seems like you're arguing against something unsaid.

Watch anything that James has been in. Anything. Go back as many years as you want. That isn't a guy who even considers getting in shape.

Probably because he hasn't had to. Despite his fatness you can tell he's a naturally athletic guy by the way he moves. The people that know and train with him have said as much as well.

You keep bringing up boxing. This isn't boxing.

You saw Dingleberries?


No one can diet and lose 80 pounds in a couple of months without medical problems, including death. You could get a doctor to vacuum your belly though.

If you are speaking of the kind of sparring that fighters do on their light days, maybe James can stand with them for a couple seconds. If you mean the sparring that is done to prepare for a fight, no. They don't hold back. You don't train for a fight by going half speed.

If James is a natural athlete, so is everybody else. What body shape is required before you don't label somebody a "natural athlete?"

The point about having extra bodies around just to pound on is that James, as a Hollywood name, has no trouble getting access to places that normal fat people would be laughed out of. I'm sure he can talk somebody into letting him stand in the ring for a few minutes and goof around like he really is an athlete. He can play golf with Tiger Woods too, if he wants. That wouldn't make him a golfer.

I'm thinking of going to Fantasy Baseball Camp because I am a natural athlete, even though I am older than James. I hope the Yankees have their scouts there.


A couple of months, no, but why do you assume it was only a couple of months? I've heard no actual timeline but I'm guessing he worked at it for much longer than that.

There are many types of sparring. But no, I'm not talking about the all-out fight prep gym wars. He can definitely "spar to get into shape though" though. I don't think anyone is suggesting he's going out there and banging it out Chute Boxe style. I spar to keep in shape, and have done for many years.

Body shape doesn't mean a whole lot. Offensive linemen don't have Adonis physiques yet are very athletic. Rulon Gardner looked like a tub of goo when he bested Karelin. Cole Konrad is beating all comers in Bellator and he looks like Dr. Zoidberg. Big Country, as someone else noted. Fedor reigned over the heavyweight div for years while still being a doughy mess. F'ing sumo wrestlers. Kevin played football in HS and college, and has wrestling experience. He's an athletic guy. Just because someone gets fat doesn't mean they aren't athletic, or don't have athletic potential.

The point about having extra bodies around just to pound on is that James, as a Hollywood name, has no trouble getting access to places that normal fat people would be laughed out of. I'm sure he can talk somebody into letting him stand in the ring for a few minutes and goof around like he really is an athlete.

I still don't get what you're trying to say. You went off on this tangent after someone said that James sparred and trained with real MMA fighters to get in shape and prepare for this role. Which he absolutely did. Somehow you took that to mean that they were saying that Kevin was training like a real fighter would to prepare for a fight and started listing all the reasons that couldn't possibly be true. No one said he was training like a real fighter. They said he trained with real MMA fighters.

You saw Dingleberries?


Christian Bale did...


1) "No one can diet and lose 80 lbs in a couple of months withoud medical problems"

Since when is over half a year a couple of months?

2) "No one is going to convince me I'm not a fatass at 220 and 6'2"

It sounds like you aren't even open to the idea of being convinced of anything, by the look of this thread.

3) You utterly exaggerated people's praising of James's conditioning and shape and put words in people's mouths, saying they are hailing him as an action star.
Who, pray tell, said that?

4) You may have boxed a bit, but you don't know *beep* about boxing or fight sports. You have demonstrated this with your utter ignorance, bloating of people's comments, exaggerations of what sparring is, and generally being completely defensive to the point of being annoying here.

5) Are you just not going to rest until everyone thinks like you? What are you hoping to accomplish here? What is your goal? Because I don't see one. All I see is you arguing for argument's sake.

6) I'm about 25 lbs overweight from my fighting weight due to a back injury, a pretty catastrophic one, but I'm on the comeback trail. At 245 and 6'2 I'm barely overweight. Muscle weighs more than fat and I got anywhere from 25-35 lbs to lose. That said, sparring with you would be a welcomed sight at this point. You really need to get calmed-down some.


You really don't know what you're talking about. If you have the time and dedication, you can lose 80lbs in a couple of months safely.

In 2010, I went 225 to 183 safely in 2 months. This was me at 183. And I worked full time and only went to the gym for cardio twice a week(doing High Intensity Interval Training). I did resistance training at home and dieted mostly in order to transform myself. As an actor who is getting paid based on his ability to sell the character's look, he would have a personal trainer, nutritionist and all the time in the world before shooting to get to that weight goal safely. Do the research then come back and try to speak knowledgeably.

Btw...the fatter you are, the faster you lose weight, when you drastically change your habits. Weight loss 101, watch Biggest Loser when they weigh in weekly to see the amount they lose.


you really are mentally challenged arent you?

I'm going to open a cross dressing store and name it "Susan B. Anthony"


Thought I'd chime in here because Zerunkel is way off mark.

