I am an Indian and I do not see it as racist ( though I do not see how this word fits in here but whatever you say ) .You must accept the fact that there are still many people in country who have not seen elevator or escalators except in big cities (though if you want I can also show you people in big cities like Delhi Mumbai who have never used elevator and escalators because they are not used to of it and they fear it ,so they chose alternative path even if they see them)
and at the same time I refuse to accept the fact by other comment makers who say it is some sort of 'Underdevelopment ' when some people in any country have not seen elevators or things like that ......Really? Seeing elevator is equivalent to development ?.......Unfortunately most of the people compare development w.r.t. USA which is a totally flawed idea.Every country on this planet is unique and must have a different development criteria which suits to their need not which is blind copy of USA beside people of Europe and USA should not forget that they have stable democracy for more than 100 years in some cases even more ,still they lack to provide basic needs to their own people ,and India's or almost any other so called third world country's poverty is result of colonial past they share so indirectly same western world that blame them for being backward are the reason for such backwardness.
Though with time India is progressing and I am optimistic about other countries also,there are some issues to be dealt with but it is a case with every nation .If American are truly a people of developed economy they needs to show this by helping other countries or at least their own countrymen in need, rather than bragging about it.
I am sorry if I hurt anybody' s feeling in any way , but this is not the forum where we should discuss development and what it means,racism or not.it is a forum to discuss art where we should evaluate art without any prejudice and hatred for others .My request to all of you is do constructive evaluation instead of fighting over who is superior .