Obvious that she was the romantic interest because every film has to have a pointless, tacked on love story.
Well apart from Disney who are going through a 'women don't need no man and can be happy and fulfilled alone so let's emphasise that by having every man in our female lead films be an idiot and show her being violent to him' to show we aren't sexist.
Wait this was a Disney film with a male lead?
Oh that's different. We most show the man as clueless about himself and women and relationships and unable to continue living without a woman.
Can't gave the same message for men as we have fit women because that would be sexist.
Knew she was the love interest.
already knew exactly how that plot would play out and even picked not only the insults she would use in him but the ones he would use on himself when the obligatory apology scene came around.
In fact I got a couple of sentences word perfect I've seen this sane cliché that many times.
this and the typical let's be bemused and therfore completely intolerant of another country and its people and culture cliché were the only real downsides to this enjoyable film.
I get that he had to realise it was more for the boys than business but he was right at times about being business first and they could've handled it differently and better but hey got to get the female vote at any expense including the films