I've done personal training and seen it many times over. If an older person comes to me, and they already have a "fitness base", then no matter how much fat they have on their bodies, it comes off faster and they are amazingly tight and muscular underneath. This is due to the sustained metabolic properties of the muscle they've built that's UNDER that layer of fat. This includes men and women, but I've seen it happen faster for men (or professional women athletes, they are incredible).

Also, I dunno, maybe some weakling 20-year-old may have kicked YOUR ass at some point, but if a trained athlete of 40+ goes up against a skinny kid of 20, that kid certainly will NOT win just because they're only 20. Skill, wisdom, and patience count for a lot. The kid might have an edge when it comes to endurance, but maybe not, since so many kids today spend more time in front of the video games than in the fresh air (well, maybe not as fresh as it could be)...future generations with have some sort of evolved respiratory system--smaller capacity lolol!


The trouble is that he is not a trained athlete. He's just an overweight guy. He played a couple of years of football long long ago.

BTW, you're giving personal trainers a bad name. Do you really feel that an older person who is overweight really has a "fitness base"? What does that mean to you? Does it mean that they don't get winded when they rip open the Twinkies? Fat old people are fat old people. They aren't athletes, and they aren't in shape.


"...has no trouble getting access to places that normal fat people would be laughed out of"

I am big guy and I go to the gym and I've seen all types of people, but no one and I mean no one has ever laughed somebody out of the gym. If anything the heavier you are the more respect you receive but you are there and you are trying.

One does not need $$$$ to get in shape healthy


Of course your gym welcomes fat, out-of-shape people. They are the kind who need a gym.

Some of the posters think that James regularly hung out with and trained with fighters. That's the "access" I was talking about. What fighter wants to train with a guy who gets winded crossing the room?

You're right that you don't need $$$$ to get in shape. Don't know why that is important though. James is rich. He's just out of shape.


I lost 60 pounds in 3 months, and the excercise was done in my own room. My only health problem is being overweight. Unless of course a knee injury goes under that list.

I gained it all back when I injured my knee for the second time, and gave up trying to get back in shape for sports.

But yeah, if I want to I can easily lose all those pounds again. I just lack the motivation to do so. Keep in mind, I barely put any effort into it when I first did. It was less than 30 minutes every day.

Now, about Kevin James... Many years ago after watching an episode of king of queens that had MMA fighters in it, I read that KJ used to workout and was sparring with proffessionals. So he's obviously had some training before this movie, way before. I think there's a short video on youtube - look it up.


You obviously havent seen Christian Bale in the Machinist


I'm looking to lose 80 pounds of weight from mid December 2012 to March 2013. That's 2 and a half months. I know that I can do it. I have previously lost about 10 pounds of weight in a week (even though then I wasn't all that heavy). I know that equals about 6 and 1/2 pounds of weightloss a week for 12 weeks, but it is possible.

Weight loss goals are just ideal weights divided by a realistic time frame. My weight gain was the result of comfort eating, alcoholism, and sedentary lifestyle. Overcoming that problem is just a matter of healthy eating, sobriety, and physical exercise.


Why so cynical BOB?

Tell me have you ever been an athlete or a boxer? or an MMA fighter?

I box, and to a good level, and trust me there are older people swell

In fact some of the fit over 40's were the best training partners and believe me they could last more than a few rounds.

It sounds life you haven't ever done fitness training. Chris moyles , know him? overweight radio producer, got fit, slimmed down, climbed kilimanjaro ran a marathon. Basically that proves your statements are incorrect

If Kevin James did go on a three month course (training) and eat well he would of been able to last a few mins in boxing or MMA training, not to say he wouldn't have found it bought but he would have lasted.

Please stop babbling about things you don't know, yes anyone can get fit and yes people can get fight fit, being younger just makes it easier


Seems like none of you ever saw Kevin James back during his guest appearance on Martial Law. I honestly can't remember the name of the MMA guy he was on there with, but they were bank robbers in that episode. James has always been incredibly agile for a pudgy guy, and has been around these fighters a loooong time, so the movie makes sense...actually, I'm kinda surprised he didn't do this earlier. Good for you Kevin, you go fat boy!


Joe Rogan just got his black belt in BJJ. That is probably one of the hardest achievements in martial arts. He also taught GSP the spinning back kick.

I would say he's an excellent fighter he's just not a competitor.


Not to be pedantic, but Rogan showed him the proper technique for a TKD-style turning side kick.

As for Rogan being an excellent fighter, well that depends on the context. He would absolutely beast the average Joe, smaller guys, and guys with much less training experience, i.e., 99% of the population. But when measured against professional competitors (the ones I actually term "fighters"), who knows. We don't know because he doesn't compete.

You saw Dingleberries?


First, Bob Zuruncle, you are a kill joy! I love the underdog, "Rocky" storyline regardless of the context. Second, you don't work out do you? You have no faith in the human machine. If James dropped 80 lbs. for this film, kudos to him. For him to build up his body, he is prolly capable of beating up a 3rd rate MMA fighter if he was trained properly. Hell, I bet he could kick your ass back when he was a butterball. Now he is fierce. If you like James, why crap on his work? I like him too, but I watched Paul Blart out of pity and kept my mouth shut. You should do the same.


