The word is 'abode'

I realize in the grand scheme of things its not a huge deal, but at around 40:20 or so when Richard Gere and Odette Annable's characters meet for the first time I am almost certain she says "Welcome to our humble commode", or something to that result.

Anyways I've re-watched that part a few times to be sure and it sounds like she is saying commode every time, instead of abode, which is fair to say they were probable going for.

I am just curious how something like that gets written in the first place, let alone gets missed in editing. Also, are all actors and actresses just muppets?

P.S. I also tried seeing if commode or something that sounds like that is a synonym for abode, couldn't find it.


The stupidity of the human race makes me weep. It was quite obviously a joke. How so many people on this thread can miss this and call it a goof is shocking.

Super Ninja must have heard that The Expendables 2 will be pg13: "I want to barbecue Chuck Norris."


I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it many times in the future, too--the Internet sometimes seems to primarily be a support group for folks with Asperger's Syndrome.

For added fun: now watch as some folks come along and have an issue with me believing that the Internet is literally a support group for Aspies.


That's a joke, I say, that's a joke, son. Ever lived in a house with young children?

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.



it's on the IMDB page under goofs. it's an intentional joke


Welcome to our humble commode...

I've been using that same line for YEARS (around 30). My wife and I watched the movie tonight, and she said "well, you couldn't have stolen it from THIS movie, its only a few years old". However it is true that I DID steal the line....from an episode of "Diff'rent strokes" aired in the late 70s/early 80s, out of Gary Coleman's mouth, and put there by some hack comedy writer. It is EXACTLY true that its a lame joke, and I have always used it with that intention. Anyway, came here to see if anyone picked up in it; it never occurred to me that someone would seriously consider it a goof in the movie. And to be frank, I think anyone who says that it was a goof is doing a little leg pulling.

Interestingly, I could find NO evidence on the web linking the line to Diff'rent strokes or Gary Coleman. Its just too obscure a line from a 30+ year old episode of a crappy TV show. Still, my suspicion is whoever threw that line in the script stole it from the same source I did (possibly indirectly, from the book that someone else in this thread mentioned).



She was welcoming him to her humble toilet

Soylent Green is people!


HAHAHAHAHAHA classic, she's making a joke dude. 

Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.


Abode = Residence
Commode = Toilet

she's calling her home a Toilet...

I often made a the same joke about my first solo apartment after I was introduced to the word 'Commode'


You are a complete moron.

'Then' and 'than' are different words - stop confusing them.


Here in Australia we have a Holden Commodore which is a popular car, a rival to the Ford Falcon. Ford fans call it a Holden Commode and, if given the chance, would probably use it as one.
