"(BTW... what exactly is the connection between Christianity and Capitalism? Racked my brain and I still can't figure that one out. In point of fact, I seem to remember something in the Bible about Jesus chasing the moneychangers OUT of the temple, not into it...)"
In my opinion....there isn't.
For all intent and purposes, liberal will mean democractish and conservative republicanish. Yeah I made up words. What are you going to do about it.
We live in a world where 99% of the people have never had an original thought and just repeat other rhetoric they hear, most of it which is just out right lies. I'm both an atheist with an extreme distaste for religion and a libertarian/conservative. I also grew up and still participate around the punk rock scene which is for the most part full of whiny self-contradictory people. The significance of this is that the punk rock scene probably has one of the highest percent of atheist our of any culture or subculture, almost all of which are also extreme leftist, not to say punk rock is inherently leftest or atheist, but leftest and atheist become attracted to punk rock. What I'm saying is, I've had this discussion many times with the very people who scream at conservatives and Christians and claim they are the same.
Historically and demographically the south has been more conservative and more religious. There are plenty of culture reasons for this but I'm going to skip that and take it as given. Today there exists a place called the south that is both very conservative and religious. Why this exists and why do people still tie them together?
To an extend this false relation has become worse then ever and a fault of both parties. Starting with the cold war, The Soviet Union was a Communist nation and declared itself atheist. In retaliation America (big mistake coming) decided it was a both a capitalistic and Christian nation. One can argue it is or isn't, but the point is the government of America decided to announce and make a point that it both capitalistic and Christian. We now have god in the pledge of allegiance which was inserted during this era. So this is false perspective created by government at the time.
The 60's then took this idea, created the hippie, threw new stuff in the pot and basically created the gigantic cluster *beep* of liberalism we have today. Today liberal are associated with youthful rebellion and interests groups. There are environmentalist, atheists, socialist, gay/women/minority activists. Now is reality there is no relation between any of these interest groups. There is some relation between some. Both atheists and socialist hate the self proclaimed Christian capitalist. As for the women and minority activist part, I can debate which party has actually helped more, but in the eyes of the youth, change is rebellious, and equal rights sounds like change. Obama ran a whole campaign of that word. It is very easy for people to pretend "i don't think we should give reparations to black people" to mean "I hate black people." To a certain extent, helping minorities is a government redistribution of wealth and a socialist movement. Thanks to the 60's, activism in general is associated with hippies and socialist. As for gay activist, well there is no connection. They have never been poor or at economical advantage, but black rights, women rights and gay rights all sound like they should be on the same side right? In reality they are separate issues. Womens rights, gay rights, and minority rights might all be about equality, but because of historical differences minority rights is more closely a battle with poverty and the inequality created from history. Gay right are blatantly targeted by Christians to the point that any secular arguments against them is overshadowed by religious doctrine. So basically we have a dozen interests groups who joined together to fight two enemies that never should have allied.
Also the terms liberal and conservative mean, new thought and old thought respectively. (edit coming cause i hit post too soon). There is inherently a problem with categorizing politics in this fashion. A new idea becomes an old idea over time thus adding to the cluster *beep*.
And I do believe your question was sarcastic, but in case in wasn't...or for those who don't believe so...