Watch anything that James has been in. Anything. Go back as many years as you want. That isn't a guy who even considers getting in shape.

Oh yeah? Watch this YouTube clip from his show King of Queens and say he has no atheletic ability:


You're kidding, aren't you? He pulls off a few POLE DANCING moves, and you think that shows athletic ability.

They teach that stuff to grandmothers and teenage strippers. It's not hard. It does take knowing the moves.

Tell me what move in that video you couldn't do unless you had more than 5 minutes practice?


Learn to understand what a joke is you bloody idiot.

Gone too soon:
New Amsterdam
Prime Suspect


He's been training with Bas Rutten for years and even cornered one of Bas's fights.
Fast forward to about 5:54, ok ding dong. Just because he's pudgy doesn't mean he can't be athletic. I've met plenty of "fat guys" with lots of muscle underneath and incredible athleticism. Adam Sandler even said once that Kevin is a secret badass. If you doubt me, feel free to step into a cage with the guy.


Thank you!!!!!! I was waiting for someone to mention this season. Sheesh!!!


"A weak 20 year-old boxer with average reflexes is going to kick the snot out of any 46 year-old amateur boxer and most professionals. "

... really?

tell that to George Foreman, Archie Moore, and others...


Christian Bale lost 63lbs for the Machinist, only to turn around and gain almost 100lbs for Batman Begins in the course of 9 months and he's pushing 40. Now I know Bales has never been a fat guy, obviously, all I am saying is it's not so improbable that James could have gotten into good shape for this role, especially if he used to play football and train with MMA fighters. Jame's arms also were looking pretty defined in the trailer, and I doubt they "faked" it with Hollywood effects. There are plenty of strong fat guys, look at the NFL or Sumo wrestlers. Lots of muscle hidden under lots of fat. Just saying...


Of course, it's improbable, dude. Can you name anyone you know personally who has done anything like that? Yes, people do lose a lot of weight (or gain it) when Hollywood waves a ton of money at them, but it's not normal. James, like every kid in America, once played football, but he never trained at anything other than doughnut dunking. James arms are "pretty defined" for an overweight guy. Nobody 5 foot 8 should weight 250. Yes, there are plenty of strong fat guys, but none are in shape, not even the NFL or sumo guys. Overweight is overweight.


You do realize this is a movie right? I'm pretty sure a roided up Sylvester Stallone couldn't whoop any of the dudes he did in those Rocky movies. I'm trying extremely hard and cannot come up with any reasoning behind your posts. These things they call movies.. they use these people they call "actors" and they do this thing called "acting." Since you seem to think you're extremely knowledgeable, maybe you've heard of these terms.

Plus, I could definitely see James puttin in a little bit of work to get some guns. Its not like he looked like he was 220lb of pure muscle. Dude just looked in the best shape we've ever seen. There's a lot riding on a performance like that, even if its just a mediocre action/comedy.. dudes get awards for losing or gaining weight for roles. It makes the sissy upper hollywood crust all excited. So sorry that James can't REALLY cut it as a MMA fighter. Lucky for him and all of us sane people, its just a MOVIE with ACTORS who are portraying CHARACTERS. FICTION BRO.. Look it up.


You are right, dude, but that's not the argument these guys are making. They are saying that he is in shape and he has been training and he does work out with actual fighters and he is a natural athlete.

And that's what I reply to.

Now your post is sensible. He's a fat guy, and Hollywood can cut his scenes short so that he can catch his breath.

But you must have missed all of those other posts from people who are claiming that he is in shape and is actually able to do MMA.

Personally, I don't give a hoot what he once did decades ago or what some retired fighter did or even what he is capable of now if he actually gets in shape.

My original post was in response to the first 3 or 4 posters who glowingly talked about how in shape he was. They all loved the movie even though it hadn't been released yet, and they all posted within a short amount of time. It was just a scam.

All I am doing now is posting back to people who are attacking me. Nothing else.


Bob- All your posts are written from the perspective of someone who's obviously never played a competitve sport. You consider your "fighting weight" at 6'2 to be athlete would consider that scrawny. I saw you reference NFL lineman as "not in shape" and that's where any argument you've made was lost. You're ignorant on a subject and trying to sound like an expert and that's why you're getting such backlash. I promise you, fat or not, Kevin James is in better shape than you. You dont lose 80lbs and gain muscle mass like he did for this film by just crash-dieting. It takes rigorous cardio and weight training.
And your logic that anyone that's 5'8 and over 200 lbs is out of shape is just silly. Many NFL cornerbacks are in that range and I'd be willing to bet they don't have more tham 6% body fat.
Here's some advice: once you realize you're in a hole...stop digging.

What's next?? Something that sounds better than a cassette tape?!


You must like only football, and you must not know ever watch them on the sidelines. A lot of those guys have bellies too big to play Santa.

If you are 80 pounds overweight, and if you do "rigorous cardio and weight training" to supplement your "crash dieting," you will end up a lot more unhealthy. Any doctor will tell you that that is a prescription for a heart attack.

BTW, having 6% body fat is not healthy either.

I think a lot of the trouble here is that people think that being in shape has something to do with how big your muscles are.


Sorry you don't know how to use google, but Kevin James does train with guys like Randy Couture. Two minutes and you can find videos of him sparring. Think before you speak, idiot. You have no clue what you're talking about and you're obviously lazy and probably fat.


Two things:

Dave Roth (David Lee Roth) is a singer, Mark Roth is the bowler.

When I was 44 I started body building and by the time I was 45 I was in the best shape of my life and ran gym rat guys 20 years younger than me into the ground. It's possible to get into great shape at that age. KJ's character was not going to compete against world-class fighters.



I'm not sure what the hell you're talking about.

I suspect that you're not either.


Your point is invalid, weather these actors are big or small, are you with them all the time, just because you have never seen them exercise before, look at Ed O'Neil (Al Bundy from Married with Children) did you know he is a black belt in martial arts?


It's been quite a while since I visited this thread. I took a lot of heat for pointing out that the original couple of posters raved about the movie and how great James looked -- before the movie was even released.

The arguments were hot and heavy. Plenty of trolls were saying that it is healthy to lose 80 pounds in a half a year or that James has been active in sports all his life, or that because several pro athletes retired around James' age that James could actually become a fighter at this late date.

But now the movie is released, and it predictably bombed.

And the corporate trolls have moved on to being fluff boys for the next bomb.



Maybe you should look at the register date and post history. Yeah, really looks like a plant to me.



Have you never seen Roy "Big Country" Nelson. He is by no means svelte or athletic looking, and yet he continues to fight on the biggest stage in MMA (the UFC). There is also another fighter named the "potbelly assassin" (Thomas Ide), he's not in the UFC, but still is making a living in MMA. Since you talk about boxers, what about George Foreman (later years), or James Toney, as boxers they both were soft around the middle, yet still winning fights. So to make an asinine comment that because he's overweight, he's not an athlete, show's your ignorance.
To hell with opportunity, I create opportunity-- Bruce Lee


Roy Nelson was a fighter for a long time. He often was criticized for spending his training at the doughtnut table. He's had a certain amount of success, but now he is old and fat. He is ten years younger than James.

I know nothing of Ide.

George Foreman was a wonder. Somehow that old overweight man came back and dominated for a short time. He is an inspiration to us all. Foreman, a man who came back when all said he was too old, finally retired at age 48, two years older than James.

Toney was a boxer. When he was too old to box, he tried MMA. He lasted 15 seconds and retired. He is a few years younger than James.


Just what level of MMA do you think Here Comes the Boom is showing?

Roy Nelson had a vast amount more success than what James' Boom character is even shooting for...while being quite a bit fatter than James.

The fact that George Foreman can get back into shape and then win a title makes it trivial to believe, particularly in "movie comedy" land...that James character can get back into shape to win, perhaps even by losing...some thousands of dollars. The "goal" is pretty low.

Also, this isn't a documentary about how James would do if he entered MMA...this is a story.

Toney wasn't too old to box. The count of boxers James' age that can win at a local level is...innumerable. You likely don't know because you think MMA is UFC titles and boxing is televised title shots. The sports are deeper than that.

And Toney lasted minutes against another 46-year-old dude (Couture) and conditioning had practically nothing to do with his loss, or Couture's win. Against a different sort of fighter Toney probably would have lasted an entire MMA fight on his feet. (Of course, nobody wise in the UFC would want to try that tactic against Toney so just about anyone in the UFC would have submitted Toney). Couture knew how to wrestle/grapple (hey, like James' character!) and Toney didn't (or didn't know much). Under MMA rules, that's a huge disadvantage.


It would be a big stretch for an overweight 46-year-old couch potato to play flag football. I don't think most in that category could play tag with 5-year-olds for more than five minutes.

By the way, Toney, absolutely started and ended his MMA career with one match. I was wrong that it was a 15-second match. He was off his feet in 15 seconds, but he did hang on for a couple minutes. He is retired because the UFC released him from his contract. Maybe you can write to them and tell them why they were wrong.

Why do you keep bringing up old guys who have retired? Couture is a man who must have a lot of bills because he keeps retiring and coming back. His last retirement came at age 47, one year older than James, but again that 47 year-old man was a lifelong athlete and with all his skills, he could no longer compete. He did not leave a winner. He had a couple straight years of total losses.


Maybe you can write to them and tell them why they were wrong.
They didn't release him because he was overweight, out-of-shape, or in his forties.

They released him because he was a gimmick who didn't know/learn MMA...but was a big name from boxing.

I'm actually glad they released him and was not particularly happy with the stunt.

But...why you are using James Toney, a fighter famous for being competitive even when fat and in his forties (in boxing) as proof that Kevin's character...another fat guy in his forties can't become (far less than Toney) just marginally competitive...I don't know. Your "evidence" works against you.

Why do you keep bringing up old guys who have retired?
Because everyone knows that those old guys who retired who be competitive if not dominant down at the smoker level that Kevin's character enters in order to win some money for his school.

The question is really: why do you think Couture is good additional evidence? Let's see...couture was a former good college wrestler can't entered MMA late and then succeeded into his 40s after years of just working jobs and coaching wrestling at a high school like Kevin's character.


I'm tiring of this thread.

Go look at the other threads. This is the only one where people are defending James as a realistic action star.

I didn't bring up a single athlete's name. I did, however, look up their bios to help me respond to other posters.

Telling us that an aging athlete is still active at James' age is not a good argument that James can peel his butt off the couch and get in shape for the first time in decades for a movie.

James is 5' 8'. I am 6' 2'. I weigh a lot less than James. I am overweight.

Go check the other threads. People are wondering if this is going to be like an Earnest goes to MMA movie.


Telling us that an aging athlete is still active at James' age is not a good argument that James can peel his butt off the couch and get in shape for the first time in decades for a movie.
No, the fact that James got in improved shape for a movie is the argument that James can do so. It's more than an argument; it's already occurred.

The other stuff was argument about whether his character could compete well enough in the sport in order to acquire the prize money for the school.

In Jan 2011, James indicated that had lost 60lbs from his high of 302 lbs, and the lastest info available indicates he's lost another 20 lbs for an 80lb total. He's clearly slimmer in this movie than he was in Jan 2011.

If you are 6'2" and overweight and less than're probably not very overweight. Daniel Tosh is 6'2" and 200lbs...look at him.

Go check the other threads. People are wondering if this is going to be like an Earnest goes to MMA movie.
That has nothing to do with the above. The movie might not be good.

Part of the premise, though, is that it is supposed to be funny and odd and entertaining to watch Kevin James do MMA. Recognzing a premise of the movie is not actually recogninizing a flaw. Clearly, you don't want to watch Kevin James do MMA.

So, why do you want discuss it?


A man of 5' 8' who only lost 80 pounds from his high of 302 is not in shape.

Personally, at 6' 2', I hope I never balloon to 220. My lord, what a porker I would be.


A man of 5' 8' who only lost 80 pounds from his high of 302 is not in shape.
He might be. Local MMA shape at least. The number of porky local 5'8"ish 220 poundish local MMA smoker fighters is literally uncountable there are too many. Though, I doubt you go to your local MMA event to scope it out, let alone an actual fight gym.

Apparently you got a bee in your bonnet that Kevin James was in bad shape (worse shape than you?) and it is troubling to discover he might be in better shape.


It matters not to me whether James is in shape. I made one comment a long long time ago, and people on this particular thread are jumping on it; so I am commenting back.

I agree that there must be a lot of 5' 8' 220 pounders at the lower MMA levels. None are in shape. All are overweight.


If you think heavyweight fighters with fat on them are out of shape, then you do.

However, they tend to be in good shape, even at the low MMA levels they are (usually) well conditioned.

Just...heavyweight fighters frequently carry some flab. They aren't bodybuilders. You can pretend Fedor or Cain or Roy or Brock or Frank should be skinnier. But they are what they are.


6'2 220 is not fat


220 and 6'2" is way fat. I'm ashamed that I am over 200. 165 is fighting weight. 180 is slow.

Nobody is going to convince me that the pot belly that I carry around indicates anything but an overweight guy.


You are way fat at 220 and 6'2...I'm 6'1 and 225...numbers are just numbers...muscle mass is what determines whether those numbers equal fat or not.


that's me at basically the same stats as your porker self...


Very good point about Daniel Tosh not being overweight for his height and weight, except that you got his height and weight wrong.

I checked lightly on the Internet, and on several Google returns, it shows that he is 197 and 6'3".

He is not 200, nor is he 6'2". He is lighter than me and taller than me. If he is in shape at his weight and height, then I certainly am not in shape as a shorter and heavier person.

James is way shorter than Tosh.

James is way heavier than Tosh.

James never got in shape for this movie. He lost weight. There is a big difference.

Once again, let me say that I like Kevin James. This thread was started by a couple of goobers who were ecstatic in their praise for an not-yet-released movie. They all posted within minutes of each others. They all think that James is in great shape.

I don't care if James is in shape. It's his business. I was commenting on the OPs silly "wow look at those guns" posts.


LOL. 197 not 200 means he just took a dump.

THere are a variety of ways a persons mass can be packed onto a frame, of course. Not everybody at 6' 200 lbs (or whatever) look the same.

At any rate, since he did work out MMA-style...he certainly got into some form of shape. Why are you intent on James never getting into shape and only crash dieting? You seem to have it out for the public perception of his exercise and food regime.

When in fact, you don't have any actual info to provide. He at least looks like he's been exercising when they filmed this flick.

It seems odd that your agenda is to (without basis) deny this, at least as a possibility.

There no mutual exclusivity between "lost weight" and "got into shape" so that attempt at reasoning is nonsense.

hey all think that James is in great shape.
Well, it's all relative. Nobody thinks he's great compared to a highly conditioned world-class athlete. But he's "great" compared to a formerly even more fat sitcom actor.

You seem to want to negate that he got into (relatively) good shape to make a movie. You've said multiple false things about him and what folks are capable of, to this end.



Mark Delagrotte actually said he is the most athletic heavyweight that he has ever trained. He also comments that his hand speed is ridiculous for a man of his size.

He did not just lose weight, he got in shape. He trained, sparred and ran and if you see a picture of him 2013 you will see he is even fitter.


You believe BMI matters. Your argument is automatically invalid. Good day, sir.


You're an idiot, really.

Randy could not compete anymore? Are you serious? He probably wasn't going to win another belt but he could compete with most of the fighters in UFC.

And what about Dan Severn? He is what? 53? Still winning.


If Roy Nelson is quite a bit fatter than James, then James must be quite a bit lighter than 254.


Yes...he was down to 240 before training for this movie, according to his Letterman interview. He's quite a bit lighter than that now/in Boom. ng-kevin-james-2504463#photoViewer=12


Now they are both old, and neither one can actually spar with a fighter to get in shape.
Actually both can and do. So can most anyone else to get in shape, within reason.

James has been overweight for all of his 46 years, and suddenly he is an action star?
Sort of. Why have an issue?


Neither can and neither will. They are old.

I don't have an issue with James losing weight suddenly at age 46, but look at the trailer. At 46 and still carrying extra weight, he's not going to be an action star unless they keep each scene very very short to allow him to catch his breath.

Even in shape and slimmed down to what a doctor would consider "in shape," a 46 year old isn't going to last against anybody unless he gets to them quickly.


Neither can and neither will. They are old.
They both already do "spar with a fighter to get into shape." You are incorrect, factually.

he's not going to be an action star unless they keep each scene very very short to allow him to catch his breath.
An action star? More like capable of action in some form of family dramedy.

The point is that 46-year-old out of shape high school teacher can potentially get into shape and then into low-level MMA to win some money or something like that. Nothing more.

So, since that's par for the course in the real world (uncommon, but that's what makes the story potentially have a hook) saying "he's not going to spar" or "he's not going to be an action star" etc. are patently false. He did spar and he is the star.

I think you might're not going to like James as he stars in his action scenes after sparring with a fighter to get into shape. That's about it.

a 46 year old isn't going to last against anybody unless he gets to them quickly.
Wrong. Cardio conditioning isn't the shortcoming of most aging fighters/wrestlers, whatsoever. low level competition it doesn't matter much whatsoever. Any 46 year old can get to a similar level of stamina as your typical low-level journeyman. Go peruse veterans' USAW events or casino-level mma smokers sometime. Or join a fight gym and spar with some of the 46 year olds there.


Neither is going to spar with a real fighter in the way that the real fighter needs to get ready for a fight.

I'm sure that James and Rogan got to goof around in the ring for free. They are Hollywood stars. Real sparring partners get paid. The rest of us would have to pay for the opportunity to get knocked around.

If sparring to you is getting into a ring for a few minutes while a pro shows them a few moves, then I'm sure he sparred.

If sparring to you is going slow and throwing easy punches, then I'm sure he sparred.

If sparring to you is what happens when an athlete is training for a match, then no, I'm sure that he never sparred.


Neither is going to spar with a real fighter in the way that the real fighter needs to get ready for a fight.
What way is that? Describe the differences.

I'm sure that James and Rogan got to goof around in the ring for free.
In addition to that, you should also be sure that they got into pretty good shape. Rogan's been that way for years, James more recently.

If sparring to you is what happens when an athlete is training for a match, then no, I'm sure that he never sparred.
I don't think you know what sparring is, then.

Straight question, no "goof around": Have you participated in a competitive combat sport? Not even MMA. How about judo or wrestling or boxing?


"I'm sure that James and Rogan got to goof around in the ring for free. They are Hollywood stars."

Rogan doesn't do much "goofing around" in the ring. He is a former Tae Kwon Do champion, and he just received his black belt in jiu-jitsu from Tenth Planet. They don't just give those away, you know.

And I've always viewed James as a very athletic guy who just carries a lot of extra weight. I don't know what level of training he has received over the years, but he has been a part of the MMA world for a long time, well before it really started to take off. It seems perfectly reasonable to me for him to play this role.

And you say that when fighters "spar" while training for a fight, they don't hold back. You're kidding, right? That is one of the most ill-informed statements I've heard in a while. If that were true, nobody would ever make it to fight night. There are certain camps that are known to go "full-on" with their training and sparring, but that is by no means the norm.

I am the video word made flesh.


Fighters spar all the time, and they don't hold back. The last thing a fighter needs is a sparring partner who can't perform.

No, sparring isn't fighting, but yes, fighters need to train with a sparring partner who can push them to their top level.

Many top fighters were once sparring partners. Why? Because a good fighter needs a good sparring partner. Except when they are letting Hollywood boys come and play with them, real fighters are not going to be happy with guys like James as their partners. It makes no sense.


James has been overweight for all of his 46 years, and suddenly he is an action star?

WTF?? was he overweight since birth? Did you personally know this man, and does IMDB has his childhood photos up til now? How do u know this?


If you know anything about working out and weight training, you can see how the distribution of fat on his body tells that he wasn't always overweight, or was active while gaining weight. His arms and legs are relatively muscular already, since King of Queens, most of his fat is around his belly, which is due to large carb intake(prob due to alcohol). But the fact that his arms and legs are pretty normal sized...he hasn't always lived a sedentary lifestyle.


He trains with Mayhem Miller, also good friends.

It's not like he just decided to do a comedy about MMA to cash in on the current hype. Well, maybe a little bit. But he's been into MMA for years, so I'm gonna cut him some slack.


Unable to get in shape at 46? What planet are you on? Being 46 precludes nobody, not even those with a history of bad habits and being overweight or obese from getting in shape. And secondly, why does working out with an MMA fighter have to translate to actual in ring combat or sparring? Why does it have to be interpreted that he was fighting MMA guys to get in shape? I am sure he had to train to look somewhat realistic in the ring...but to lose weight? He simply could have worked out with different then the guys from 300 who went boot camp crazy.

Keep in mind the ridiculous resources these people have. The kind where Bale can be ripped Batman to the Machinist back to ripped Batman in no time. Or staying with the fat comeidan - Jonah Hill can change his look and life...John Goodman, Seth Rogen....Jennfier Hudson went svelte.

Is it not possible he simply went through a similar regimen to the MMA guys hitting bags, running, lifting weights or whatever.

I don't think anybody here said Kevin James is an MMA fighter as a result. Give the man credit - shed some weight and worked out for a role. Leave it at that.


I'm in decent shape for a 56-year-old man, but in no way am I in shape. I am what I am.

There's not a doctor in the world that will say that it is healthy to put on and take off massive amounts of weight. Neither will they say that anyone who does so is healthy.
If the posters on this thread would say that James lost some weight and is able to move around for five or ten seconds at a time for the film, I would agree that he could do that.

But these nuts are trying to say that he has been training for years or that he has been involved in MMA for years or that his three years of small town football prove that he is in shape.

Then they bring up fighters that retired at James' age to prove that it can be done.

Then they point out that the level James was fighting at in the movie was low level and full of jelly bellies.

Then some guy says he was 45 when he first started working out and in one year he was kicking butt on 20 year old guys who were also working out.

None of those arguments work. He hasn't played football for 25 years. He hasn't been involved in any active way in any sport. Those jelly bellies in MMA didn't wake up one day and decide to enter MMA. They are old fighters who have been in the sport for years. And for that 45 year old guy, no, you did not work out for just one year and then start kicking butt on guys 25 years younger than you who are also working out. You're just kidding yourself.

I'll bet that James can eat two dozen doughnuts in a sitting, and I'll bet that he can't run 20 yards without puffing like a locomotive.

Does anybody really think that James could visit a doctor's office without getting a strong lecture about weight and cholesterol and diabetes and heart attacks?

Personally, I like James. My original post was in response to 3 or 4 posters who suddenly all posted glowing reviews of a movie that was not yet released, and they all posted within a few hours. It was a scam.


There's not a doctor in the world that will say that it is healthy to put on and take off massive amounts of weight.
? Wrong. Rather, if you are carrying a massive amount of extra weight, almost all doctors will tell you to be healthier by losing that massive amount.

Neither will they say that anyone who does so is healthy.
Your assertion is that doctors tell you that all people who have gone from obese to normal sized are now unhealthy?

Weird logic. Yes people can lose weight unhealthily/too quickly. Others lose weight healthily and not too quickly. Why are you applying the former to Kevin James, though?

nuts are trying to say that he has been training for years or that he has been involved in MMA for years
Well, he has done so, regardless. Making the claim simple truth, not nuts.

But he hasn't gotten into Boom shape until the last year or two.

Those jelly bellies in MMA didn't wake up one day and decide to enter MMA.
Actually, 100% of people who have ever done MMA or any other sport...all did exactly that. One day, they decided to do it.

nd for that 45 year old guy, no, you did not work out for just one year and then start kicking butt on guys 25 years younger than you who are also working out. You're just kidding yourself.
You underestimate the capabilities of 45 year olds. Why?

A dedicated, reasonably talented 45 year old can be competitive against a worse 20 year old, at the lower levels, in any sport.

Nobody is matching Kevin James character up against a world champion, I hope. Only then would your reservations even start to have basis.

Now, this is a signature gun, and that is an optical palm reader.


Sorry, dude. Any doctor will tell you that you would be healthier if you lost that 80 pounds, but no doctor will tell you that you will be healthier if you crash diet to do it.

The story on James is that he was always overweight, that he crash-dieted for this movie, and that he blimped up again as soon as he cashed the check.


Sorry, dude. Any doctor will tell you that you would be healthier if you lost that 80 pounds, but no doctor will tell you that you will be healthier if you crash diet to do it.
But you just added "crash diet" to the equasion with your last post. Nobody was discussing crash dieting. So it is baseless to add that now. Doesn't make your argument hold water; rather it changes the argument to something nobody was arguing.

The story on James is that he was always overweight, that he crash-dieted for this movie, and that he blimped up again as soon as he cashed the check.
He did lose then gain. Not in question. But, where's your basis/proof that he crash dieted? He might have, he might not have. But if we don't know, you're irrational to assert that he did so.

But yeah, if he crash dieted to make one movie then crash gained after, that certainly isn't too healthy. If that's your point, we agree on that all along.

Regardless, he's done MMA-style training for years, known fact about James. Whether he loses weight or gains weight or does so healthily or crash-style, concurrently.

Now, this is a signature gun, and that is an optical palm reader.


He lost his weight in a very short amount of time. There is no argument from anybody about that.

All doctors will tell you that losing extra weight is a good idea.

All doctors tell you that losing large amounts of weight in a short time is hazardous.

As soon as the movie was over, James put it all back on.


He lost his weight in a very short amount of time. There is no argument from anybody about that.
Of course there is.

Becuase, you can neither quantify the amount of weight nor the amount of time.

Therefore, he might or might not have lost weight hazardously. It all depends on the two amounts, combined with the weightloss tactics used (a third factor).

The point is still that you're trying to manufacture a criticism when you don't have enough info for basis.

That it's merely possible that he crash dieted...does not rationalize a claim that he did crash diet, in order to judge him negatively for doing so. Rather, the other possiblility is that he lost weight in a safe manner.

To be accurate, neither of us know the details. But if you see some fat dude lose 50 pounds of fat over months...that doesn't automatically equate to unsafe nor crash diet.

Why do you want to say as much?

Now, this is a signature gun, and that is an optical palm reader.


Are you aware that Joe Rogan is a Legit Martial Arts Fighter ? Black belt and all.. Look up his vids on YouTube, he's even giving tips to GSP.. Look GSP up as well while you're at it.

As for James, he's been an avid fan and practitioner of the sport.. Longer than you'd think.. Doesn't mean he's a noob just cos he doesn't fight on TV.

It's just when "Wrestlers" like Bill Goldberg take interest in the sport; everyone's starts contemplating his Entry into MMA... Chubby / Non Macho looking guys are not noticed..

Look up "ROY NELSON" - You're in for a BIG Surprise.


James has been overweight for all of his 46 years, and suddenly he is an action star?

This isn't an action film... so no.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


Bobby boy is a highly skilled troll.


I'm not a troll. This thread was started by four goobers who praised and praised this movie, even though it hadn't been released.

I like James. I watch his stuff all the time.

That doesn't mean that I should be blind to what he looks like. James isn't bashful about his weight. As soon as the movie was over, he was on Letterman talking about going over 300.

He took off some weight for a movie. He put it back on.

He doesn't deny that he is out of shape.

Why argue with his own opinion about himself.


Bobby boy is a highly skilled troll.


Had some? Kevin James has been an avid MMA fanatic as well as a BJJ practitioner for years before this film was made.


He had worked out for 14 months before filming even started. So yes, those are definitely his arms. All the training in the film is really him. I'm sure there were some stunt doubles in the film as well.


And he still looked fat lol


Good for him! He needs his acting roles to expand, not his waistline.


This movie was probably filmed around this time last year, about when Kevin James was promoting the Zookeeper. Do a little digging around some interviews and you will see what kind of shape he was in last year. Those are not fake.


He is a good real life friend of legendary MMA fighter Bas Rutten (who is also in the film). He can often be seen in the stands at UFC events with him. I know that he has trained sporadically in BJJ over the last few years. I am actually pumped about this movie.


I have heard that legendary MMA fighter Bas Rutten (who is also in the film) actually has friends that are out of shape.

Just a rumor.


The movie itself looks like a worthless Sh*tchunk, but it's good to see Kevin James in shape. I'm kind of amazed the guy hasn't croaked from a heart attack yet to be honest.


You can see a vein in Kevin James' arm

... Now I have hope that anything is possible



There is an episode of Marshall Law from way back in the late 90's I think, with James and Bas Rutten as two thieves, who we see training in MMA on a rooftop. James has indeed been into MMA well before it took off, and has trained with Rutten for years.


You can screw around with real athletes and work up a sweat, but James would need a lot of work to be able to keep up with the ladies at the local health club.

He's not going to stand up against true athletes and work out. It would kill him.



I heard Kevin James was the stand in for The Rocks pec pop of love in Journey 2.
